J3/10-158 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Final interp request 1. Date: 2010 June 01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: TITLE: How many times are constructed values finalized? KEYWORDS: Finalization DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the program: Module m Type t1 Real c Contains Final :: f10,f11 End Type Type,Extends(t0) :: t2 Real d Contains Final :: f20,f21 End Type Contains Subroutine f10(x) Type(t),Intent(InOut) :: x Print *,'f10 called' End Subroutine Subroutine f11(x) Type(t),Intent(InOut) :: x(:) Print *,'f11 called' End Subroutine Subroutine f20(x) Type(t),Intent(InOut) :: x Print *,'f20 called' End Subroutine Subroutine f21(x) Type(t),Intent(InOut) :: x(:) Print *,'f21 called' End Subroutine End Module Program q Call sub(1.5,2.5) End Program Subroutine sub(x,y) Use m Type(t1),Parameter :: p1 = t1(2.5) Type(t2),Parameter :: p2 = t2(3.5,-3.5) Call s10(t1(x)) Call s11([p1]) ! (a) Call s11([t1(x)]) ! (b) Call s11([ [ [ p1,p1 ] ] ]) ! (c) Call s20(t2(x,y)) Call s21([p2]) ! (d) Call s21([t2(y,y)]) ! (e) Call s21([t2(t1=p1,y)]) ! (f) Call s21([t2(t1=t1(x),y)]) ! (g) Call s21([(p2,t2(x,y),i=1,10**7)]) ! (h) End Program The topic is how many times each final procedure is called on return from each subroutine? For s10, clearly f10 is called once. For s11(a), clearly f11 is called once, and f10 is not called. For s11(b), the standard ( para 5) seems to indicate that f10 is called. That would not make much sense - the value of the structure constructor is part of the value of the array constructor, so calling f10 would mean that that array element would be finalized twice (once by f11, once by f10, in no set order). For s11(c), the standard standard appears to say that f11 is called three times, once for each (nested) array constructor. Seeing as how nesting array constructors is a syntactic thing that makes zero difference to the value - the value of [[anything]] is identical in every respect to the value of [anything] - this does not seem to make sense. For s20, clearly f20 is called once, and f10 is called afterwards to finalize the parent component. For s21(d), clearly f21 is called once, followed by f11 to finalize the parent components. f20 and f10 are not called. For s21(e), f21 and f11 are called as in s21(d); the standard implies that f20 and then f10 are called, but that does not make sense, the same as case s11(b). For s21(f), the situation seems to be the same as s21(e); the wanted f21 and f11, and (unordered) the unwanted f20 and f10. For s21(g), f21 and f11 are called as in s21(d); the standard implies that f10 is called to finalize t1(3) and also that f20 and then f10 are called to finalize t2(t1=t1(3),4). This makes even less sense than before, since the t1 part of the array constructor element is going to be finalized 3 times just because of the syntax we used. For s21(h), f21 and f11 are called as in s21(d) to finalize the whole array constructor value; the standard also implies that f20 and then f10 are called on all of the 5000000 even-numbered elements. Requiring the processor to keep track of all those elements to be finalized on return from s21 seems rather severe. Furthermore, an object that has been finalized is not permitted to be referenced or defined. That makes the multiple finalization interpretation even more hard to understand. Philosophically, finalization should finalize objects exactly once. There seem to be three possibilities here. (1) The finalizers are called multiple times, but on the separate entities created by the constructors. For example s21(g), that is t1(3) is created as object X, when t2(...) is evaluated a new separate object Y is created and that value is copied into it, and when [...] is evaluated a third object Z is created with the value of Y copied into it; afterwards, we effectively have call f10(X); call f20(Y); call f21(Z); call f11(Z%t1) For s21(h) that burden is going to be extreme because the standard says these are "finalized after execution of the innermost executable construct containing the reference" (and it is possible to detect this in a conforming program); changing that to "finalized after the value has been used" would be better if slightly vague. (2) These entities are indeed finalized multiple times, just as the standard implies. (3) Constructors that are merely providing part of the value of a bigger constructor are not finalized. (4) Constructors should never be finalized in themselves, this was just a design error that inevitably leads to multiple or unwanted finalization. Which is the correct approach? ANSWER: Approach 3. Finalizing anything more than once, or constructors that merely provide part of the value of a bigger constructor, was not the intention. Edits are provided to correct the mistake. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Approach 4. Constructors don't do anything that needs finalization. Edits are provided to correct the mistake. EDITS: {to 10-007} [76:24,28] In When finalization occurs, paragraphs 5 and 7, Before ", the entity created" Insert "that is not a or ". ALTERNATIVE EDITS: [76:24-25,28-29] Delete paragraphs 5 and 7 of (When finalization occurs). SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 10-nnn m192 Submitted ----------------------------------------------------------------------