To: J3 J3/18-266r1 From: Gary Klimowicz Subject: Add reductions to DO CONCURRENT Date: 2018-October-15 Reference: 18-007: 11.1.7 (DO construct) and 16.9.161 (REDUCE) Motivation ---------- Performing a reduction on the array elements computed in DO CONCURRENT can be complex or inefficient for large arrays. The naive expression of a reduction is non-conforming (taken from comp.lang.fortran): real :: a(1024), s integer :: i call random_seed() call random_number(a) ! With DO CONCURRENT, the use of 's' in the ! loop below is not defined. s = 0 do concurrent (i = 1:size(a)) s = s + (2 * a(i) - 1) end do print *, s end ('s' is referenced in an iteration before its value is defined.) Specifying SHARED locality does not solve the problem: ! other initializations and declarations as above ! The sums on 's' can lead to race conditions. s = 0 do concurrent (i = 1:size(a)) s = s + (2 * a(i) - 1) end do print *, s end One potential solution is to construct a temporary array variable to hold the values to be reduced, and then perform the reduction outside the DO CONCURRENT. real :: s_temp(1024) ! other initializations and declarations as above do concurrent (i = 1:size(a)), shared(s) s_temp(i) = s + (2 * a(i) - 1) end do s = sum(s_temp) Another potential solution is to use critical sections around the reduction. This requires the extension of CRITICAL to use beyond their use in teams: s = 0 do concurrent (i = 1:size(a)), shared(s) critical s = s + (2 * a(i) - 1) end critical end do These solutions become more complex or inefficient as we use more complicated concurrent-headers or wish to perform reductions on multiple expressions within the body of the DO CONCURRENT. For computing environments that can exploit significant SIMD parallelism, these solutions can involve a substantial amount of data or process synchronization. The DO CONCURRENT can also be scaled to the number of available threads (the number of which are not visible to the programmer). When the user is most interested in performing a simple reduction of the data in the DO CONCURRENT, this overhead can exceed the gains from the computational parallelism. We propose a way of specifying scalar reduction variables that are managed across the DO CONCURRENT block executions to accumulate the scalar values from each executed block. This would be done with processor-specific synchronization. The intent is to support an in-Fortran specification of some of the features of the OpenMP reduction clause. We propose something simpler (example syntax only): s = 0 do concurrent (i = 1:size(a)), reduce(s) s = s + (2 * a(i) - 1) end do This will: * Increase expressiveness of DO CONCURRENT * Increase opportunities to exploit SIMD and other parallelism * Increase ability to optimize parallelism according to the number of available threads * Make it easier to write conforming programs * Reduce memory allocation needs or explicit data management when offloading to target processors * Eliminate explicit process synchronization * Avoid redefinition of CRITICAL/END CRITICAL beyond teams Key questions ------------- 1. Is this use case compelling? 2. Are there ways to exploit the potential parallelism with the existing locality-specifiers and by relaxing the semantics in pp1-4? 3. Can this be done with existing CRITICAL/END CRITICAL semantics? 4. Can this be done with expansion of the ATOMIC_xxx functions beyond their use with scalar coarrays or coarray indexed values? Straw Vote ---------- 1. Is this worth continuing to investigate?