To: J3 J3/17-182 From: Lorri Menard Subject: Minutes of meeting #213 Date: 2017 July 18 ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 N2116 Minutes of Meeting of ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG5 Hosted by DIN, the German Member Body for JTC1/SC22 in Garching, Bavaria, Germany June 26-30, 2017 Notes: ----- - This was a joint meeting of SC22/WG5 and INCITS/PL22.3. Some sessions will be of WG5 with John Reid in the chair and some sessions will be of J3 with Dan Nagle in the chair. "** /WG5 **" marks a WG5 section of the meeting. "** /PL22.3 **" marks a PL22.3 section of the meeting. - WG5 papers are referenced as Nnnnn. They are available from - INCITS/PL22.3 is abbreviated throughout to PL22.3 and its papers are referenced as J3/17-nnn. They are available from - Ballot comments from a country are numbered with the country, as GB123 or JP789, and are ultimately pulled into a 17-nnn paper. - In matters of voting, UC indicates Unanimous Consent 0. List of participants WG5 members present John Reid (JKR Associates, UK) convenor Reinhold Bader (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Germany and DIN) David Muxworthy (British Standards Institution, UK) Anton Shterenlikht (University of Bristol, UK) Masayuki Takata (Edogawa University, Japan) PL22.3 members present: Dan Nagle (NCAR, USA) PL22.3 chair Daniel Chen (IBM, Canada) Tom Clune (NASA, USA) Gary Klimowicz (NVIDIA, USA) Tom Knox (Kernelyze, USA) Bill Long (Cray, USA) Van Snyder (Caltech/JPL, USA) PL22.3 Alternates present and voting: Toon Moene (Gnu Fortran) - voting alternate to Karla Morris Malcolm Cohen (NAG) - voting alternate to Craig Rasmussen Jon Steidel (Intel) - voting alternative to Lorri Menard PL22.3 Alternates present but not voting: Steve Lionel - non-voting alternate to Tom Knox PL22.3 members absent, not represented: Bob Corbett Observers: Brian Friedman (Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, USA) Nathan Sircombe (AWE, UK) 1. Opening of the Meeting: 9:00 am, June 26, 2017 ** /WG5 ** WG5:2. Opening business 2.1 Introductory remarks from the Convener The convenor welcomed participants, especially those who were attending WG5 for the first time. He noted that this was the eighteenth, and last, occasion on which he and Dan Nagle would jointly chair a Fortran standards meeting. 2.2 Welcome from the Host Reinhold Bader welcomed participants on behalf of DIN and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. 2.3 Local arrangements Reinhold Bader described local arrangements and invited participants to dinner at the Neuwirt restaurant on the Wednesday evening. There were to be two guided tours of local facilities after the close of the meeting on the Tuesday and Thursday evenings. 2.4 Appointments for this meeting The drafting committee would be Reinhold Bader, Daniel Chen, Toon Moene, David Muxworthy (chair), Jon Steidel and Masayuki Takata. David Muxworthy would act as secretary and John Reid as librarian and as editor of the Disposition of Comments document in response to the CD ballot. 2.5 Adoption of the Agenda The agenda was adopted. WG5:3. Matters arising from the Minutes of the Boulder 2016 Meetin [N2109] There were no items not otherwise on the agenda. WG5:4. Status of Boulder 2016 Resolutions [N2108] With regard to resolution B4 and the strategic plan for WG5 (N2016) the convenor said it would be necessary during the meeting to decide whether or not to produce a second CD. In either case the ultimate publication date of July 2018 would be met. WG5:5. Reports 5.1 SC22 Matters (Convener) John Reid reminded members that he was resigning as WG5 convenor at the SC22 plenary meeting in August 2017. There would also be a change in the SC22 convenorship with David Keaton from the USA, taking over at that meeting. A new requirement by JTC1, that all participants in working group meetings formally register with ISO (v. SC22N5210) was considered inappropriate for this group. The group's standpoint was to be as inclusive as possible and not to exclude those who might contribute to the work. This matter would be taken up at the SC22 plenary meeting. 