To: J3 J3/15-183 From: Nick Maclaren Subject: Event ordering semantics Date: 2015 July 10 References: WG5/N1971, 13-352 and several others Discussion ---------- In the context of TS 18508, specific issues were raised as soon as events were introduced, but have never been addressed. Leaving some uses processor-dependent (i.e. unspecified) and others undefined is fine, but it is essential to agree what defined uses actually do, and exactly where the boundaries are with processor-dependent and undefined. Currently, none of that is agreed, let alone specified. N1971, 13-352 and several other documents contain examples of open questions. We do not necessarily need a precise consistency model, but we DO need to know that one could be produced, in theory. There are three key points: 1) Events look simple, but are not, because semaphores are not known to be even self-consistent, and 'obvious truths' in parallel semantics are very likely to be false. See Background for how the Java people got caught by that one, and how POSIX semaphores are a well-known trap. 2) I have been unable to find a consensus in WG5 as to the semantic intent, and individual people's answers have usually indicated that they often hold two incompatible views. The current wording of TS 18508 reflects that. I have proposed three possible solutions: 3) I cannot guarantee that any of these solutions are both consistent and implementable under all circumstances (see Background again for why that is unavoidable), but they are the best that I can do. Proposed Solution One --------------------- This would make examples A.3.2 and A.3.3 both defined, except for the progress issue. [17:15+] Add a new paragraph after 7.2p2: "All changes to event variables are sequentially consistent, and the values returned from EVENT_QUERY are consistent with that ordering." [17:26+] Add a new Note to 7.2: NOTE: Segments, including those ordered by event statements, are required to be in a partial order, which implies some restrictions on the possible synchronisation methods for events. [18:1+] Add a new paragraph to 7.3: "the completion of an EVENT POST statement does not depend on the execution of a matching EVENT WAIT statement." [18:2-4] Delete the paragraph (7.3p4). [18:21-24] Replace 7.4p3 by: "If an EVENT WAIT statement using an event variable is executed with a threshold of k when the event variable has a value of n, and k <= n, the segments preceding all of the EVENT POST statements that have updated that event variable will precede the segment following the EVENT WAIT statement. If k > n, the EVENT WAIT statement will wait until the value of the event variable reaches k. EVENT_QUERY is now an anomalous intrinsic procedure that performs logic (but not data) synchronisation, and I feel that it would be better in a new class. [18:25+] Delete NOTE 7.4 because it is now normative. [27:21+] Add a new paragraph to 8.4.15: "If the value returned by an EVENT_QUERY invocation is in position k of the sequence of values that the event variable takes during execution and the EVENT_QUERY invocation precedes an EVENT WAIT invocation on the variable, the segment preceding the EVENT POST statement that made change i, for any i <= k, will precede the segment following that EVENT WAIT statement." [27:21+] Add a new Note to 8.4.15: "NOTE 8.x This means that EVENT_QUERY has a synchronization effect, but it does not mean that it synchronizes data updates." [49:22+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.1: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress is processor-dependent." [50:35+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.2: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress is processor-dependent. Note that the value returned from EVENT_QUERY for event variables on other images is used solely for failure handling." Proposed Solution Two --------------------- This would make example A.3.2 defined, except for the progress issue, but A.3.3 would be processor-dependent. [17:15+] Add a new paragraph after 7.2p2: "All changes to event variables are sequentially consistent, and the values returned from EVENT_QUERY for variables on the executing image are consistent with that ordering." [17:26+] Add a new Note to 7.2: NOTE: Segments, including those ordered by event statements, are required to be in a partial order, which implies some restrictions on the possible synchronisation methods for events. [18:1+] Add a new paragraph to 7.3: "the completion of an EVENT POST statement does not depend on the execution of a matching EVENT WAIT statement." [18:2-4] Delete the paragraph (7.3p4). [18:21-24] Replace 7.4p3 by: "If an EVENT WAIT statement using an event variable is executed with a threshold of k when the event variable has a value of n, and k <= n, the segments preceding all of the EVENT POST statements that have updated that event variable will precede the segment following the EVENT WAIT statement. If k > n, the EVENT WAIT statement will wait until the value of the event variable reaches k. [18:25+] Delete NOTE 7.4 because it is now normative. [27:21+] Add a new paragraph to 8.4.15: "If the value returned by an EVENT_QUERY invocation on an event variable on the same image is in position k of the sequence of values that the event variable takes during execution and the EVENT_QUERY invocation precedes an EVENT WAIT invocation on the variable, the segment preceding the EVENT POST statement that made change i, for any i <= k, will