To: J3 J3/18-159r2 From: Bill Long & Malcolm Cohen Subject: C_LOC needs to permit an assumed-type argument Date: 2018-June-15 Discussion: ----------- The description of the X argument of C_LOC in includes the sentence: "It shall either be a variable with interoperable type and kind type parameters, or be a nonpolymorphic variable with no length type parameters." This effectively prohibits assumed-type arguments for C_LOC as assumed-type objects are unlimited polymorphic. However, it is clear from C710 in TYPE type specifier: "C710 An assumed-type variable name shall not appear in a designator or expression except as an actual argument corresponding to a dummy argument that is assumed-type, or as the first argument to the intrinsic function IS_CONTIGUOUS, LBOUND, PRESENT, RANK, SHAPE, SIZE, or UBOUND, or the function C_LOC from the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING." that it was intended to allow assumed-type arguments for C_LOC. It was an oversight to not have repaired the description of C_LOC when assumed-type was added in F2018. An edit is provided to fix this oversight. Edit to WG5/N2146: ------------------ [484] In C_LOC (X), paragraph 3 Argument, third sentence, Delete "either". After "kind type parameters", insert "an assumed-type variable,". Before "a nonpolymorphic" delete "be". After "nonpolymorphic variable" change "with" to "that has" (make harder to misparse). Change "no length type parameters" to "no length type parameter". {The edit changes the sentence from "It shall either be a variable with interoperable type and kind type parameters, or be a nonpolymorphic variable with no length type parameters." to "It shall be a variable with interoperable type and kind type parameters, an assumed-type variable, or a nonpolymorphic variable that has no length type parameter."} ===END===