5.2 National Activity Reports Canada: The most recent SCC (Standard Council of Canada) quarterly meeting was in early June. The committee draft of the next Fortran standard was approved. Germany: Reinhold Bader was now formally a DIN committee member and attended one DIN meeting per year. He was the only active member for Fortran in Germany, other members having ceased Fortran activity. Japan: The Fortran working group had eight members and met 5-6 times a year, face to face. The translation work for F2008 had not proceeded enough for publication by the end of its life. Japan voted for the CD ballot with some editorial comments. A WG5 meeting in Tokyo meeting was planned for 2019. Netherlands: The Programming Languages Committee of NEN had ceased to function. It was not clear whether it had been formally disbanded. Toon Moene continued as an individual expert member of WG5. UK: A report was in N2128. USA: The main activity was that of PL22.3, meeting twice to work on the DIS. 5.3 Report from Primary Development Body (INCITS/PL22.3 Chair) PL22.3 was charged with developing the draft standard and had done so. 5.4 Reports from other Development Bodies (Editors/Heads) There were currently no contributing development bodies. 5.5 Liaison Reports: INCITS/J11 (C): Dan Nagle C had not been followed in detail since the Cplex project terminated. MPI: Bill Long - The fault tolerance proposal was still in limbo. Enough cases were discussed during the December meeting to challenge the ULFM proposal and the working group was instructed to go back and work on them again. - The next major item for consideration was MPI Sessions. UPC: Damian Rouson Not present, and no report this meeting. IFIP/WG2.5: Van Snyder A meeting had been proposed for this summer but would not take place. OpenMP: Bill Long - There was a week-long face to face meeting last month, where progress was made on various topics. OpenMP 5.0 was still on track to be released at SC'18. For this year's SC, a "beta" preview draft of OpenMP 5.0 (TR6) would be released. The two major new features that were expected for TR6 were memory directives and accompanying runtime APIs, and OMPD (an interface for third-party debuggers and the OpenMP implementation). There were also some additional tasking features that were expected to be introduced, some clarifications on the use of Fortran allocatables/pointers with devices, and probably some language to account for "newer" C++ features (e.g. lambdas). - The memory directives would include the directives described in the released TR5 document, and the API would probably also define some predefined allocators for memories optimized for various attributes (e.g. bandwidth-optimized) WG9 (Ada): Van Snyder WG9 and Ada Europe had a joint meeting in conjunction with a conference on software reliability, in Vienna, during the week of 16 June. Van Snyder was requested to ask Randy Brukardt or Erhard Plodereder if WG9 has prepared separate WG23 annexes for Ada as a whole, and SPARK, the high- reliability subset of Ada. WG23 (Vulnerabilities): Dan Nagle - There was a WG23 meeting the previous week where work continued on the base document 24772-1. Work would resume on the Fortran annex (24772-8) when time was available. Members of WG5 were asked to volunteer to help the progress the Fortran part of 24772. - Cplex had completed its contribution and their document had gone to WG23 for inclusion in the C part. OpenACC: Gary Klimowicz OpenACC 2.6 is hoping to complete sometime in 2017. Proposed features include: - Manual Deep Copy: a relatively minor change to the data clause behavior that would allow a user to perform a manual deep copy. OpenACC is continuing to investigate true deep copy, but are looking for a prototype implementation before proposing adoption. - A serial compute construct for use between parallel compute constructs that helps avoid unnecessary