To: J3 J3/14-104r2 From: Reinhold Bader & Bill Long Subject: Alternate suggestion for changes to counted events Date: 2014 February 12 References: N1996, N1999 Discussion: ~~~~~~~~~~~ Nick MacLaren in his vote has pointed out that counted events still suffer from incomplete specification in the TS draft, leading to variant interpretations and possibly to a circular definition. While there exists the fallback of permitting binary semaphores only, the latter cause sufficiently much clutter in code that can profit from counted events that I feel it is worth the trouble to retain them. Therefore, this paper suggests adding suitable gatekeeper semantics to EVENT WAIT, as well as removing the STAT_POSTED_IMAGE and the MAX_COUNT feature. The way to retain counted events is based on Bill Long's suggestion of allowing an UNTIL_COUNT on EVENT WAIT. Edits to N1996: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Section 6.2: Replace [15:8-9], "An event variable ... event variable." by "An event variable has a count that is updated by execution of a sequence of EVENT POST or EVENT WAIT statements. The effect of each change is as if it occurred instantaneously, without any overlap with another change." Section 6.3: [15:24] Replace "post-spec-list" by "sync-stat-list" [15:26-27] Delete R603 [15:29] Replace "event variable's count" with "count of the event variable by 1". [15:30-33] Delete "If the MAX_COUNT ... (6.5)." Section 6.4: [16:3] Replace "sync-stat-list" by "wait-spec-list" and insert a new line "R604+ wait-spec is UNTIL_COUNT = scalar_int_expr or sync-stat Replace [16:5-7] by "Execution of an EVENT WAIT statement causes the following sequence of actions: (1) the threshold of its event argument is set to UNTIL_COUNT if this specifier is provided with a positive value, and to 1 otherwise, (2) the executing image waits until the count of the event variable is greater than or equal to its threshold value or an error condition occurs, and (3) if no error condition occurs, the event count is decreased by its threshold value." Delete [16:8-10] "During execution ... another change" [16:14-19] Delete section 6.5. Section 7: [23:40] After "successful waits", add " without an UNTIL_COUNT specification". Section 8: [33:12-13] Delete. {Removes the insertion of the now deleted 6.5 into Clause 13.} Annex A: [38:45-39:17] Replace example A.2.2 by John Reid's tree code: "A tree is a graph in which every node except one has a single "parent" node to which it is connected by an edge. The node without a parent is the "root". The nodes that has a given node as parent are the "children" of that node. The root is at level 1, its children are at level 2, etc. A multifrontal code to solve a sparse set of linear equations involves a tree. Work at a node starts after work at all its children is complete and their data has been passed to it. Here we assume that all the nodes have been assigned to images. Each image has a list of its nodes and these are ordered in decreasing tree level (all those at level L preceding those at level L-1). For each node, array elements hold the number of children, details about the parent and an event variable. This allows the processing to proceed asynchronously subject to the rule that a parent must wait for all its children as follows: PROGRAM TREE USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: NODE(:) ! Tree nodes that this image handles INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: NC(:) ! NODE(I) has NC(I) children INTEGER,ALLOCATABLE :: PARENT(:), SUB(:) ! The parent of NODE(I) is NODE(SUB(I))[PARENT(I)] TYPE(EVENT_TYPE),ALLOCATABLE :: DONE(:)[*] INTEGER :: I, J, STATUS ! Set up the tree, including allocation of all arrays. DO I = 1, SIZE(NODE) ! Wait for children to complete EVENT WAIT(DONE(I),UNTIL_COUNT=NC(I),STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS/=0) EXIT ! Process node, using data from children IF (PARENT(I)>0) THEN ! Node is not the root. ! Place result on image PARENT(I) for node NODE(SUB)[PARENT(I)] ! Tell PARENT(I) that this has been done. EVENT POST(DONE(SUB(I))[PARENT(I)],STAT=STATUS) IF (STATUS/=0) EXIT END IF END DO END PROGRAM TREE"