To: J3 J3/19-183r3 From: Daniel Chen & Malcolm Cohen Subject: Clarification of global identifier Date: 2019-August-08 1. Introduction Some of the text describing global identifiers and global entities can be misunderstood. However, the text is not actually incorrect. It has been suggested that some examples be added to Annex C. 2. Examples for Annex C [598:25] C.13 Clause 19 notes : Examples of host association (, heading, split into subclauses and add new C.13.1: "C.13 Clause 19 notes C.13.1 Examples of global identifiers and binding labels (19.2) <> {code font} MODULE M1 INTERFACE SUBROUTINE S() BIND(C,NAME='X') END END INTERFACE END MODULE MODULE M2 INTERFACE SUBROUTINE S() BIND(C,NAME='Y') END END INTERFACE END MODULE {end code font, begin new paragraph} The name S in each module is a local identifier. The two interfaces declare two different external procedures, one with the global identifier 'X', the other with the global identifier 'Y'. <> {code font} MODULE M1 INTERFACE SUBROUTINE S1() BIND(C,NAME='X') END END INTERFACE END MODULE MODULE M2 INTERFACE SUBROUTINE S2() BIND(C,NAME='X') END END INTERFACE END MODULE {end code font, begin new paragraph} The names S1 and s2 are local identifiers. The interfaces declare the same external procedure, which has the global identifier 'X'. C.13.2 Examples of host association ( ===END===