To: J3 11-256 Subject: Coarray requirements From: John Reid Date: 2011 October 12 References: WG5/N1835, WG5/N1858, WG5/N1883 Discussion: This is a first draft of the Requirements Document that WG5 requested J3 to write. PROPOSAL 1: Add collective procedures Needs It is important to be able to perform simple operations across images efficiently. The most important example is to sum coarrays across images. If built into the processor, advantage of its topology can be obtained without special user coding. As well as support for a small number of standard operations, there should be support for user-defined operations. Suggestions 1. A set is proposed in N1858, but they are based on replication of transformational intrinsics of Fortran 2008, rather than real needs and do not include support for user-defined operations. 2. In N1835, Bill Long suggests the five collective subroutines CO_BCAST, CO_MAX, CO_MIN, CO_REDUCE, CO_SUM. They are not image control statements (the user is responsible for synchronization). 3. In N1883, the Rice group propose additional collectives and suggest that each of the collectives of MPI should be reviewed. They suggest the addition of asynchronous variants of the collectives using event notification; these versions would differ from the synchronous versions only by the addition of a completion event parameter. Conclusion A small set similar to Bill Long's should be adopted. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 2: Add teams Needs For efficient execution on a large collection of images, it may be necessary to subdivide the images into teams that execute independently. It is important, for example, that libraries are able to execute collective operations and to synchronize across subsets of images without delaying uninvolved images. Similarly, allocation of coarray data (or other resources) on uninvolved images serves only to aggravate the memory footprint on these images. Additionally, teams are also convenient to organize code for working on sub-problems such as for linear algebra applications. It is important that code does not need to be rewritten to run on a team. Suggestions 1. N1858 contains a detailed proposal using teams based on lists of image indices. It requires code to be rewritten to run on a team. 2. The Rice group (N1883) suggest the use of a WITH TEAM construct to avoid the need for code to be rewritten. Within the construct, image indices are interpreted as positions in the team. They highlight the importance of a TEAM_SPLIT command for subdividing a team. They suggest adding a object TEAM_DEFAULT of type IMAGE_TEAM whose team consists of the closest enclosing WITH TEAM block, or TEAM_WORLD if there is none. It is important that each coarray access be able to be specified as relative to a particluar team; the WITH TEAM construct is simply syntactic sugar surrounding this functionality. 3. Robert Numrich (N1883) suggests the complete removal of teams. 4. The Rice group (N1883) suggest adding a constant TEAM_WORLD of type IMAGE_TEAM whose team consists of all images. 5. The Rice group (N1883) suggest adding a TEAM_RANK intrinsic that returns the zero-based logical index of an image within a team. They additionally suggest extending NUM_IMAGES to accept an argument of type IMAGE_TEAM as a mechanism for determining the cardinality of a team. Conclusion Develop the WITH TEAM construct before deciding whether to include teams. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 3: Add NOTIFY/QUERY synchronization Needs NOTIFY/QUERY will permit more efficient execution by allowing an image to perform independent actions while waiting for data from another image. Suggestions 1. N1858 contains a detailed proposal. 2. In N1883, the Rice group highlight the danger of a QUERY statement becoming associated with the wrong NOTIFY statement, for example, when code that uses the feature calls a library code that also uses it. Their suggestion is to add an event type, objects of which type may be used to identify NOTIFY/QUERY associations. 3. In N1835, Reinhold Bader made several suggestions for improvements. 4. In N1883, Uwe Kuester suggests using a different keyword for the blocking QUERY since it is so different from the non-blocking QUERY. 5. The Rice group suggests that NOTIFY and QUERY be renamed with a common prefix so that they appear together lexically in the standard and in references based on it. Conclusion Include NOTIFY/QUERY with changes similar to those suggested by the Rice group, Reinhold Bader, and Uwe Kuester, including the addition of an event type. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 4: Add features for parallel I/O Needs In a parallel program, I/O is sometimes needed for data that is distributed across images. Suggestions In N1858, it is suggested that direct-access files be used. Little interest has been shown in this idea. Conclusion Add no feature for parallel I/O at this time. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 5: Add global pointers Needs Global pointers are needed to support distributed linked data structures and other references to remote data. Suggestions 1. In N1883, the Rice group suggested adding copointers with a given rank and corank. When referencing a remote object via a copointer, this is made apparent by the notation [], e.g. p8(6)[] = 42 assigns element 6 of the target remote coarray. 2. In N1835, Reinhold Bader suggests adding coscalars. A coscalar exists on a single image and is referenced on any image with the empty cosubscript []. It may have the pointer attribute. A structure on one image may have a component that is a coscalar pointer with its target on another image. For details, see N1835. Discussion The new kinds of pointers in the two suggestions are similar. Each stores the image index of the target. The Bader proposal is significantly more complicated since it also contains the idea of any image being able to access a local object that resides on one image. Conclusion Since the aim has always been to keep coarrays simple, only the Rice proposal should be explored further. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 6: Allow asymmetric allocatable and pointer objects Needs An asymmetric allocatable array may be constructed via a coarray of a type with an allocatable array component, e.g. type parent real, allocatable :: a(:) end type parent type(parent) p[*] ... p[img]%a(:) = 2*p[img]%a(:) Users would like to declare and use this object directly, e.g. real, allocatable :: a(:)[*] ... a(:)[img] = 2*a(:)[img] Suggestions Bill Long suggests the syntax of the Needs paragraph, but points out that this thing cannot be called an "allocatable coarray" without having significant side effects elsewhere in the standard. Conclusion Do not pursue this further since the functionality is already available. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 7: Add more atomic operations Needs Bill Long in N1835 suggested adding atomic compare-and-swap and other atomic subroutines, atomic operations should be added. These have existed (with different spelling) in the Cray coarray implementation from the beginning due to specific customer demands. All take integer arguments. Having standardized and portable names would be good. The Rice group make the same request (N1883). Suggestions The basic compare-and-swap operation is: atomic_cas (atom, old, compare, new) which performs atomically: old = atom if (old == compare) atom = new The following further atomic subroutines are suggested: atomic_add atomic_fadd atomic_and atomic_fand atomic_or atomic_for atomic_xor atomic_fxor where the 'f' versions are the "fetch_and_" versions of the ones with out the 'f'. Conclusion To be written. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 8: Remove restrictions on coarray components Needs Robert Numrich points out (N1835) that many of the restrictions on derived type components are unnecessary. In particular, he asks for the removal of the restriction that a child type can add a coarray component only if its parent has a coarray component. It messes up inheritance by, for example, forcing every abstract type to contain a dummy coarray component just in case somebody wants to extend it by adding a coarray component, which will often be the reason it is being extended. Suggestions Conclusion Review the restrictions on coarray components. ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 9: this_image(x) be scalar if x has rank one Needs Robert Numrich (N1835) hits this problem every time he writes new code and finds it embarrassing to explain it to a new coarray programmer. Suggestions Conclusion This is not accepted since it would break the Fortran model in which the result of a function is determined by its arguments and not the context in which it is called. The functionality is available as this_image(x,1). ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 10: add a predicated copy_async intrinsic Needs Achieving high performance and maximizing utilization on current supercomputers requires strategic overlapping of communication and computation. Suggestions The Rice group (N1883) suggests adding a predicated asynchronous copy intrinsic for this purpose. Predication allows programmer flexibility in scheduling the copy; asynchrony enables communication of the data being copied to overlap computation being performed meanwhile in the program. Conclusion To be written ........................................................................ PROPOSAL 11: make the TS smaller than N1858 Needs Suggestions Conclusion To be written