J3/13-267 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Interp f08/92 on derived type parameters Date: 2013 June 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0092 TITLE: Derived type parameter requirements KEYWORD: Derived type parameter DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Consider Type t1(a,a) Integer,Kind :: a Integer,Len :: a End Type Type t2(a) Integer,Kind :: a,a,a End Type These type definition appears to valid, in that (a) there is no requirement that a type parameter appears only once in the ; (b) there is no requirement that a type parameter appears in only one , and only once. Were these intended to be valid? What is their meaning? ANSWER: These were not intended to be valid, and they are not valid because the standard does not establish an interpretation for them. Unique names for type parameters can possibly be deduced from the scoping rules. Edits are supplied to make the requirements explicit. EDITS to 10-007r1: [61:19+] In, after C427 insert new constraint "C427a (R426) The same shall not appear more than once in a ." {Require unique names for type parameters.} [64:9] In, C438, after "shall appear" insert "exactly once". {Forbid multiple declarations of a type parameter, whether in the same or more than one.} SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: m201 13-nnn Submitted ----------------------------------------------------------------------