To: J3 J3/19-246 From: Ondrej Certik Subject: Namespace For Modules Date: 2019-October-16 Proposal for Fortran Standard: 202y (NOT 202x) 1. Introduction The proposal is to allow import a module as a namespace and access its members using the % operator. Example: use, namespace :: utils ... call utils%savetxt(...) Where `utils` is the only name that is imported in the local namespace. `savetxt` is not accesible directly, only via `utils%`. 2. Motivation Fortran module usage is equivalent to Python: Python Fortran from A import foo use A, only: foo from A import foo as Afoo use A, only: Afoo => foo from A import * use A Except: Python Fortran import A N/A import A as B N/A This proposal proposes to fill in the missing functionality as follows: Python Fortran import A use, namespace :: A import A as B use, namespace :: B => A 3. Use Cases 3.1 Same function names in multiple modules In Python a very common idiom is: import math import numpy as np import sympy as sym ... e1 = np.sin(np.pi) # NumPy expression e2 = math.sin(math.pi) # Built-in Python math expression e3 = sym.sin(sym.pi) # SymPy expression In Fortran currently one has to do: use math, only: math_sin => sin, math_pi => pi use numpy, only: np_sin => sin, np_pi => pi use sympy, only: sym_sin => sin, sym_pi => pi ... e1 = np_sin(np_pi) ! NumPy expression e2 = math_sin(math_pi) ! Built-in Python math expression e3 = sym_sin(sym_pi) ! SymPy expression With this proposal one could also do: use, namespace :: math use, namespace :: np => numpy use, namespace :: sym => sympy ... e1 = np%sin(np%pi) ! NumPy expression e2 = math%sin(math%pi) ! Built-in Python math expression e3 = sym%sin(sym%pi) ! SymPy expression 3.2 Need to import lots of functions from a module Exising code ( b43bd24cd421509a5bc6d3b9c3eeae8ce856ed88/src/linalg.f90): use lapack, only: dsyevd, dsygvd, ilaenv, zgetri, zgetrf, zheevd, & dgeev, zgeev, zhegvd, dgesv, zgesv, dgetrf, dgetri, dgelsy, & zgelsy, dgesvd, zgesvd, dgeqrf, dorgqr, dpotrf, dtrtrs ... call dgeev('N', 'V', n, At, lda, wr, wi, vl, ldvl, vr, ldvr, & work, lwork, info) ... call dgetrf(n, n, Amt, lda, ipiv, info) ... Instead, one can write it as: use, namespace :: lapack ... call lapack%dgeev('N', 'V', n, At, lda, wr, wi, vl, ldvl, vr, ldvr, & work, lwork, info) ... call lapack%dgetrf(n, n, Amt, lda, ipiv, info) ... Then when another subroutine must be called from the `lapack` module, one can just call it, without having to modify the `use` statement.