10-157r1 To: J3 From: Robert Corbett Subject: Interp. regarding deallocating objects Date: 2010 June 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0010 TITLE: deallocating objects that are associated with other objects KEYWORDS: DEALLOCATE associated DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Q1: Consider the program SUBROUTINE SUBR(A) REAL A(*) REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: P, Q COMMON P, Q DEALLOCATE (P) END PROGRAM MAIN REAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:) :: P, Q COMMON P, Q ALLOCATE(P(100)) P = 1.0 Q => P CALL SUBR(Q(1:100:11) END The subroutine SUBR deallocates the object containing the subobject associated with the nonpointer argument A. Is it intended that a pointer may be deallocated while its target is associated with a nonpointer entity? Q2: Consider the code fragment ASSOCIATE (X=>A(3)) DEALLOCATE (A) X = 0.0 where A is an allocatable array that is allocated at the start of the code fragment. Is it intended that an allocatable variable may be deallocated while it is associated with an associate name? ANSWER: A1: No, the deallocation is not intended to be permitted. An edit is supplied to correct this oversight. A2: No, the deallocation is not intended to be permitted. An edit is supplied to correct this oversight. EDITS to 10-007: [, 130:23] Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph "An allocatable variable shall not be deallocated if it is associated with an associate name." [, 131:27] Add the following sentence to the end of the paragraph "A pointer shall not be deallocated if its target is associated with an entity that is not a pointer." SUBMITTED BY: Robert Corbett HISTORY: 10-157 m192 F08/0010 submitted 10-157r1 m192 Draft answer ----------------------------------------------------------------------