09-216r1 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Minor editorial suggestions Date: 2009/05/04 [66:29] C444/C445 Break line before the beginning of C445 which got attached to C444. [67:13] C454 After "the interface" insert "of the procedure pointer component". {This is the only thing it could be, but makes it more readable.} [71:Note 4.35+6,11] "NAME_LEN) NAME =" -> "NAME_LEN) :: NAME ="; "= MEMBER (" -> "= MEMBER (9) (". {Correct syntax errors.} [77:11] Index "abstract type" as a definition. {Abstract types are poorly explained in the standard, but reorganising and adding extra explanation is beyond the scope of this paper.} [159:24] Rename " Syntax" to " Syntax of the pointer assignment statement". {7.2.2 is "Pointer assignment", but this is just the statement syntax, and anyway we want to cross-reference it.} [160:7], C719/C720 Break line before the beginning of C720 which got attached to C719. [189:27] 8.5.1 Image control statements, p2 "Any ... coarray." -> "any ... coarray;". {Fix list syntax.} [291:11] Rename "12.5.1 Syntax" to "12.5.1 Syntax of a procedure reference". {12.5 is "Procedure reference", but we want to cross-reference this.} [301:30] item (4) "that meets the requirements of (7) or (4) in 7.1.12" ->"that is a constant expression" or more conservatively, "that meets the constant expression requirements (4) or (7) in 7.1.12". {As it happens, (4) and (7) are the only parts that it can meet right now, but the shorter version is simpler and clearer.} [327:5-6] 13.6p2 This is duplicative and confusing (it mentions 2 out of the 3 cases), and has no references: replace with plain text (a note would be technically ok, but stylistically poor). "Note that a specific function that is marked with a bullet (\bullet) is not permitted to be used as an actual argument (12.5.1, C1236), as a target in a procedure pointer assignment statement (, C730), or as the interface in a procedure declaration statement (, C1215).". {After my other changes above, 12.5.1 is "Syntax of a procedure reference", is "Syntax of the pointer assignment statement", and is "Procedure declaration statement".} [474:2+] C.1.4p2, after "SUBROUTINE RENDER_X(OBJECT, WINDOW)", Insert new line appropriately indented "IMPORT DRAWABLE_OBJECT, X_WINDOW". ===END===