J3/14-267 To: J3 From: Daniel Chen Subject: Response to Van's Part1 ballot comments. Date: 2014 October 15 References: N2031 Discussion ---------- This paper is to address selected Part 1 ballot comments Van. 1. [10:14+] A constraint is apparently needed: "C507a (R503) A shall be the name of an accessible coarray." Response: The edit Van provided is adopted. 2. [35:40-42] Isn't the image that executes the SYNC IMAGES, LOCK, UNLOCK or EVENT POST statement involved? If so, replace the sentences with something like "In addition to the image that executes a SYNC IMAGES statement, the other images specified in its are involved. Other than the image that executes a LOCK or UNLOCK statement, the image on which the referenced lock variable is located is involved. Other than the image that executes an EVENT POST statement, the image on which the referenced event variable is located is involved." We think the text should be more precise as Van suggested. An edit is provided. Edits to N2027 --------------- [10:14+] Add following constraint. "C507a (R503) A shall be the name of an accessible coarray." [35:40] Change "is that specified" to "is the union of its and the executing image". [35:40] Change "The image" to "The images". [35:41] Change "statement is that" to "statement are the one". [35:41] At the end of "local variable is located", append the following: "and the executing image". [35:42] Change "The image" to "The images". [35:42] Change "statement is that" to "statement are the one". [35:43] At the end of "event variable is located", append the following: "and the executing image".