To: J3 10-208r1 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Executing a type-bound procedure on a coindexed object Date: 2010 October 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUMBER: F08/0043 TITLE: Executing a type-bound procedure on a coindexed object KEYWORDS: coarrays, polymorphism DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider the following program: module m type :: foo integer :: i = 0 contains procedure, pass :: op end type contains subroutine op(this, i) class(foo) :: this this%i = i end subroutine end module m program p use m class(foo), allocatable :: o_foo[:] integer :: me allocate(foo :: o_foo[*]) me = this_image() if (me == 1) then call o_foo[2]%op(1) ! Type-bound call. end if sync all if (me == 2) write(*,*) o_foo%i end program p This program is not standard-conforming, as it violates one of the requirements of, viz "If the actual argument is a polymorphic coindexed object, the dummy argument shall not be polymorphic." However, if the type-bound call were replaced by SELECT TYPE(o_foo) TYPE IS (foo) CALL o_foo[2]%op(1) END SELECT appears to be standard-conforming. The example program appears to be harmless, so the requirement appears to be unnecessary. It is conjectured that the requirement is misworded and should instead be "If the actual argument is a polymorphic subobject of a coindexed object, the dummy argument shall not be polymorphic."? Q1. Is this requirement intentional? Furthermore, constraint C1229 says of a that is the object for a type-bound procedure reference, that it "shall not be a polymorphic subobject of a coindexed object"; however, C617 already prohibits any from being a polymorphic subobject of a coindexed object except as the subject of a type parameter inquiry or as the actual argument in an intrinsic inquiry function reference, so C1229 appears to be completely redundant. Q2. Is constraint C1229 redundant? ANSWER: A1. The requirement is intentional, and needed to avoid a potential type enquiry of an object on another image. Consider TYPE,EXTENDS(foo) :: badfoo CLASS(*),ALLOCATABLE :: badcomponent(:) END TYPE If the dynamic type of object "o_foo" were "badfoo", the call to the type-bound procedure cannot be resolved without enquiring the type of o_foo%badcomponent on image 2 (because it needs to know how much to copy, and how); this type is not necessarily the same type as that of o_foo%badcomponent on image 1. A2. Yes, constraint C1229 is redundant. An edit is supplied to remove this unnecessary redundancy. EDITS to 10-007: [290:1] Delete C1229. SUBMITTED BY: R. Bader HISTORY: 10-208 m193 Submitted 10-208r1 m193 Revised ------------------------------------------------------------------------