J3/14-129 To: J3 From: Dan Nagle Subject: repairing forall to concurrent Date: 2014 February 12 This paper is an attempt to deprecate forall and move the text still needed to the do-concurrent section. Edits against 14-007 {make the following global changes} <> change to <> <> change to <> <> change to <> <> change to <> {line-by-line edits} {add a comment in the Intro} [Intro] add to the new features list "FOARLL has not been as effective as had been hoped and so has been specified to be obsolescent." {repair branch target} {no need to specify forall-stmt because its an action-stmt} [4:34] set in obs font "<>" [31:23] set in obs font "<>" [31:43] set in obs font "<>" [47:23+] in the table, set in obs font "END FORALL" [141:7] Also obs font for ", or the \si{forall-limit}s and \si{forall-step}s in a FORALL statement (7.2.4)" {move the renamed <> and friends to the do concurrent section} {replace the forall stuff with a pointer to the D-C stuff} [167:17-26] replace with The values of the index variables are determined as they are for the DO CONCURRENT statement (reference DO CONCURRENT here). [167:30-168:2+] {the note moves with the rest} replace with The mask expression is evaluated as it is for the DO CONCURRENT statement (reference DO CONCURRENT statement). [166:31-167:4] move to [177:10+] and renumber as needed {now go back and clobber the old forall stuff} [166:8-170:16] set in obs font section 7.2.4 {add and reword the forall header description to do concurrent} [178:2-3] replace with {the names have already been changed} The forall-limit and forall-step expressions in the forall-triplet-spec-list are evaluated. These expressions may be evaluated in any order. The set of values that a particular index-name variable assumes is determined as follows. (1) The lower bound m1, the upper bound m2, and the step m3 are of type integer with the same kind type parameter as the index-name. Their values are established by evaluating the first forall-limit, the second forall-limit, and the forall-step expressions, respectively, including, if necessary, conversion to the kind type parameter of the index-name according to the rules for numeric conversion (Table 7.9). If forall-step does not appear, m3 has the value 1. The value m3 shall not be zero. (2) Let the value of max be (m2 m1 + m3)/m3. If max 0 for some index-name, the execution of the construct is complete. Otherwise, the set of values for the index-name is m1 +(k1)m3 where k = 1, 2, ..., max. The set of combinations of index-name values is the Cartesian product of the sets defined by each triplet specification. An index-name becomes defined when this set is evaluated. The scalar-mask-expr, if any, is evaluated for each combination of index-name values. If there is no scalar- mask-expr, it is as if it appeared with the value true. The index-name variables may be primaries in the scalar-mask-expr . The set of active combinations of index-name values is the subset of all possible combinations ( for which the scalar-mask-expr has the value true. The range of a DO CONCURRENT construct is executed for every active combination of the index-name values. Each execution of the range is an iteration. The executions may occur in any order. {obs and repair forall stmt target thingie} [188:15] set in obs font "<>," before the above, add <>, [317:1-] in Note 12.49, change safe to reference in constructs such as DO CONCURRENT to "safe to reference in constructs such as DO CONCURRENT \obs{and FORALL}" and much later "FORALL statements" [317:1-] set in obs font in Note 12.50 FORALL <>s" [448:15-16] set in obs font "or as an index-name in a FORALL statement" and "FORALL or". [448:32] Change "FORALL statement or FORALL or" to "\obs{FORALL statement, FORALL construct, or}". [448:35-37] set in obs font "FORALL or" twice and "FORALL statement or" once [448:40-41] set in obs font "FORALL statement, FORALL construct, or" twice. [448:41] set in obs font "FORALL or" [460:5] set in obs font "or FORALL assignment statement" [460:7] set in obs font "or FORALL assignment statement" [461:21] set in obs font "FORALL or" {add to list of obsolescent features in B.2} [474:20+] add "B2.9+ FORALL construct and statement The FORALL construct and statement were added to the language in the expectation that they would enable highly efficient execution, especially on parallel processors. However, experience indicates that they are too complex and have too many restrictions for compilers to take advantage of them. They are redundant with the DO CONCURRENT loop, and many of the manipulations for which they might be used can be done more effectively using pointers, especially using pointer rank remapping."