To: J3 J3/18-169 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Response to US-039, US-040, US-041 Date: 2018-June-11 1. Introduction --------------- Paper 13-283, passed at J3 meeting 201, was a correction to TS 29113 that was inadvertently not added to the 008, and therefore was not added to the subsequent first F2018 draft. This is a Technical Change (and a new feature), which therefore requires an edit to the Introduction. 2. Missing feature and other defects from TS29113 ------------------------------------------------- It is a requirement of the user community that a dummy argument which is assumed-type assumed-size can be associated with a scalar actual argument. That functionality is not provided by TS 29113 as published. (Note: this will not be allowed for coindexed scalars.) Although the semantics in TS 29113 for character actual arguments being associated with an assumed-type assumed-size dummy are poorly specified, the whole sequence association subclause is very poorly worded for all character argument association. Furthermore, it is clear that sequence association was intended to be available for assumed type (the last edit in 13-283 makes that abundantly clear). Therefore, no edits from 13-283 for sequence association are proposed here. The entire description of character argument sequence association needs significant rewriting. That is not achievable at this point, and therefore it should be handled by defect processing. 3. Responses to US-039, US-040, US-041 -------------------------------------- US-039: Comment is rejected, as being redundant with the existing p4. US-040: Comment is rejected, because assumed-type is meant to be usable with sequence association. US-041: Comment is accepted with modification. An additional edit will be done to the Introduction. 4. Edits to N2146 ----------------- [Page xix] Introduction, bullet about TS 29113, After "Additionally to ISO/IEC TS 29113:2012," Insert "a scalar actual argument can be associated with an assumed-type assumed-size dummy argument, and". [Page 316] Ordinary Dummy Variables, paragraph 13 rewrite: - split the first and last sentences into separate paragraphs ("If the dummy argument is a coindexed..." and "If the procedure is nonelemental...") - replace the rest with a new paragraph "If the actual argument is a noncoindexed scalar, the corresponding dummy argument shall be scalar unless \begin{itemise} \item the actual argument is default character, of type character with the C character kind (18.2.2), or is an element or substring of an element of an array that is not an assumed-shape, pointer, or polymorphic array, \item the dummy argument has assumed rank, or \item the dummy argument is an assumed-type assumed-size array. \end{itemise} {Allow scalar to associate with an assumptive dummy.} {"itemise" is like "itemize", but with less vertical space. The editor should use whichever he thinks typesets better.} ===END===