To: J3 J3/18-171 From: Bill Long Subject: Ballot Comment GB083 Date: 2018-June-11 Ballot Comment -------------- In their DIS Ballot for draft N2146 of Fortran 2018, the GB comment 083 reads: "The addition of a new interoperable type is not mentioned in the introduction." with the suggested edit: "Under bullet point "Features previously described by ISO/IEC TS 29113:2012", following the sentence "The FPTR argument to C_F_PROCPOINTER ... pointer." add a new sentence "There is a new interoperable type C_PTRDIFF_T."." Discussion ---------- C_PTRDIFF_T is a named constant in the ISO_C_BINDING module that represents a KIND value for the Fortran INTEGER type. It is very likely the same value as either C_INT64_T or C_INT32_T. The purpose is to provide interoperability with the C type ptrdiff_t. We agree that there is no mention of this in the Introduction, but propose a slightly different wording for the edit. Edit to N2146 ------------- [xix:p2] In the Introduction, paragraph 2, Under bullet point "Features previously described by ISO/IEC TS 29113:2012", following the sentence "The FPTR argument to C_F_PROCPOINTER ... pointer." add a new sentence: "There is a new named constant C_PTRDIFF_T to provide interoperability with the C type ptrdiff_t."