J3/14-230 To: J3 From: Nick Maclaren Subject: Implicit copying, association etc. Date: 2014 August 13 1. Introduction --------------- I have tried splitting this up and writing it as interpretations, and have failed in both. The reason that I cannot explain this simply is that it is not a simple problem, even in serial Fortran. While the problems were largely ignorable in Fortran 2003, they are not once coarrays were introduced. Some of the are also exposed in serial code only by true asynchronous I/O, such as in some forms of RDMA and MPI non-blocking transfers. Partially asynchronous I/O, which happens asynchronously but which is copied to and from the program's data space, does not show them up. However, asynchronous access by external agents was introduced only in Fortran 2008. Such failures can and do occur even when a location has its existing value overwritten by the same one (i.e. there is no change to the value). There have been transports where the RDMA 'locked' an active location, and conflicting accesses failed rather than were serialised. They are undefined behaviour in MPI, for precisely that sort of reason. There are two questions that need to be answered: 1) Exactly what are the semantics of copying? 2) Exactly when is copying required, forbidden and permitted? Resolving this is a critical prerequisite to specifying ANY form of data consistency or progress model. It is important to note that MPI and similar standards have a much easier task than Fortran does, in that all of the accesses they need to consider are explicit, with a specific location in the code, and with a specific direction or operation. Fortran association and evaluation is not so simple. 1. Effects of Copying --------------------- The existing restrictions (mainly, and those on the use of coindexed objects) are enough to ensure that association by copying is well-defined for serial code, though there are a few edge cases that need tidying up. However, nowhere in the standard does it say how implicit copying during association or evaluation interacts with the restrictions in 8.5.2p3, nor even when copying occurs or may occur. In this context, evaluation is mainly ASSOCIATE and the VALUE attribute. There are two possible readings of the standard: a) It is the programmers's task to ensure that implicit accesses also follow the restrictions in 8.5.2p3, or b) It is the processors's task to ensure that implicit accesses are not constrained by the restrictions in 8.5.2p3. The former is an unreasonable burden on ordinary programmers, because guessing when a compiler might need to introduce implicit accesses is not easy. Members of WG5 will have no difficulty, but that is not the point (nor what is required by the ISO directives). The latter is an unreasonable burden on implementors, and will invalidate most existing implementations, because there are many circumstances where the actual copying occurs in code that is itself purely serial. In summary, the interaction of association and evaluation with 8.5.2p3 needs defining, whether by specifying when copying is permitted (and in which direction) or otherwise. 2. When is it Used? ------------------- As far as I can see, argument association with the VALUE attribute is the only case in which the standard actually requires copying during association. However, as numerous notes indicate, it permits it in several forms of association, especially argument association unconstrained by TARGET, ASYNCHRONOUS, VOLATILE etc. It is also unspecified (when it is allowed) whether objects may be copied in, copied out, or both. It is required or likely to be used in at least the following circumstances: Association: Association of coindexed objects Sequence association Actual arguments with vector indices Evaluation: Use of coindexed objects in expressions Dummy arguments with the VALUE attribute Array constructors (e.g. as actual arguments) ASSOCIATE with an expression Derived type constructors (e.g. as actual arguments) Most of the latter are 'obviously' evaluations, at least to an implementor, but the standard does not describe them as such. Call by reference (pointing to an address) and call by value/return (copy-in/copy-out) are not the only mechanisms used for association. Call by accessor (Algol 60 call by name or thunking) is sometimes used, but it is rare and will be ignored here. The cases being considered are those where call by reference is not appropriate. Most compilers will use call by value/return (in some cases, in just one direction) for sequence association, all association of coindexed objects, and ASSOCIATE with an expression selector; some will use it for ordinary argument association because of the improved cache locality it can deliver. There may be other circumstances, too. It should also be noted that Fortran does not forbid the use of call by value/return for dummy arguments with the TARGET attribute, provided that it adjusts all pointers appropriately. This is exactly the same "as if" rule that allows the use of compacting garbage collectors with Fortran. There is also an issue with allocatable components, as in example C1. The statement marked 'Zero' is required to print 'T', but what about the ones marked 'One', 'Two' and 'Three'? By implication, they aren't required to print 'T', but does the standard require even 'Two' to print 'F'? In summary, if implicit accesses do interact with 8.5.2p3 (as is almost essential for an MPI-based implementation), then it is critical to state when copying may be used and in which directions. It would be in terms of being processor-dependent, of course. 