data movement. - Query routines that allow the application to detect available devices and properties of the devices. - Support for an error callback routine so an application can gracefully exit if there is a fatal error in device code. - An if and if_present clause on the host_data construct to direct calls to either host addresses or device addresses, depending on where the data resides. - A no_data clause on compute constructs that would behave like present-or-don't-create. - Data clause modifiers, such as copyin(readonly:x) that should allow for more aggressive code optimization. OpenACC anticipates a minor release 8-12 months following 2.6 where they hope to address deferred topics: - Partially shared memory - Reductions across multiple loops - Asynchronous data constructs and the "present" table - Reductions as a data clause - Several others More information is available at The current version of the proposed specification can be found at OpenACC 2.6 Specification Update (June 2017) ( OpenACC_2pt6_Specification_Update_ISC17.pdf). --- NB From this point the detailed review of the draft of the revised standard proceeded throughout the meeting in PL22.3 mode, addressing agenda items WG5:6 and WG5:7. WG5:6. Consideration of the comments from the ballot of the CD revision of the Fortran standard and construction of responses. WG5:7. Construction of edits to the CD revision of the Fortran standard to correspond to the CD ballot responses and any other changes deemed desirable. ** /PL22.3 ** [PL22.3 plenary and subgroup sessions from 09:55 to 16:30] 1.1 Opening business for PL22.3 plenary Called to order 09:55 1.1.1 Remarks from the chair - Dan Nagle Thank you to everyone for being at the meeting. 1.1.2 Treasurer's report - Van Snyder Balance $1985.72. No expenses expected at this meeting. No meeting fee for m213. Need to reinstate $50 for 214, 215. Motion by Van Snyder, second by Bill Long that we reinstate the $50 meeting fee for meetings 214 and 215: Passed uc. 1.3 Subgroup organization - Dan Nagle Subgroups and initial paper assignments: /JoR: Dan Nagle, David Muxworthy, Makki, Thomas Knox 144r1, 156, 159 GB012, GB013, GB014, GB015, GB023, GB024, GB025, GB026, GB030, GB031, GB032, GB044 [US018 = 144] /Data: Malcolm Cohen, Van Snyder, Gary Klimowicz, Tom Clune, Steve Lionel 143r1, 145, 150, 151, 153, 155, 157, 158, 162, 165 GB007, GB008, GB009, JP019, GB027, GB029, GB035, GB036, GB037, GB039, GB040 /HPC: Bill Long, John Reid, Anton Shterenlikht, Daniel Chen, Reinhold Bader, Jon Steidel, Nathan Sircombe, Brian Friedman, Toon Moene 142, 146, 148, 152, 154, 160, 161, 163, 164, 166 US004, JP011, JP020, JP021, JP022 /Edit: Malcolm Cohen 147, 149 JP001, US002, JP003, JP005, JP006, GB033, GB038, US045 /Interp: Malcolm Cohen No interps /J3: All 17-007r1 Recessed at 10:10 1.4 Subgroup meetings 1.4 Subgroup report (4:30 PM) /JOR: for vote tomorrow 156 159 177 144r1 no action /DATA: 143r1 no action 145 no action For vote tomorrow: 150r1, 151, 153r1, 157r1, 158r1, 162, 165 with alt wording 1st edit, 167, 168, 169, 170 /HPC: 176 no action (duplicate of 175) 146r1, 152r1, 166, 172, 173, 174, 175 /Edit For vote tomorrow 147, 149, 171 Recessed 4:45 PM /PL22.3 2. Tuesday, June 27, 2017 9:00 ----------------------------------- 2.1 F2015 Plenary Subgroup Heads /JOR : -- motion: 17-156 "C1138 should be as obvious as C1037" [Snyder] (Nagle/Snyder) : withdrawn, no further action ** motion: 17-159 "Previously undocumented F2008 feature" [Steidel](Nagle/Steidel) change "may" to "can" UC as amended -- motion: 17-177 "Reply to Public Comments" [Nagle] (Nagle/Knox) withdrawn to subgroup /Data: ** motion: 17-150r1 "COMMON and SAVE" [Snyder] (Cohen/Lionel) UC ** motion: 17-151 "Edit to 8.8" [Reid/Kruyt] (Cohen/Clune) UC ** motion: 17-153r1 "Constraints on default pointer component initialization" [Snyder](Cohen/Snyder) UC ** motion: 17-157r1 "IMPORT, NONE constraint too restrictive" [Steidel/Lionel] (Cohen/Lionel) UC ** motion: 17-158r1 "Assumed-rank array bounds" (public