J3/15-226r3 To: J3 Members From: Van Snyder & Philip Sharp & Stan Whitlock Subject: Clause 9 Date: 2015 October 15 1. Edits accepted by subgroup ============================= [25:10+ 1.6.3p1 "Fortran 2008 compatibility"] Insert a new paragraph: "Fortran 2008 specifies that the IOSTAT= variable shall be set to a processor-dependent negative value if the flush operation is not supported for the unit specified. This part of ISO/IEC 1539 specifies that the processor-dependent negative integer value must be different from the named constants IOSTAT_EOR or IOSTAT_END in the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV intrinsic module.". {that's very wordy!} [201:16 "Sequential access"] Change "When connected for sequential access" to "While connected for sequential access". [201:29 "Direct access"] Change "When connected for direct access" to "While connected for direct access". [202:13 "Stream access"] Change "When connected for unformatted stream access" to "Whle connected for unformatted stream access". [202:22 "Stream access"] Change "When connected for formatted stream access" to "While connected for formatted stream access". [208:10-11 "[OPEN statement] General"] Delete "and, once connected, a reference to it may appear in any program unit of the program". [208:32 "[OPEN statement] General"] Change "OPEN statement on that file" to "OPEN statement for that file". [218:13 "REC= specifier in a data transfer statement"] Change "only in an data transfer" to "only in a data transfer". [229:1 "Defined input/output procedures"] Change "When a parent READ" to "While a parent READ". [229:3 "Defined input/output procedures"] Change "When a parent WRITE" to "Whle a parent WRITE". [229:6 "Defined input/output procedures"] Change "When a parent data transfer" to "While a parent data transfer". [235:13-15 9.9p13 "FLUSH statement"] Delete "The IOSTAT= variable shall be set to a processor-dependent positive value if an error occurs, to zero if the processor-dependent flush operation was successful, or to a processor-dependent negative value if the flush operation is not supported for the unit specified.". {this belongs in 9.11.5} [235:25-26 9.10.1p1 "Forms of the INQUIRE statement"] Change "The INQUIRE statement may be used to inquire about properties of a particular named file or of the connection to a particular unit." to "The INQUIRE statement may be used to inquire about properties of a particular named file, of the connection to a particular unit, or the number of file storage units required for an output list.". [235:28 9.10.1p1"Forms of the INQUIRE statement"] Change "All specifier value assignments" to "assignments to specifier variables". [242:11-12 9.10.3p1 "Inquire by output list"] Change "when there are" to "and data will be read from or written to the file using". Change "the same" to "an". After "output list" append "that specifies transfer of a sequence of objects having the same types, type parameters, and extents, in the same order." >>> the old text: The value shall be suitable as a RECL= specifier in an OPEN statement that connects a file for unformatted direct access when there are data transfer statements with the same input/output list. becomes this text: The value shall be suitable as a RECL= specifier in an OPEN statement that connects a file for unformatted direct access and data will be read from or written to the file using data transfer statements with an input/output list that specifies transfer of a sequence of objects having the same types, type parameters, and extents, in the same order. [244:13 9.11.5p1 "IOSTAT= specifier"] Delete "or". [244:16 9.11.5p1 "IOSTAT= specifier"] Replace the full stop with ", or" and insert a list item: " o a processor-dependent negative integer value different from IOSTAT_EOR or IOSTAT_END if the IOSTAT= specifier appears in a FLUSH statement and the processor does not support the flush operation for the specified unit.". {the processor dependency is already listed in A2 [504:5-7} [245:3 9.12p5 "Restrictions on input/output statements"] Change "shall not depend on the values of" to "shall not depend on the value of". [503:35+ A.2 "Processor Dependencies"] Insert a list item: " o The value assigned to the variable in the ID= specifier in an asynchronous data transfer statement when execution of the statement is successfully completed (" [504:13,14 A.2 "Processor Dependencies"] Change "9.11" to "9.11.1" twice.