3. Lack of Specification ------------------------ The lack of an explicit specification was largely ignorable before coarrays, for the reasons given above. The main confusion is whether copying the source counts as a reference or definition (as relevant), in the sense of 7.1.4p2 and points (3)(b) and (4)(b), as in examples A1 to A4. That may be obvious to an implementor, but it isn't to an ordinary programmer. Note that there are many other variations on this theme, not all of which involve functions. Another possible confusion arises from, which says "The processor may perform the component-by-component assignment in any order or by any means that has the same effect." That could be read to imply that it is permitted to call the Copy subroutine in example B. Allocatable components need not be copied even if their parent objects are, as in example C2, and several compilers don't. That isn't a problem, except as how it affects any interaction with 8.5.2p3. In summary, the semantics of intrinsic assignment are spelled out in, but I can find nothing equivalent for copying. At the very least, some wording is needed as to whether it might count as a reference or definition in the sense of 8.5.2p3, and that an object may be copied without its components being copied. Again, everything would be processor dependent. 4. Examples ----------- Example A1: Is the following program conforming? PROGRAM Main INTEGER :: coarray(10)[*] = 0 SYNC ALL CALL Fred(coarray(:)[1]) SYNC ALL IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) PRINT *, coarray CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Fred (arr) INTEGER :: arr(:) CALL Joe(arr(THIS_IMAGE()::NUM_IMAGES())) END SUBROUTINE Fred SUBROUTINE Joe (a) ! In general, an external procedure INTEGER :: a(*) SYNC ALL END SUBROUTINE Joe END PROGRAM Main Example A2: Is the following program conforming? PROGRAM Main IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: array(10) array = 0 CALL Fred(array,array) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Fred (arg1, arg2) INTEGER :: arg1(:), arg2(:) PRINT *, Joe(arg1(::2))+Joe(arg2(::2)) END SUBROUTINE Fred INTEGER FUNCTION Joe (arg) ! In general, an external function INTEGER :: arg(*) Joe = 123+arg(1) END FUNCTION Joe END PROGRAM Main Example A3: Is the following program conforming? PROGRAM Main INTEGER :: coarray[*] = 0 coarray = THIS_IMAGE() IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN coarray = 1 ELSE CALL Fred(coarray[1]) END IF CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Fred (a) INTEGER, VALUE :: a CONTINUE END SUBROUTINE Fred END PROGRAM Main Example A4 (dependent on TS 18508): Is the following program conforming? PROGRAM Main INTEGER :: coarray(10)[*] = 0, dummy = 0 coarray = THIS_IMAGE() CALL CO_SUM(dummy) CALL Fred(coarray(:)[1]) CALL CO_SUM(dummy) coarray = - THIS_IMAGE() SYNC ALL IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) PRINT *, coarray CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Fred (arr) INTEGER :: arr(:) CALL Joe(arr(THIS_IMAGE()::NUM_IMAGES())) END SUBROUTINE Fred SUBROUTINE Joe (a) ! In general, an external procedure INTEGER :: a(*) SYNC ALL END SUBROUTINE Joe END PROGRAM Main Example B: Is the processor required, forbidden or permitted to call procedure Copy when copying the argument in the call to procedure Check? MODULE Assign IMPLICIT NONE TYPE, PUBLIC :: Mytype INTEGER :: comp = 123 CONTAINS PROCEDURE, PRIVATE :: Copy GENERIC :: ASSIGNMENT (=) => Copy END TYPE Mytype CONTAINS ELEMENTAL SUBROUTINE Copy (a, b) CLASS(Mytype), INTENT(OUT) :: a CLASS(Mytype), INTENT(IN) :: b PRINT *, 'Copying', b%comp a%comp = b%comp END SUBROUTINE Copy END MODULE Assign PROGRAM Main USE Assign IMPLICIT NONE TYPE :: Weeble TYPE(Mytype), ALLOCATABLE :: arr END TYPE Weeble TYPE(Weeble) :: object, temp ALLOCATE(object%arr) object%arr%comp = 123 temp = object PRINT *, 'Checking', object%arr%comp PRINT *, 'Checkpoint' CALL Check(temp) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Check (arg) TYPE(Weeble), VALUE :: arg PRINT *, 'Checking', arg%arr%comp END SUBROUTINE Check END PROGRAM Main Example C1: PROGRAM Main USE ISO_C_BINDING TYPE :: Weeble INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: comp END TYPE Weeble TYPE(Weeble) :: object(10) TYPE(C_PTR) :: a, b INTEGER :: i, n = 2 DO i = 1,10 ALLOCATE(object(i)%comp) object(i)%comp = 123 END DO a = Getaddr(object(1)) CALL Fred(object) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! Zero IF (C_ASSOCIATED(a,b)) n = 1 CALL Joe(object) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! One CALL Joe(object(::2)) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! Two CALL Joe(object(::n)) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! Three CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Fred (arg) TYPE(Weeble) :: arg(:) b = Getaddr(arg(1)) END SUBROUTINE Fred SUBROUTINE Joe (arg) TYPE(Weeble) :: arg(*) b = Getaddr(arg(1)) END SUBROUTINE Joe TYPE(C_PTR) FUNCTION Getaddr (arg) TYPE(Weeble), TARGET :: arg Getaddr = C_LOC(arg) END FUNCTION Getaddr END PROGRAM Main Example C2: PROGRAM Main USE ISO_C_BINDING TYPE :: Weeble INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: comp END TYPE Weeble TYPE(Weeble) :: object(10) TYPE(C_PTR) :: a, b INTEGER :: i, n = 2 DO i = 1,10 ALLOCATE(object(i)%comp) object(i)%comp = 123 END DO a = Getaddr(object(1)%comp) CALL Fred(object) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! Zero IF (C_ASSOCIATED(a,b)) n = 1 CALL Joe(object) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! One CALL Joe(object(::2)) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! Two CALL Joe(object(::n)) PRINT *, C_ASSOCIATED(a,b) ! Three CONTAINS SUBROUTINE Fred (arg) TYPE(Weeble) :: arg(:) b = Getaddr(arg(1)%comp) END SUBROUTINE Fred SUBROUTINE Joe (arg) TYPE(Weeble) :: arg(*) b = Getaddr(arg(1)%comp) END SUBROUTINE Joe TYPE(C_PTR) FUNCTION Getaddr (arg) INTEGER, TARGET :: arg Getaddr = C_LOC(arg) END FUNCTION Getaddr END PROGRAM Main