comment) [Donners/Lorenz/Zaghi/Lionel] (Cohen/Lionel) correct spelling of intrinsically add J3 to paper references UC as amended ** motion: 17-162 "EXTERNAL specifier on IMPLICT NONE" [Reid/Cohen] (Cohen/Lionel) UC ** motion: 17-165 "Reinstate constraint removed in error" [Cohen] (Cohen/Lionel) alternative 1 received UC ** motion: 17-167 "Response to GB-027"{GB027} [Clune] (Cohen/Clune) UC ** motion: 17-168 "Ballot Comments 7, 8, 9" {GB007,GB008,GB009} [Lionel] (Cohen/Lionel) UC ** motion: 17-169 "Response to JP-019"{JP019} [Cohen] (Cohen/Lionel) UC ** motion: 17-170 "Response to GB-029"{GB029} [Cohen] (Cohen/Lionel) UC /HPC -- motion: 17-146r1 "Redefinition of active team variables" [Steidel] (Long/Steidel) Withdrawn; needs difference in introduction ** motion: 17-152r1 "Edit to CO_REDUCE" [Reid/Long] (Long/Steidel) UC ** motion: 17-166 "Coindexing wording glitch" [Cohen] (Long/Cohen) UC ** motion: 17-172 "Comment US004" [Reid] (Long/Chen) UC ** motion: 17-173 "Comment JP011" [Long] (Long/Steidel) UC ** motion: 17-174 "Comment JP020" [Steidel] (Long/Steidel) UC ** motion: 17-175 "Comments JP021 and JP022" [Long] (Long/Steidel) UC 17-176 No Action: Same as 175 /Edit ** motion: 17-147 "Incorrect table references as result of chapter renumbering" [Steidel] (Cohen/Clune) UC ** motion: 17-149 "Minor edit" [Steidel] (Cohen/Steidel) UC ** motion: 17-171 "Responses to some editorial comments" [Cohen] (Cohen/Lionel) UC 2.2 Tutorials Dan Nagle gave a short presentation on development work at NCAR on the h2m Autofortran Tool - a tool to translate C headers to Fortran modules to let Fortran programs use C library functions ( /Garnet_Liu_Presentation.pptx) 2.3 Subgroup meetings 2.4 Subgroup reports (5:00pm) /JOR: 17-177r1 for vote tomorrow /DATA: For Straw vote and vote 17-155r1 For Vote 17-179 /HPC: For vote tomorrow: 17-142r1, 16-146r2, 17-148r1, 17-154r1, 17-163r1, 17-164r1 17-160 no further action as the suggested problem does not actually exist. /EDIT: For vote 17-178 Please note: There is a draft 17-007r2 with this mornings edits applied. ** /WG5 ** Reconvened WG5 meeting at 5:30. Damien wishes to skype with us tomorrow about next years meeting. John has put two draft papers in WG5 folder: Draft Strategic Plan Responses to public comment Adjourned 5:45 3. Wednesday, June 28, 2017 9:00 --------------------------------- **/WG5** There was a discussion with Damian Rouson on detailed arrangements for the 2018 WG5 meeting. Richard Gerber had been co-opted as co-host; the meeting would be held at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory; it would be possible to stay in LBL Guest House but it was too early to reserve this accommodation. A file giving further information was available on the meeting website and was subsequently allotted number N2136. The reunion meeting for former Fortran committee members was being organized separately. **/PL22.3** 3.1 F2015 Plenary Subgroup Heads 9:30 /JOR ** motion: 17-177r1 "Reply to Public Comments" [Nagle] (Nagle/Lionel) UC /Data regarding: 17-155r1 "C856 overlooks three things, and prohibits an impossibility" [Snyder/Cohen] SV1: Do we want to prohibit a PROTECTED TARGET as an initial-data-target? The answer was yes (Yes:16 No:0 Undecided:2). SV2 Do we want to make the prohibition as a data-target in a structure constructor into a constraint instead of a plain requirement? The answer was yes (yes:18 No:0 Undecided:0) ** motion: Move first section edits (Cohen/Knox) UC There will be an r2 with only the selected option ** motion: 17-179 "Responses to some CD ballot comments" {GB035,GB036,GB037,GB039,GB040} [Clune] (Cohen/Snyder) UC /HPC ** motion: 17-142r1 "Deallocate description doesn't say all images must be consistent" {US010} [Snyder/Long] (Long/Snyder) UC ** motion: 17-146r2 "Redefinition of active TEAM variables" [Steidel] (Long/Steidel) UC -- motion: 17-148r1 "Unclear intent for TEAM behavior" [Steidel] (Long/Steidel) Withdrawn ** motion: 17-154r1 Result of TEAM_NUMBER intrinsic (Bill/Jon) UC edit on wrong