To: J3 11-147 From: Craig Rasmussen Subject: Definition of base_addr is ambiguous Date: 2011 February 17 References: N1838 The definition of base_addr member of CFI_cdesc_t in 5.2.2 of N1838 is ambiguous. It states "The base address of an array is the C address of the element for which each subscript has the value of the corresponding lower bound." In N1838 we discuss two languages, C and Fortran. Both languages use the term array subscript and it is not explicitly stated in which language the subscript refers to. The lower bound comes from the descriptor so the usage is not as ambiguous, especially since lower bound is always 0 in C. Edits are provided to make the definition of base_addr more precise. EDITS [9:28] Replace "for which each subscript has" with "for which each Fortran subscript has".