precede the segment following that EVENT WAIT statement." [49:22+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.1: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress is processor-dependent." [50:35+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.2: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress and whether it detects failure reliably is processor-dependent." Proposed Solution Three ----------------------- This would make examples A.3.1 and A.3.2 both processor-dependent, but would be by far the easiest to implement and most efficient. [17:26+] Add a new Note to 7.2: NOTE: Segments, including those ordered by event statements, are required to be in a partial order, which implies some restrictions on the possible synchronisation methods for events. [18:1+] Add a new paragraph to 7.3: "A program that depends on the segment following an EVENT POST statement being executed before a matching EVENT WAIT statement is executed for that event variable is not conforming." [18:2-4] Delete the paragraph (7.3p4). [18:4+] Delete NOTE 7.2. [18:22] Change "at least" to "exactly" in 7.4p3. [18:23] Following the first "WAIT statement." in 7.4p3, add: "If the event variable has a value of greater than k, which of those segments precede the EVENT WAIT is processor-dependent. Once an execution of an EVENT POST statement has been matched in this way, it will not be used for matching in subsequent EVENT WAIT statements." [18:25+] Replace the body of NOTE 7.4 in 7.4 by: "The ordering of segments is precisely that defined by the execution of the image control statements, and the value of the event variable (as returned from EVENT_QUERY) is purely indicative". [49:22+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.1: "Because the value returned from EVENT_QUERY is purely indicative, whether these programs behave as expected is processor-dependent." [50:35+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.2: "Because the value returned from EVENT_QUERY is purely indicative whether this example behaves as expected is processor-dependent." FULL DISCUSSION --------------- --------------- Background ---------- Events are general semaphores (as distinct from binary semaphores), which are often called counting semaphores, restricted by only the owning image being able to wait on them, so there are many APIs that use them. However, every specification I have found has been merely the syntax and intent, with only a few aspects of the semantics specified. What is more, there are rarely any useful constraints on what those semantics may be, so they are closer to Fortran undefined than processor-dependent. POSIX is well-known for that (see below). Up until the late 1960s, essentially all parallel experts believed that parallel correctness was merely a matter of getting the synchronisation right, but experience with the early parallel systems showed that was not even approximately true. It was another decade before any real progress was made (Hoare in 1978 and Lamport in 1979) - that identified data consistency as the key concept, and one that could NOT be reduced to a synchronisation property. Dijkstra invented semaphores in 1962/3, and described them solely as synchronisation facilities, with only an API (in the above sense). In over 50 years, nobody seems to have been able to provide a specification of general semaphores that does not contain serious ambiguities or inconsistencies, and many of the experts I have talked to suspect that it is impossible. See, for example: .../bionic/semaphore.cpp // Memory order requirements for POSIX semaphores appear unclear and are // currently interpreted inconsistently. // We conservatively prefer sequentially consistent operations for now. // CAUTION: This is more conservative than some other major // implementations, and may change if and when the issue is resolved. An indication of how deceptive this area is may be seen by the fact that it was only in the early 1990s that the theoreticians finally managed to understand the relationship between causality (i.e. that which is delivered by sychronisation) and the 'obvious' semantics. See, for example: Fortran events impose the restriction that they can be waited on only by their owning image, but that simplifies their semantics only very slightly (see below), and a precise specification of them remains beyond the state of the art in computer science. The situation is far nastier than it seems to be, because a lot of hardware and software optimisations allow apparent time reversal, causal violations, and 'out of thin air' effects, and that includes IBM POWER. Despite common belief, such effects cannot be excluded by ANY specification that limits itself to the semantics of a single semaphore. None of the experts I know trust their own intuition, because it is so common that 'obviously correct' specifications contain serious flaws, often unusabilities or inconsistencies. I have been following this area for 40 years, have 20 years practical experience of supporting parallel programmers, and am still learning new ways in which 'obvious truths' are incorrect. Java has had threading since 1995, but its model was discovered to be badly flawed only in 2003 or so, and it had to be replaced in 2004. These are not purely theoretical issues, either, as I can witness from helping people with parallel problems. Even apparent time reversal, causal violations and 'out of thin air' effects really do occur in many