J3/14-207 To: J3 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: More additional editorial changes Date: 2014 June 25 1. Introduction These are additional editorial changes. No technical effects are intended except as a by-product of making something make sense. There may be interactions between these edits and other editorial and technical papers; the editor should resolve these when entering the edits. 2. Discussion Some of these are additional fixups near places fixed by 14-188, i.e. the editor did not discover all the "bad language" usage. It is entirely likely that bad language yet remains. 3. Edits to 14-007r1 [144:end-8,end-3] Evaluation of numeric intrinsic operations, NOTE 7.20, After "restrict the alternative forms that", Change "may be used" -> "can be used", After "(B - C)", Change "shall be evaluated" -> "are evaluated". {Impermissible language} [237:11+3] NAME= specifier in the INQUIRE statement, NOTE 9.61, "value returned shall be suitable" -> "value assigned will be suitable". {Impermissible language} [260:4+1-2] T, TL, and TR editing, NOTE 10.23, Delete entire note. {Impermissible language. Entire note is a trivial consequence of the syntax.} [270:7+1-2] X editing, NOTE 10.24, Delete entire note. {Impermissible language. Entire note is a trivial consequence of the syntax.} [292:end-4] 12.5.1 Syntax of a procedure reference, NOTE 12,21 "shall not retain" -> "cannot retain". {Impermissible language.} [303:end-6] Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, NOTE 12.39, "variable X shall not" -> "variable X cannot". {Impermissible language.} [314:37] 12.7 Pure procedures, C1296, item (5), "SOURCE= clause" -> "SOURCE= specifier". {It's a specifier!} [314:37-38] Ditto, "an ultimate pointer component" ->"a pointer component at any level of component selection". {Text dating from before we added allocatable components.} [463:4] 16.4 Statement and construct entities, p6, "construct FORALL construct" -> "construct, FORALL construct". {Missing comma.} [478:26] 16.6.8 Pointer association context, "associated dummy" -> "corresponding dummy". [502:22,24] C.4.4 Pointers in variable-definition contexts, "variable-definition" -> "variable definition", TWICE.