J3/14-233r1 To: J3 Members From: Stan Whitlock Subject: J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #31 revised - due 6-Oct-2014 Date: 2014 September 11 I was mistaken about the interps passed at meeting #204: only 5 interps were passed not 7. These two interps: F08/0110 Interdependence of specifier values in input/output statements F08/0111 Undefinition did not pass the J3 meeting so I am removing them from this letter ballot #31. The ballot is still due 6-Oct-2014. My apologies for the misunderstanding. Enclosed in the next letter ballot on Fortran interpretations. The rules for interpretation handling by which we operate say: o J3 votes on the answer at a J3 meeting; a simple majority vote marks the answer as "passed by J3 meeting". o Between J3 meetings the chair of /interp sends a J3 letter ballot to J3 to approve interp answers that have been "passed by J3 meeting". The letter ballot runs for 30 days. Not voting on three of four consecutive J3 letter ballots is grounds to terminate J3 membership. An interp answer passes by a 2/3rds vote; a no vote must be accompanied by an explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's vote to yes. J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for more study even if the answer passes. 5 Fortran interpretations are currently "Passed by J3 meeting" after J3 meeting #204. This is the letter ballot phase to go from "Passed by J3 meeting" to "Passed by J3 letter ballot". The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted: Yes No Number Title --- --- F08/0108 ultimate components and coarrays --- --- F08/0109 LOCK_TYPE and unlimited polymorphic --- --- F08/0112 STAT= and ERRMSG= in ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE --- --- F08/0113 Specifiers in image control statements --- --- F08/0114 Can LOCK_TYPE components have the POINTER attribute? The text of these interpretations is attached. Each interpretation starts with a row of "-"s. Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no" answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send only the above text {not this entire mail message} with any comments to j3@j3-fortran.org by 11:59:59PM, PDT, Monday, 6-Oct-2014, in order to be counted. Thanks /Stan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NUMBER: F08/0108 TITLE: ultimate components and coarrays KEYWORD: ultimate components, coarrays DEFECT TYPE: Interpretation STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTIONS: 1. Is the declaration of V permitted: type :: one real, allocatable :: C[:] end type one type :: two type(one), allocatable :: A end type two type(two), pointer :: V(:) 2. Is the declaration of X permitted: type :: three real :: C end type three type :: four type(three), allocatable :: A[:] end type four type(four) :: X ANSWERS: 1. Type two is not conforming, because the entity A has a coarray ultimate component and C525 requires such an entity to be a nonpointer nonallocatable scalar. Therefore the declaration of V is not permitted. 2. X satisfies C525, so declaration of X is permitted. X has an ultimate (allocatable) coarray component (A[:]), and therefore acording to C526 must be a dummy argument or have the ALLOCATABLE or SAVE attribute. EDITS: None. SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: 14-163 m204 F08/0108 submitted 14-163r1 m204 Fixed examples in questions, revised answer - passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0109 TITLE: LOCK_TYPE and unlimited polymorphic KEYWORD: LOCK_TYPE, unlimited polymorphic DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTION: Assume type LOCK_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_Fortran_Env is available. Q1. Is allocation of X%C permitted? TYPE t TYPE(LOCK_TYPE),ALLOCATABLE :: c END TYPE TYPE(t) :: x[*],y[*] ALLOCATE(y%c) ALLOCATE(x%c,SOURCE=y%c) Q2. Is allocation of C permitted? class(*), pointer :: C type(lock_type), intent(in) :: L[*] allocate ( C, source=L ) Q3. Is allocation of C permitted? class(*), pointer :: C allocate ( LOCK_TYPE :: C ) Q4. Is pointer assignment to C permitted? class(*), pointer :: C type(lock_type), intent(in), target :: L[*] c => L Q5. Is this ALLOCATE statement conforming? CLASS(*),ALLOCATABLE :: C[:] TYPE(LOCK_TYPE) :: X ALLOCATE(C,MOLD=X) ANSWER: A1. Allocation of X%C is not intended to be allowed. An edit is supplied to correct the requirements on allocation of LOCK_TYPE. A2. Allocation of C is not intended to be allowed. An edit is supplied to correct the requirements on allocation of LOCK_TYPE. A3. This allocation of C is permitted. A4. Pointer assignment to C is permitted. A5. This statement was intended to be permitted. An edit is supplied to correct the requirements. EDITS: [6:7+] After definition parent component, insert new term " potential subobject component nonpointer component, or potential subobject component of a nonpointer component (4.5.1)". [127:8-9] Syntax, C643, Change "C_PTR," to "C_PTR or" Delete ", LOCK_TYPE ... LOCK_TYPE". [127:9+] Insert new constraint "C643a (R627) If SOURCE= appears, the declared type of shall not be LOCK_TYPE or have a potential subobject component of type LOCK_TYPE." [127:18-19], p4, "If" -> "If an ALLOCATE statement has a SOURCE= specifier and an", {There is no problem with MOLD=. "subcomponent" works ok here because we have an object not a type.} SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: 14-164 m204 F08/0109 submitted 14-164r3 m204 As amended, passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0112 TITLE: STAT= and ERRMSG= in ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE KEYWORDS: STAT=, ERRMSG=, ALLOCATE, DEALLOCATE DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTION: Consider CHARACTER(80) text(0:100), msg INTEGER stat,istat(0:80) REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: x(:),y(:,:) ... ALLOCATE(x(10),STAT=stat,ERRMSG=text(stat)) ! A DEALLOCATE(x,STAT=stat,ERRMSG=text(stat)) ! B msg = '' ALLOCATE(y(999999,999999),STAT=istat(LEN_TRIM(msg)),ERRMSG=msg) ! C msg = '' DEALLOCATE(x,STAT=istat(LEN_TRIM(msg)),ERRMSG=msg) ! D In each of the statements labelled A-D, there is a dependency between the STAT= specifier and the ERRMSG= specifier (from STAT= to ERRMSG= in A and B, and from ERRMSG= to STAT in C and D). There appears to be no prohibition against this (though there are many prohibitions against other dependencies in ALLOCATE and DEALLOCATE). Are all these examples conforming, and if so, is the dependent variable referenced with the value of the other variable at the beginning of execution of the statement or at the end of execution of the statement? ANSWER: These are not standard-conforming, as no interpretation is established for them. An edit is supplied to clarify this prohibition. EDITS: [132:4] 6.7.4 STAT= specifier, p1, append "The shall not depend on the value of the .". [132:22] 6.7.5 ERRMSG= specifier, p1, append "The shall not depend on the value of the .". SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 14-208 m204 F08/0112 submitted - passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0113 TITLE: Specifiers in image control statements KEYWORDS: STAT=, ERRMSG=, ACQUIRED_LOCK=, image control DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTION: Consider CHARACTER(80) text(0:100),msg INTEGER stat,istat(2) REAL,ALLOCATABLE :: x(:) TYPE(LOCK_TYPE) :: lock[*], alock(0:80)[*] LOGICAL acq, aacq(0:80) ... SYNC ALL(STAT=stat,ERRMSG=text(stat)) ! A SYNC IMAGES (*,STAT=stat,ERRMSG=text(stat)) ! B SYNC MEMORY(STAT=stat,ERRMSG=text(stat)) ! C LOCK(lock,ACQUIRED_LOCK=acq, & STAT=istat(MERGE(1,2,acq)), & ERRMSG=text(istat(MERGE(1,2,acq)))) ! D UNLOCK(lock,STAT=stat,ERRMSG=text(stat)) ! E LOCK(alock(stat),STAT=stat) ! F msg = '' UNLOCK(alock(LEN_TRIM(msg)),STAT=stat, & ERRMSG=msg) ! G stat = 13 SYNC IMAGES(stat,STAT=stat) ! H msg = 'oops' SYNC IMAGES(LEN_TRIM(msg),STAT=stat, & ERRMSG=msg) ! I In each of the statements labelled A-F, there is a dependency between the STAT= specifier and the ERRMSG= specifier. There appears to be no prohibition against this. Additionally, in the LOCK statement (D), there is a dependency between the ACQUIRED_LOCK= specifier and the STAT= specifier (there is no dependency between ACQUIRED_LOCK= and ERRMSG= because the former is only set on successful execution and the latter is only set on an error condition). There appears to be no restrictions at all on any dependencies from ACQUIRED_LOCK=. In the LOCK statement (F), there is a dependency between the STAT= specifier and the lock variable. Similarly for the UNLOCK (G), there is a dependency between the lock variable and the ERRMSG= specifier. In the SYNC IMAGES statement (H), there is a dependency between the STAT= variable and the image set. In the SYNC IMAGES statement (I), there is a dependency between the ERRMSG= variable and the image set. Are all these examples conforming, and if so, is the dependent variable referenced with the value of the other variable at the beginning of execution of the statement or at the end of execution of the statement? ANSWER: No interpretation is established and therefore these are not conforming. An edit is provided to clarify this. EDITS: [190:16-] 8.5.4 SYNC IMAGES statement, insert new p1, "The value of shall not depend on the value of or .". [194:6-] 8.5.6 LOCK and UNLOCK statements, insert new p1, "The shall not depend on the value of , , or the in the ACQUIRED_LOCK= specifier. The shall not depend on the , , or .". [195:2-] 8.5.7 STAT= and ERRMSG= specifiers..., insert new p1, "The shall not depend on the value of the , , or the in the ACQUIRED_LOCK= specifier. The shall not depend on the value of the , , or the in the ACQUIRED_LOCK= specifier.". SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 14-209 m204 F08/0113 submitted - passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F08/0114 TITLE: Can LOCK_TYPE components have the POINTER attribute? KEYWORD: LOCK_TYPE component, POINTER DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting Assume LOCK_TYPE is accessible from ISO_Fortran_Env. QUESTION: The following type definition and variable declaration are permitted by C1302: type :: One type(lock_type), pointer :: L end type One type(one), allocatable :: L1[*] C1302 requires a named variable of LOCK_TYPE to be a coarray. C526 requires a coarray to be allocatable or to have the SAVE attribute. The following declaration is apparently prohibited because L4 is not a coarray: type(lock_type), pointer :: L4 Was it intended that pointer components of type LOCK_TYPE be permitted, but that named variables of type LOCK_TYPE with the POINTER attribute be prohibited? ANSWER: It was intended that components of type LOCK_TYPE not be permitted to have the POINTER attribute. Edits are provided to correct this mistake. EDITS: [399:18+] LOCK_TYPE, after C1302, insert new constraint "C1302a A component of type LOCK_TYPE, or that has a nonallocatable direct component of type LOCK_TYPE, shall not have the POINTER attribute.". SUBMITTED BY: Van Snyder HISTORY: 14-140 m204 F08/0114 submitted 14-140r1 m204 Revised to reverse decision 14-140r2 m204 Passed by J3 meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------------