J3/16-116 To: J3 Members From: Bill Long Subject: Clause 7 edits Date: 2016 January 25 References: 16-007 Discussion: ---------- In 7.1.4 Evaluation of operations, "" should be in the obsolescent font. Forall is obsolescent in F2015. In the syntax rule for "", R701, we switched, between F95 and F2003 from "variable" to "designator". This change seems to have ben made in other, related places, except in the first sentence of Type, type parameters, and shape of a primary, where we repeat the list of options from R701, except for using "variable" in the place of "designator". This seems inconsistent. Edits to 16-007: ----- [143:5] In 7.1.4 Evaluation of operands, para 2, convert "" to the smaller obsolescent font. [152:24,28] In Type, type parameters, and shape of a primary, para 1, change "variable" to "designator" thrice (once in the first sentence, and twice in the sentence beginning "If it is a variable...").