J3/17-174 To: J3 From: Jon Steidel Subject: Comment JP020 Date: 2017 June 26 Discussion: In section 11.6.11 STAT= and ERRMSG= specifiers in image control statements, the paragraph discussing the behavior of the STAT= specifier for LOCK and UNLOCK statements states that the stat-variable becomes defined with a "positive integer value" that is different from the named integer constant STAT values defined in the ISO_FORTRAN_ENV module. Elsewhere in the standard, the phrase "processor-dependent positive integer value" is used for "other" error conditions that do not have a named integer constant specifier. Edits are provided to make this wording consistent. This processor dependence is covered in Annex A by the bullet [536:21-22] o the positive integer values assigned to the stat-variable as the result of an error condition (9.7.4, 11.6.11); Edit to N2123: [218:9] In 11.6.11 STAT= and ERRMSG= specifiers in image control statements, p9 change "positive integer" to "processor-dependent positive integer"