J3/10-217r1 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen, Bill Long Subject: Inappropriate use of "may" Date: 2010 October 10 Discussion: The draft TR incorrectly uses "may" in several places. The use at [12:31] might be correct, but I doubt it. {The intent is to allow the user to modify the base address in a pointer. See paper 10-235 for added restrictions on modifications of members.} The use at [12:32] is almost certainly wrong, but there are other problems with that paragraph so it is the subject of a separate paper. {See paper 10-218 (Problem 2)} The use at [17:20] is definitely wrong - one cannot give permission to do something in non-normative text. But that paragraph has other problems so is the subject of a separate paper. {See paper 10-218 (Problem 3). Edits there replace this paragraph.} Edits are provided for other incorrect uses of "may" that are not covered above. Edits to 10-165r2: [3:8] 2.1p2, "may appear only" -> "shall appear only". {Requirement.} [3:17] 2.2p2, "may appear only" -> "shall appear only". {Requirement.} [11:1-] Immediately before 5.2.6 Functions, in NOTE 5.1, "may have the same value" -> "can have the same value". {Possibility.} [11:7] 5.2.6p2, "may become associated" -> "can become associated". {Possibility.}