To: J3 J3/18-174 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Response to DE-009 Date: 2018-June-11 1. Discussion Comment DE-009 surmises: Constraint C837 appears to not exclude the following: REAL, ALLOCATABLE :: A(..) REAL, POINTER :: B(..) REAL, TARGET :: BT(:,:) IF (RANK(A) == 2 .AND. RANK(B) == 2) THEN B => BT ALLOCATE(A(2,2)) END IF Response: C837 states "An assumed-rank variable name shall not appear in a designator or expression except..." A designator is "name followed by zero or more component selectors..." The appearances of "B" in "B=>BT" and "A" in "ALLOCATE(A(2,2))" are both variable designators, and these contexts are not listed as permissible by C837. 2. Response to DE-009. Rejected, as C837 covers the cases that should be forbidden already. ===END===