J3/10-195 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Interp on vector subscripts Date: 2010 June 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0039 TITLE: Many-one vector subscript usage. KEYWORDS: Vector subscripts. DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider SUBROUTINE zap(z,i) REAL z(:) INTEGER i(:) IF (no_duplicates(i)) z(i) = 0 END SUBROUTINE ... REAL x(10) ... CALL zap(x,(/ 2,3,2 /)) (The user-defined function no_duplicates returns .TRUE. if and only if its argument has no duplicate values.) "Vector subscript" paragraph 3 says: "If a vector subscript has two or more elements with the same value, an array section with that vector subscript shall not appear in a variable definition context (16.6.7)." In the execution of zap from the CALL statement, the array section z(i) has a vector subscript with two elements with the same value, and appears in a variable definition context, in violation of the stated requirement. Q. Is this program fragment standard-conforming? ANSWER: Yes, this program is standard-conforming. The quoted requirement is poorly worded; an edit is supplied to correct it. EDITS to 10-007: [124:9] Replace "shall ... (16.6.7)" with "is not definable and shall not be defined or become undefined". SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 10-195 m192 F08/0039 Submitted ----------------------------------------------------------------------