line ** motion: 17-160 No further action ** motion: 17-161r1 Editorial fix for LOCK and EVENT types (Bill/Malcolm) UC ** motion: 17-164r1 Coarray editorial fixes (Bill/Malcolm) UC Edit: ** motion: 17-178 (Malcolm/Tom C) UC **/WG5** Reconvene into WG5 mode at 10:30. There was a discussion on the first draft of the revised Strategic Plan for WG5. The essential choice was whether or not to produce a second CD. In either case final publication of the standard was expected to be earlier than the present forecast date of July 2018. It was decided that the window for further technical changes had closed and that the draft standard at the end of the meeting should be the DIS, not a second CD. There was a review of the first draft of a Disposition of Comments document to respond to the CD ballot. Minor edits were suggested. 3.2 Tutorials - none Adjourn to subgroup sessions at 11:30 3.3 Subgroup meetings 3.4 Subgroup reports (3:00pm) /JOR: no papers /DATA: 17-180r1 for vote tomorrow /HPC: 17-148r2 and 17-161r1 for vote tomorrow /EDIT: Almost all of this morning papers have been entered. /WG5 Papers 2123, 2129 and 2133 (new versions, please review) Review draft resolutions Plan for next revision (Steve L lead) Reconvene to WG5 at 3:10 **/WG5** It was suggested that the outline schedule for the reunion meeting in June 2018 could be: Saturday evening: dinner Sunday morning: presentation(s) Sunday afternoon: expedition, possibly to Alcatraz Sunday evening: dinner There was a review of the latest draft of the resolutions. Minor edits were proposed. Under agenda item 10 there was an hour-long discussion on the criteria to be used in planning the next revision of the Fortran standard. This was in the context of the revised Strategic Plan being developed at the meeting and the discussion paper N2126 (A Strategy for Reckoning the Content of the Next Revision). The debate was chaired by Steve Lionel as in-coming WG5 convenor. There was general concern that the standard had moved ahead of the language in compilers available to users, giving the impression that Fortran was slowing down. Moreover different compilers implemented different subsets of the standard, thus inhibiting both development and portability of programs. There was a need to investigate what Fortran users wanted to do in the language which was not currently possible and to find out what features in other languages were actually used, not simply talked about. Fortran was said to be the only language which built interoperability into its standard. New features should be adopted only if they had long-term viability and features which might have only a minor benefit for users but a negative effect on compiler construction or performance should be avoided. The debate was adjourned, to be continued the following day. Steve Lionel thanked John Reid for helping with ISO procedures with regard to the change of convenorship. The meeting adjourned at 4:35 and was followed by the meeting social event at the Gasthof Neuwirt in Garching. Entertainment there was provided by "Classic goes Bluegrass" with the host as lead fiddle. 4. Thursday, Jun 9, 2016 9:30 AM --------------------------------- ** /WG5 ** Updated drafts of the resolutions and the Strategic Plan were examined and minor changes suggested. Members were asked to check the latest version of the Disposition of Comments document and to report any errors to the convenor. The convenor's report to SC22 was discussed and minor edits were suggested. ** /PL22.3 ** 4.1 F2015 Plenary /JOR no more papers /DATA ** motion: 17-180r1 "Problem with impure finalizers in DO CONCURRENT" [Snyder](Cohen/Synder) UC /HPC ** motion: 17-148r2 "Unclear intent for TEAM behavior" [Steidel] (Long/Steidel) Instead of deleting p5, change "current" to "new" and move p5 after p6. UC as amended. ** motion: 17-161r1 "STAT argument for atomics" [Reid/Long] (Long/Cohen) UC as amended. /EDIT Nothing to add /INTERP: No business 4.2 Closing business 4.3 Review of action items Lorri to send a copy of