parallel contexts. Speaking to other people in the parallel development and support area, most of them had encountered similar issues, but resolved them by rewriting code to use different facilities or a different algorithm, sometimes repeating that for each new environment! Issue 1 (Blocking) ------------------ Is EVENT POST allowed to block until there is a matching EVENT WAIT? The reason that this is a critical question is that all image control statements except SYNC MEMORY are allowed to block, and the ordering of that is explicitly processor-dependent (8.5.5p4). The point is that message-passing implementations have to ensure that all relevant outstanding transfers (including externally-initiated ones) are completed appropriately, and it is very hard to identify them without blocking. It appears that the consensus is "no", in the light of the decision taken in Las Vegas to require asynchronous progress (N2020), but it is not clear from the current normative wording. The current Note 7.2 clarifies nothing, unfortunately. Specifically, are the following programs required to terminate? PROGRAM Block_One USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 2) STOP POST(event[3-THIS_IMAGE()]) END PROGRAM Block_One PROGRAM Block_Two USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 2) STOP POST(event[3-THIS_IMAGE()]) WAIT(event) END PROGRAM Block_Two Solution A: If those are conforming: ---------- [18:1+] Add a new paragraph to 7.3: "The completion of an EVENT POST statement does not depend on the execution of a matching EVENT WAIT statement." Solution B: If not: ---------- [18:1+] Add a new paragraph to 7.3: "A program that depends on the segment following an EVENT POST statement being executed before a matching EVENT WAIT statement is executed for that event variable is not conforming." Issue 2 (EVENT_QUERY) --------------------- Is the segment ordering required to match the value of the event variable, and must that be consistent across images? Are the following programs conforming? PROGRAM Query_One ! This asks whether, if the event count is higher than the wait ! count, the WAIT synchronises after all of the POSTs USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] INTEGER :: data[*] = 0, count IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 2) STOP IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN DO CALL EVENT_QUERY(event,count) IF (count == 2) EXIT END DO WAIT(event) data = 1 ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 2) THEN POST(event[1]) data[1] = 0 POST(event[1]) END IF END PROGRAM Query_One PROGRAM Query_Two ! Assuming the answer to Query_One is "yes", this asks whether the event ! count must be consistent across all images USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event_1[*], event_2[*] INTEGER :: data[*] = 0, count IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 3) STOP IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN WAIT(event_2) WAIT(event_1) data = 1 ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 2) THEN POST(event_1[1]) data[1] = 0 POST(event_1[1]) ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 3) THEN DO CALL EVENT_QUERY(event_1[1],count) IF (count == 2) EXIT END DO POST(event_2[1]) END IF END PROGRAM Query_Two PROGRAM Query_Three ! Assuming the answer to Query_One is "yes", this asks whether waiting ! for the event count to reach the required value is enough (as distinct ! from requiring the WAIT to be executed) USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] INTEGER :: data[*] = 0, count IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 2) STOP IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN WAIT(event) DO CALL EVENT_QUERY(event,count) IF (count == 1) EXIT END DO data = 1 ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 2) THEN POST(event[1]) data[1] = 0 POST(event[1]) END IF END PROGRAM Query_Three Five plausible responses are "no, no, no", "yes, no, no", "yes, yes, no", "yes, no, yes" and "yes, yes, yes". The solution depends on which one is preferred. Solution A: If "no, no, no": ---------- I favour this, and there are certainly some other people who do, but I do not know whether we are in a majority. [18:22] Change "at least" to "exactly" in 7.4p3. [18:23-24] In 7.4p3, replace the sentence: "The segment following a different EVENT WAIT statement using the same event variable can be ordered to succeed segments preceding other EVENT POST statements using that event variable. by: "If the event variable has a value of greater than k, which of those segments precede the EVENT WAIT is processor-dependent. Once an execution of an EVENT POST statement has been matched in this way, it will not be used for matching in subsequent EVENT WAIT statements." [18:25+] Replace the body of NOTE 7.4 in 7.4 by: "The ordering of segments is precisely that defined by the execution of the image control statements, and the value of the event variable (as returned from EVENT_QUERY) is purely indicative". [49:13+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.1: "Because the value returned from EVENT_QUERY is purely indicative, this program is processor-dependent." [50:35+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.2: "Because the value returned from EVENT_QUERY is purely indicative, this program is processor-dependent." Solution B: If "yes, no, no": ---------- My understanding from what they have said is that many people expect this. [18:21-24] Replace 7.4p3 by: "If an