To: J3 Members J3/16-147r1 From: Van Snyder & Robert Corbett Subject: Editorial comments on Annex A Reference: 16-007 Date: 2016 February 10 [509:25] Replace "specifier on the" with "specifier in an". {Use the same style as is used for the RECL= specifier.} [510:1] Replace ", as described in" with "(". {This style isn't used elsewhere in Annex A.} [512:8] Replace "array" with "object". {To match the text in [470:34, 15.5.3p2].} [512:1] Replace "if more than one error condition is detected" with "if more than one error condition could be detected". {To remove absurdity.} [512:9-10] Move the phrase "o the requirements ... (" to [511:36+]. Line [511:36] is "o the initial halting mode (14.6)". {Put the dependency in subclause order.} [512:12} Replace the comma at the end of the line with a semicolon. {For consistency with the other lines.}