these minutes to Lynn Barra at INCITS ( 4.4 Future meetings 214 : October 16-20, 2017 in Las Vegas Host is Bill Long 215 : February 12-16, 2018 in Las Vegas Host is Lorri Menard 216 : June 11-15, 2018, in Berkeley, CA Co-hosts Damian Rouson and Richard Gerber 217 : October 15-19, 2018 in Las Vegas Host is 4.5 Treasurer's report No change from beginning 4.6 Closing membership report Paper 17-001 of meeting 213 is the latest membership roster. It is posted in the members area of the J3 web site. PL22.3 Membership at the end of the meeting - 11 members m213 status name organization ----------------------------------------------------- present Daniel Chen IBM present Tom Clune NASA GSFC present Malcolm Cohen NAG absent Robert Corbett present Gary Klimowicz Nvidia Corporation present Tom Knox Kernelyze present Bill Long Cray Inc. Lorri Menard Intel Corporation represented by Jon Steidel Intel Corporation Karla Morris Sandia National Laboratories represented by Toon Moene Gnu Fortran, Netherlands present Dan Nagle National Center for Atmospheric Research present Van Snyder Jet Propulsion Laboratory Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 213 : 11 Majority [1 over half] : 6 Quorum [1/3 of voting members, min 4 present] : 4 Membership changes since last meeting: Tom Knox (Kernelyze, USA) and his alternate Steve Lionel have now attained voting rights. Gary Klimowicz is now the respresentative for NVIDIA and Mark LeAir is the alternate. Bob Scollard is no longer with the company. The alternate to Bill Long has retired; a new alternate will be appointed later. 4.7 Comments from members Dan Nagle: INCITS needs to approve the appointment of a new Treasurer. Need signature card for the bank account. We need to have someone starting at the October meeting. Malcolm Cohen will make N2134 = DIS today. We will have a 17-007r2 later that includes line numbers. DIS has no blue for hyperlinks, and no line numbers. This concluded the PL22.3 business for meeting 213, and PL22.3 was adjourned at 9:55. ** /WG5 ** WG5:8. Consider the Fortran defect reports (interpretations) in J3/17-006. There were no interpretations required/requested this meeting. A subgroup of three, Bill Long, Dan Nagle and John Reid, was appointed to check that the edits arising from this meeting were incorporated correctly into the proposed DIS (N2134). The Project Editor advised that hyperlinks in the document would be black, that is indistinguishable from normal text, and that the DIS would not have line numbers. WG5:9. WG5 Business and Strategic Plans 9.1 Goals for 2017-2020 WG5:10. Start planning for the further revision of the Fortran standard. The discussion on planning the next revision of the Fortran standard resumed, again chaired by Steve Lionel. Scheduling was debated, resulting in edits to the Strategic Plan. It was agreed that a web survey of users would be instituted, organized by Steve Lionel. The suggestions would first be processed by PL22.3 at its October meeting. The survey would be closed prior to the February 2018 PL22.3 meeting and further processing done at that time. At the June 2018 WG5 meeting a first cut at a work plan would be produced. WG5:11. Closing Business 11.1 Future meetings As discussed in the PL22.3 meeting 11.2 Any other business No other business was raised. WG5:12. Adoption of Resolutions [N2131] Resolutions G1 to G5 and G10 to G12 were approved by unanimous acclaim and resolutions G6 to G9 were approved by unanimous consent. Responding to resolution G1 John Reid, the retiring convenor, said he had much enjoyed working with WG5 members over the years, thanked them for the support they had given him and said that he proposed to continue working with Fortran as an ordinary WG5 member. WG5:13. Adjournment The WG5 meeting adjourned at 12:15 on Thursday, June 29, 2017 and was followed by tours of the LRZ computing facilities conducted by Volker Weinberg and Reinhold Bader. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A: J3 REGISTER OF DOCUMENTS FOR JUNE 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAPERS SUBMITTED FOR PL22.3 MEETING 211 Garching, Bavaria, Germany June 26 - 30, 2017 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paper Number Date Submitter Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------- J3/17-007r1 170222 Cohen Committee Draft J3/17-008 170310 Cohen Editorial enhancements for future revi J3/17-139 160222 Menard Meeting 211 Minutes J3/17-140 170310 Cohen Editor's report for 17-007r1 J3/17-141 170313 Reid & Nagle Meeting 213 Announcement J3/17-142 170314 Snyder Deallocate description doesn't say all J3/17-142r1 170627 Snyder & Long Deallocate description doesn't say al J3/17-143 170314 Snyder Problem with ASYNCHRONOUS and VOLATILE J3/17-143r1 170428 Snyder Problem with ASYNCHRONOUS and VOLATILE J3/17-144 170314 Snyder Locality specs in DO CONCURRENT J3/17-144r1 170523 Snyde Locality specs in DO CONCURRENT J3/17-144r2 170626 Snyder Locality specs in DO CONCURRENT J3/17-145 170403 Steidel IEEE_MODES_TYPE defined in wrong intri J3/17-146 170407 Steidel Redefinition of active team variables J3/17-146r1 170626 Steidel Redefinition of active team variables J3/17-146r2 170627 Steidel Redefinition of active team variables J3/17-147 170410 Steidel Incorrect table references as result o J3/17-148 170410 Steidel Unclear intent for TEAM behavior J3/17-148r1 170627 Steidel Unclear intent for TEAM behavior J3/17-148r2 170628 Steidel Unclear intent for TEAM behavior J3/17-148r3 170629 Steidel Unclear intent for TEAM behavior J3/17-149 170427 Steidel Minor edit J3/17-150 170512 Snyder COMMON and SAVE J3/17-150r1 170626 Snyder COMMON and SAVE J3/17-151 170514 Reid & Kruyt Edit to 8.8 J3/17-152 170516 Reid & Long Edit to CO_REDUCE J3/17-152r1 170626 Reid & Long Edit to CO_REDUCE J3/17-153 170517 Snyder Constraints on default pointer compone J3/17-153r1 170626 Snyder Constraints on default pointer compone J3/17-154 170518 Reid Edit to TEAM_NUMBER J3/17-154r1 170627 Reid Edit to TEAM_NUMBER J3/17-154r2 170628 Reid Edit to TEAM_NUMBER J3/17-155 170518 Snyder C856 overlooks three things, and prohi J3/17-155r1 170627 Cohen C856 overlooks three things, and prohi J3/17-155r2 170628 Cohen C856 overlooks three things, and prohi J3/17-156 170518 Snyder C1138 should be as obvious as C1037 J3/17-157 170519 Steidel IMPORT, NONE constraint too restrictiv J3/17-157r1 170626 Steidel & Lio IMPORT, NONE constraint too restricti J3/17-158 170525 Donners & Lor Assumed-rank array bounds J3/17-158r1 170626 Donners & Lor Assumed-rank array bounds J3/17-158r2 170627 Donners & Lor Assumed-rank array bounds J3/17-159 170525 Steidel & Coh Previously undocumented F2008 feature J3/17-159r1 170627 Steidel & Coh Previously undocumented F2008 feature J3/17-160 170603 Reid & Long STAT argument or specifier J3/17-161 170607 Reid & Long STAT argument for atomics J3/17-161r1 170628 Reid & Long STAT argument for atomics J3/17-161r2 170629 Reid & Long STAT argument for atomics J3/17-162 170607 Reid & Cohen EXTERNAL specifier on IMPLICT NONE J3/17-163 170618 Cohen LOCK_TYPE and EVENT_TYPE requirements J3/17-163r1 170627 Cohen & Long LOCK_TYPE and EVENT_TYPE requirements J3/17-164 170622 Cohen Coarray-related editorial fixes J3/17-164r1 170627 Cohen & Long Coarray-related editorial fixes J3/17-165 170623 Cohen Reinstate constraint removed in error J3/17-166 170625 Cohen Coindexing wording glitch J3/17-167 170626 Clune Response to GB-027 J3/17-168 170626 Lionel Ballot Comments 7, 8, 9 J3/17-169 170626 Cohen Response to JP-019 J3/17-170 170626 Cohen Response to GB-029 J3/17-171 170626 Cohen Responses to some editorial comments J3/17-172 170626 Reid Comment US004 J3/17-173 170626 Long Comment JP011 J3/17-174 170626 Steidel Comment JP020 J3/17-175 170626 Long Comments JP021 and JP022 J3/17-176 170626 Long Comments JP021 and JP022 J3/17-177 170626 Nagle Reply to Public Comments J3/17-177r1 170627 Nagle Reply to Public Comments J3/17-178 170627 Lionel Fortran 2008 Compatibility J3/17-179 170627 Clune Responses to some CD