EVENT WAIT statement using an event variable is executed with a threshold of k when the event variable has a value of n, and k <= n, the segments preceding all of the EVENT POST statements that have updated that event variable will precede the segment following the EVENT WAIT statement. If k > n, the EVENT WAIT statement will wait until the value of the event variable reaches k. [18:25+] Delete NOTE 7.4 because it is now normative. [27:21+] Add a new paragraph to 8.4.15: "If the value returned by an EVENT_QUERY invocation on an event variable on the same image is in position k of the sequence of values that the event variable takes during execution and the EVENT_QUERY invocation precedes an EVENT WAIT invocation on the variable, the segment preceding the EVENT POST statement that made change i, for any i <= k, will precede the segment following that EVENT WAIT statement." [49:22+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.1: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress is processor-dependent." [50:35+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.2: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress and whether it detects failure reliably is processor-dependent. Solution C: If "yes, yes, no": ---------- This differs from solution B in making example A.3.3 less deceptive and requiring EVENT_QUERY to synchronised. I do not like it, because I can't convince myself that it doesn't have some nasty ambiguities lurking, and it adds serious inefficiency, but am prepared to propose it for the sake of consensus. [18:21-24] Replace 7.4p3 by: "If an EVENT WAIT statement using an event variable is executed with a threshold of k when the event variable has a value of n, and k <= n, the segments preceding all of the EVENT POST statements that have updated that event variable will precede the segment following the EVENT WAIT statement. If k > n, the EVENT WAIT statement will wait until the value of the event variable reaches k. [18:25+] Delete NOTE 7.4 because it is now normative. [27:21+] Add a new paragraph to 8.4.15: "If the value returned by an EVENT_QUERY invocation is in position k of the sequence of values that the event variable takes during execution and the EVENT_QUERY invocation precedes an EVENT WAIT invocation on the variable, the segment preceding the EVENT POST statement that made change i, for any i <= k, will precede the segment following that EVENT WAIT statement." EVENT_QUERY is now an anomalous intrinsic procedure that performs logic (but not data) synchronisation, and I feel that it would be better in a new class. [27:21+] Add a new Note to 8.4.15: "NOTE 8.x This means that EVENT_QUERY has a synchronization effect, but it does not mean that it synchronizes data updates." [49:22+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.1: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress is processor-dependent." [50:35+] Add a new paragraph to A.3.2: "Because this TS does not specify a progress requirement, whether this program will make progress is processor-dependent. Note that the value returned from EVENT_QUERY for event variables on other images is used solely for failure handling." Solution E: If "yes, no, yes": ---------- I do not think that anyone on WG5 favours this, though some users may, so I have not tried to specify it. Solution F: If "yes, yes, yes": ---------- I sincerely hope that nobody on WG5 favours this, but some people have said things that are equivalent to it. The best solution in this case would be to change EVENT_QUERY from a subroutine into an image control statement, but there seems to be no willingness to do that. If not, the next best solution would be a new class of intrinsic subroutine, i.e. an atomic one containing an image control statement, but that would mean significant changes to the TS and main standard. Issue 3 (Sequential Consistency) -------------------------------- In Fortran 2008, the segment ordering is necessarily transitive (i.e. a mathematical partial order, as Note 8.31 says). The only explicit, normative and general requirement is in 2.3.5p1 "... segments executed by separate images are partially ordered by image control statements." Unfortunately, semaphores are NOT necessarily sequentially consistent (see reference above), code sections ordered by them are NOT necessarily in a mathematical partial order (unlike the locks in Fortran 2008), and there is no normative requirement for that in TS 18508. The reason for this is that the event variable count is anonymous, and therefore provides no information on the ordering of the EVENT POST statements. One interpretation is that that wording in 2.3.5p1 is a requirement on all features introduced into Fortran by future Technical Specifications. Another is that it is present to constrain the the processor-dependent semantics specified in 8.5.5 (SYNC MEMORY), and does not necessarily apply to future language extensions. Both are reasonable. Worse, the ordering of semaphores is described solely in terms of the event variable, and we have NOT required atomic variables to be sequentially consistent (on efficiency grounds). It is therefore unclear whether that wording in Fortran 2008 constrains segment ordering by events or not. Thiss leads on to the question of whether values returned from EVENT_QUERY are required to be (globally) consistent with the ordering of EVENT POSTs and EVENT WAITs, even when it is called in an unordered segment. And, lastly, this is a