To: J3 J3/19-197 From: Steve Lionel Subject: Edits for C_F_STRPOINTER and F_C_STRING (US09) Date: 2019-August-05 Keywords: CSTRING, FSTRING Reference: 18-007r1, 18-252r2, N2165 Paper 18-252r2, passed by J3 at meeting 217, provided specifications for two new intrinsic module procedures whose purpose is to facilitate conversion between NUL-terminated C strings and length-qualified Fortran strings. These implement the "CSTRING and FSTRING" feature US09. This paper proposes edits for this feature. Edits to 18-007r1 ----------------- [xiii, Introduction] Add to the bullet "Intrinsic procedures and modules", as appropriate: "The procedures C_F_STRPOINTER and F_C_STRING have been added to intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING to assist in the use of NUL-terminated strings." [472:25+,] (Procedures in the module) Insert a new subclause after the entry for C_F_PROCPOINTER: "C_F_STRPOINTER (STRARRAY, FSTRPTR, NCHARS) Description. Associate a character pointer with a NUL-terminated string Class: Pure Subroutine Arguments: STRARRAY shall be a rank-1 character array of default kind or kind C_CHAR, and with a length type parameter of 1. It is INTENT(IN) and has the TARGET attribute. FSTRPTR shall be a deferred-length character pointer of default kind or kind C_CHAR. It is INTENT(OUT). FSTRPTR becomes pointer associated with the storage sequence S beginning with the first element of STRARRAY. Let N be the value of NCHARS if present, otherwise the extent of S. The length type parameter of FSTRPTR becomes: Case(i): If there is an integer I in the range 1 <= I <= N such that S(I:I) is equal to the value of C_NULL_CHAR from intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING, then one less than the smallest such I. Case(ii): Otherwise, N. NCHARS (optional) shall be a nonnegative scalar integer. It is INTENT(IN). NCHARS shall be present if STRARRAY is assumed-size." [473:35+,] Insert a new subclause after the entry for C_SIZEOF: "F_C_STRING (STRING [, TRIM]) Description: NUL-terminated string copy Class: Transformational function STRING shall be a character scalar of default kind or of kind C_CHAR TRIM (optional) shall be a logical scalar Result characteristics: The result is of type character with the same kind type parameter as STRING. Result value: Case (i): if TRIM is absent or has the value true, the value of the result is the value of STRING with any trailing blanks removed, and a NUL character (C_NULL_CHAR) appended to the trimmed value. The length type parameter is one greater than the length of STRING less the number of trailing blanks in STRING. Case (ii): if TRIM is present with the value false, the value of the result is the value of STRING with a NUL character (C_NULL_CHAR) appended. The length type parameter of the result is one greater than the length of STRING."