ballot comments J3/17-180 170628 Snyder Problem with impure finalizers in DO C J3/17-180r1 170628 Snyder Problem with impure finalizers in DO C J3/17-181 170629 Cohen Editor's report on DIS production -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix B: Committee Organization -------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.1 Officers and Management Chair D. Nagle (INCITS appointment) Secretary L. Menard Treasurer V. Snyder Librarian D. Nagle Editor M. Cohen (WG5 appointment) Maintenance none Vocabulary Rep. none Future Meetings V. Snyder Membership List L. Menard IFIP WG2.5 Numerical Software V. Snyder PL22.11 Liaison - C language D. Nagle OWG-V Liaison (WG23) D. Nagle MPI Forum B. Long UPC B. Long OpenMP B. Long B.2 Subgroups JOR: Responsible for the maintenance of the Journal of Development (standing document 004) D. Nagle (head) DATA: Responsible for language design topics related to data and data structures M. Cohen (head) INTEROP: Responsible for interoperability with C B. Long (head) HPC: Responsible for topics in High Performance Computing B. Long (head) EDIT: Responsible for adding edits to the draft Fortran Standard (standing document 007) M. Cohen (head) INTERP: Responsible for evaluating interpretation requests and gathering responses to such requests (standing document 006) M. Cohen (head) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix C: Membership summary ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meeting # 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 Location (state) NV NV NV Lon NV NV NV CO NV NV Ger Date (month) 02 06 10 02 08 10 02 06 10 02 06 (year) 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 Name Affiliation Chen, D IBM V V V V V V V V V V V Clune, T NASA . . . V V V V V V V V Cohen, M NAG Q P P P P P P R2 . P P *** Oracle V V V V A V V V V . . Corbett, R Corbett . . . . . . . . . p A Klimowicz, G Nvidia . . . V R V R A R A V Knox, T Kernelyze LLC . . . . . . . . P A V Long, W Cray V V V V V V V V V V V Menard, L Intel V R V V R V V V V V R Morris, K DoE V R A A R R R R A R R Nagle, D NCAR V V V V V V V V V V V Rasmussen, C U Oregon . . . . . . . V1 R R R Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V V V V V PL22.3 Letter Ballot Participation (Principal Members) Meeting # 196 197 198 199 200 201 204 205 206 207 209 Date (month) 10 06 09 11 04 08 06 10 02 07 12 (year) 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 Name Affiliation I24 I25 I26 I27 I28 I29 I30 I31 I32 I33 I34 Chen, D IBM V V V V V V V V V V V Clune, T NASA . . . . . . . . . V V Cohen, M NAG V V V V V Q . P P P P Corbett, R Oracle V V V V V V V V V V V Knox, T Kernelyze LLC . . . . . . . . . . . LeAir, M Nvidia . . . . . . . . . V V Long, W Cray V V V V V V V V V V V Morris, K DoE V A R R R A R R R R R Nagle, D NCAR V V V V V V V V V V V Rasmussen, C U Oregon . . . . . . . . . . . Snyder, V JPL/Caltech V V V V V V V V V V V Whitlock, S Intel V V V V V V V V V V V V present and voting R absent but represented A absent and not represented P present and not voting RP represented by previous member E Excused Q Resigned ** missed 2 of last 3 meetings *** lost membership 1 C Rasmussen is now a member representing U of Oregon as of m210 2 M Cohen is now an alternate to C Rasmussen as of m210 3 R Corbett now represents himself as of m212 4 Oracle is no longer a member as of m212 5 L Menard replaced S Whitlock as Intel representative as of m212 6 T Knox now represents Kerneylze as of m213 Total Membership at beginning of Meeting 213 10 Majority [1 over half] 6 Quorum [1/3 of voting members, min 4 present] 4 Total Membership at end of Meeting 213 11 Total attendees at m213 7 principal members 3 voting alternates 1 non-voting alternate 2 visitor, non-voting 5 WG5 members --- 17 total No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of meeting non-representation No one is in jeopardy of losing membership because of Letter ballot non-participation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------