J3/15-130 To: J3 From: John Reid & Bill Long Subject: Clause A.3.1 edits to N2040 Date: 2015 February 10 Discussion ---------- Anton Shterenlikht has commented (see N2045) that there are errors in clause A.3.1. The edits for page 53 correct them. He also thought that it was an error not to place a SYNC ALL statement ahead of the subroutine call, but this is not necessary. During the execution of a collective on one image, data cannot be accessed from another image before the collective has been invoked on that image. An edit to NOTE 7.4 clarifies this. Edits to N2040: --------------- [20:28+] In line 3 of NOTE 7.4, after "images." add "A transfer from an image cannot occur before the collective subroutine has been invoked on that image." [53:3-4] Change "scalar coarrays ... variable:" to "vectors whose elements are spread over all images of the current team:" [53:6] Change "x[*],y[*]" to "x,y". [53:17] Replace line by " j_max = j call co_max(j_max)"