J3/16-110 To: J3 Members From: Bill Long Subject: Clause 2 edits Date: 2016 January 14 References: 16-007 Discussion: ---------- A cross-reference would be helpful for END=, ERR=, and EOR= in the bullet list of 2.3.5 Execution sequence. The first three bullets all have cross-references included, so adding one here seems appropriate. In 2.4.7 we say a coarray can be referenced or defined "by any image". This was not true for stopped images in Fortran 2008, and for more cases in Fortran 2015. Clause 9 of the TS does not have an edit for this sentence. So one is added here, anticipating incorporation of the definition of "active image" from the TS. Edits to 16-007: ----- [35:20] In 2.3.5 Execution sequence, in the bullet list at the end of paragraph 2, in bullet 4, after "EOR= specifiers" insert " (9.11)". [39:7] In 2.4.7 Coarray, paragraph 1, change "defined by any image" to "defined by any active image".