To: J3 J3/18-184 From: Bill Long Subject: Ballot Comment JP066 Date: 2018-June-11 Ballot Comment -------------- In their DIS Ballot for draft N2146 of Fortran 2018, the JP comment 066 reads: "The following item is missing: whether the processor has the ability to detect that an image has failed (11.5,;" with the suggested edit: It should be added. Discussion ---------- The processor dependency really originates in STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, where we have "If the processor has the ability to detect that an image has failed,...". The FAIL IMAGE statement in 11.5 is not conditional. So the edit should be ordered in A.2 according to the citation Edit to N2146 ------------- [536:3+] In A.2 Processor dependencies, after the entry "the values returned by the functions COMPILER_OPTIONS ..." insert a new entry: "whether the processor has the ability to detect that an image has failed (;"