fiendishly complicated area, which took 30 years between identification and understanding in computer science (see Background), and I am only 90% certain that sequential consistency of events and transitivity of sent-ordered segments are equivalent. There are some published results, but they are in a fairly weird notation, and I am not sure that I have correctly translated them to Fortran terms. Aside: for people not familiar with parallel data models, sequential consistency is a global attribute, and cannot be specified by any wording that applies to each object separately. Are events required to be sequentially consistent? Is the following program required to print '1'? I assume that the answer is "yes". PROGRAM SC_One ! This is a classic example, and a surprising number of environments ! will, at least on occasion, print '0' (which indicates simultaneous ! access to data in unordered segments) - 'obviously' that can't ! happen, but parallelism is no more obvious than quantum mechanics. USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] INTEGER :: data[*] = 0 IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 3) STOP IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN WAIT(event) POST(event[2]) PRINT *, data ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 2) THEN WAIT(event) POST(event[1]) ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 3) THEN data[1] = 1 POST(event[1]) END IF END PROGRAM SC_One This example is relevant only if the answer to Query_One (sic) is "yes", because otherwise the ordinary atomic consistency rules (whatever they are) apply. Is the following defined to print "1"? I assume that the answer is "yes". PROGRAM SC_Two ! Consider an implementation with multiple point-to-point links, where ! an EVENT WAIT requests the posting image to ensure that all updates ! have been completed. That is the conventional 'pull' model of ! data synchronisation. USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] INTEGER :: data[*] = 0 IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 4) STOP IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN data[4] = 1 EVENT POST (event[3]) ! Post A EVENT POST (event[2]) ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 2) THEN EVENT WAIT (event) EVENT POST (event[3]) ! Post B ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 3) THEN EVENT WAIT (event) ! Waits on post B ! Waits for image 2 (i.e. Post B) to synchronise data PRINT *, data[4] EVENT WAIT (event) ! Waits on post A ! Waits for image 1 (i.e. Post A) to synchronise data END IF END PROGRAM SC_Two Is the following program allowed to print "1 0" from image 3 and "0 1" from image 4, as well as conversely? PROGRAM SC_Three ! This is the classic IRIW example, and often occurs when the network ! has multiple paths between two points. It is obviously the most ! likely to fail. USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV TYPE(EVENT_TYPE) :: event[*] INTEGER :: count_1, count_2 IF (NUM_IMAGES() /= 6) STOP IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 1) THEN POST(event[5]) ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 2) THEN POST(event[6]) ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 3) THEN CALL EVENT_QUERY(event[5],count_1) CALL EVENT_QUERY(event[6],count_2) PRINT *, count_1, count_2 ELSE IF (THIS_IMAGE() == 4) THEN CALL EVENT_QUERY(event[6],count_2) CALL EVENT_QUERY(event[5],count_1) PRINT *, count_1, count_2 END IF END PROGRAM SC_Three It would be a good idea to close the issue by explicitly requiring sequential consistency for events and, if the answer to Query_Three is "yes", to include EVENT_QUERY, and to include a Note clarifying that 2.3.5p1 applies to event-ordered segments. Solution A: If the answer to Issue 2 (sic) is "yes, yes, yes": ---------- [17:15+] Add a new paragraph after 7.2p2: "All changes to event variables are sequentially consistent, and the values returned from EVENT_QUERY are consistent with that ordering." [17:26+] Add a new Note to 7.2: NOTE: Segments, including those ordered by event statements, are required to be in a partial order, which implies some restrictions on the possible synchronisation methods for events. Solution B: Otherwise, if the answer to Query_One is "yes": ---------- [17:15+] Add a new paragraph after 7.2p2: "All changes to event variables are sequentially consistent, and the values returned from EVENT_QUERY for variables on the executing image are consistent with that ordering." [17:26+] Add a new Note to 7.2: NOTE: Segments, including those ordered by event statements, are required to be in a partial order, which implies some restrictions on the possible synchronisation methods for events. Solution C: Otherwise: ---------- [17:26+] Add a new Note to 7.2: NOTE: Segments, including those ordered by event statements, are required to be in a partial order, which implies some restrictions on the possible synchronisation methods for events. Issue 4 (Tidying Up) -------------------- One response to these issues was to add the following paragraph to 7.3p4 (EVENT POST): "If the segment that precedes an EVENT POST statement is unordered with respect to the segment that precedes another EVENT POST statement for the same event variable, the order of execution of the EVENT POST statements is processor dependent." I am unable to see that it adds anything useful. That never was disputed and does not resolve any problems. It should be deleted. [18:2-4] Delete the paragraph (7.3p4).