To: J3 Members J3/17-111 From: Van Snyder Subject: Comments arising from Editor's report References: 17-007 17-102 Date: 2017 February 01 Concerning 16-262r3, the editor suggested that "allocation status" ought to be indexed, and that "association status" ought to be indexed as a reference to "pointer association". Here is a list of where "allocation status" appears: [46:19 5.4.10p1 Allocatable variables] [87:20 7.5.8p1 Derived-type values] [89:18 7.5.10p3 Construction of derived-type values] [90:10 7.5.10p7 Construction of derived-type values] [108:30+2 NOTE 8.14] [111:20 8.5.15p1 SAVE attribute] [113:2 8.5.19p1 VOLATILE attribute] [142:2 Form of the ALLOCATE statement] [142:4 Form of the ALLOCATE statement] [143:22 Allocation of allocatable variables] [143:36 Allocation of allocatable variables] (twice) [144:5 Allocation of allocatable variables] [144:7,9 Allocation of allocatable variables] (twice) [145:4 Form of the DEALLOCATE statement] [146:10+7 NOTE 9.23] (twice) [146:24 9.7.4p1 STAT= specifier] [147:11 9.7.4p3 STAT= specifier] (first list item) [147:13 9.7.4p3 STAT= specifier] (second list item) [147:19 9.7.5p1 ERRMSG= specifier] [173:0+22 NOTE 10.43] [195:13 Additional semantics for DO CONCURRENT constructs] (fifth list item) [195:15 Additional semantics for DO CONCURRENT constructs] (sixth list item) [212:6 11.6.5p2 SYNC MEMORY statement] [287:10+2 NOTE 13.29] [320:9 Allocatable dummy variables] [323:43 Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments] [347:0+4 Table 16.1] (second line) [356:28 16.9.11p1 ALLOCATED (ARRAY) or ALLOCATED (SCALAR)] [411:16 16.9.137p4 MOVE_ALLOC (FROM, TO [, STAT, ERRMSG])] (first list item) [411:24 16.9.137p4 MOVE_ALLOC (FROM, TO [, STAT, ERRMSG])] (third list item) [414:29 16.9.144p3 NULL ([MOLD]) [507:29 18.7p2 Restrictions on formal parameters] [526:25 19.5.5p5 Establishing associations] [531:6 19.6.6p1(11) Events that cause variables to become undefined] [536:13,14 A.2p1 Processor Dependencies] (twice) ( [536:23 A.2p1 Processor Dependencies] (9.7.4) Concerning 16-253r2, the editor remarked that using \ref to produce R5 instead of R2 in the note would cause it to be undesirably hyperlinked. Is there a way to \ref without hyperlinking, or has the hyperref package thoroughly subverted \ref? Concerning 16-264r4, the editor changed NOTE 12.21 to normative text, instead of moving it to be after the final paragraph of the subclause, remarking that there did not appear to be normative text to support it. This is already normative text in [17-007:229:27-28 General]. Reinstate the text as a NOTE (without "shall"): [232:20 STATUS= specifier in the OPEN statement] Delete "SCRATCH shall not be specified if the FILE= specifier appears." [232:22+ STATUS= specifier in the OPEN statement]. "NOTE 12.21 SCRATCH cannot be specified if the FILE= specifier appears." The editor suggested that [16-007r2:39+1-2 NOTE 12.45] ought to be reworded so as not to imply that a runtime prohibition could be checked at compile time. [17-007:249:16+2-3 NOTE 12.44] Replace the text: "A data-transfer statement with an ID=, POS=, or REC= specifier cannot be [executed as?] a child data-transfer statement in a standard-conforming program." Concerning 16-279r2, the editor rejected three edits that added discussion of deferred type parameters to the list at the end of subclause 19.5.5 Establishing associations, remarking that they "are not right" and declined to repair them. I can't think of a reason to discuss (repeat) most of the events concerning essentially everything else about an object, but omit deferred type parameters. Here are the rejected edits from 16-279r2, with revised line numbers: [527:3 19.5.5p5(3) Establishing associations] after "(it is defined)," insert "values of type parameters that are assumed," [527:8 19.5.5p5(4) Establishing associations] After "pre-existing entity" insert ", the values of assumed type parameters if any become the same as the values of corresponding type parameters of the pre-existing entity," [527:9+ 19.5.5p5(4) Establishing associations] Insert a list item: " o If an associating entity has an assumed type parameter its value becomes the same as that of the corresponding type parameter of the pre-existing entity."