J3/13-278 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Interp f08/95 on PRESENT Date: 2013 June 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0095 TITLE: Is PRESENT allowed in specification and constant expressions KEYWORD: PRESENT, optional dummy argument DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: J3 consideration in progress QUESTION: Q1. Consider Subroutine s1(a) Integer,Optional :: a Logical,Parameter :: x = Present(a) Print *,x End Subroutine Does this program unit conform to the standard? 7.1.12 item (4) permits "a specification inquiry where each designator or function argument is ... (b) a variable whose properties inquired about are not (i) assumed, (ii) deferred, or (iii) defined by an expression that is not a constant expression," PRESENT is a specification inquiry (because it is an intrinsic inquiry function), and the standard does not say that the "presence" of an optional dummy argument is an assumed or deferred attribute, and it does not appear to be "defined by an expression" either. On the other hand, the standard does not say anything about what kind of property the presence is. Q2. Consider Subroutine s2(a) Integer,Optional :: a Real x(Merge(2,3,Present(a))) If (Present(a)) Then x = [ 1,2,a ] Else x = [ 1,2 ] End If Print *,x End Subroutine Does this program unit conform to the standard? It appears to satisfy the rules for specification expression, similarly to how it satisfies the rules for a constand expression, but then the standard is silent as to what sort of property "presence" is... Q3. Consider Subroutine s3(a) Character(*),Optional :: a Real x(Len(a)) Print *,Size(x) End Subroutine Does this program unit conform to the standard? Using the same reasoning as Q1 and Q2, it appears to conform, but if A is absent, LEN(A) is not permitted by ANSWER: A1. Program unit S1 was not intended to conform to the standard. An edit is provided to clarify that this is not valid. A2. Program unit S2 was intended to conform to the standard. An edit is provided to clarify that this is valid. A3. This program was not intended to conform to the standard. An edit is provided to clarify that this is not valid. EDITS to 10-007r1: [150:24] 7.1.11p2, item (9)(b) after "variable" insert ",that is not an optional dummy argument, ". {Prevent specification enquiries on optional dummy arguments.} [150:27+] 7.1.11p2, after item (9) entirely, insert "(9a) a specification inquiry that is a constant expression, (9b) a reference to the intrinsic function PRESENT," {Allow inquiries on optional dummy arguments that will not violate the rules in when the dummy is absent, and allow PRESENT to be used.} [150:37] 7.1.11p4, item (1) after "intrinsic inquiry function" insert "other than PRESENT". {Remove PRESENT from list of specification inquiries, this fixes constant expressions.} SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen/Van Snyder HISTORY: m201 13-nnn Submitted ----------------------------------------------------------------------