To: J3 J3/19-259r1 From: Jon Steidel & Zach Jibben Subject: Edits for Put with Notify Date: 2019-October-18 Reference: 19-251, 18-007r1 I Introduction A capability called "put with notify" is popular in the SHMEM community as a very efficient, narrowly focused, synchronization technique for data transfers between images. The basic idea is to combine a "put" (definition of a variable on a different image) with a notification mechanism that allows the receiving image to know that the data has arrived. While long requested for coarrays in Fortran, there was previously no simple syntax to allow for two things (the put and the notify) on the left side of an assignment. Fortran 2018 introduced specifiers as part of an image selector. The addition of a notify-specifier to an image selector, and a NOTIFY WAIT statement could solve this problem. For example, x[10, NOTIFY=nx] = y where nx is a coarray declared of type(NOTIFY_TYPE). The NOTIFY_TYPE is defined in the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV and has properties similar to type EVENT_TYPE. The effective notify operation is to the nx variable on the same image as specified by the image selector. On image 10, NOTIFY WAIT (nx) [here it is safe to reference x and get the new value] II Use-cases It is common for an image, i, to wait until another image, j, has updated a coarray on image i before image i continues execution. This can currently be implemented using events. For example, ! On some image other than 10 x[10] = y EVENT POST (nx [10]) ! On image 10 EVENT WAIT (nx) z = x It could be implemented more efficiently using a put with notify mechanism: ! On some image other than 10 x[10, NOTIFY=nx] = y ! On image 10 NOTIFY WAIT (nx) z = x The put with notify version differs from the EVENT version in that the notify can be incorporated into the same data packet as the value of y. Also the synchronization is only on this particular transfer, and not all outstanding memory operations on this image. The put with notify operation does not constitute segment ordering, and the NOTIFY WAIT statement is not an image control statement. The notify variable semantics are like those of atomic operations with regard to segment ordering. If x is an array "waiting" for data to be transferred to separate elements from one or more images, the NOTIFY WAIT could have an optional UNTIL_COUNT= clause similar to EVENT WAIT. ! On images other than image 10 x(i)[10, NOTIFY=nx] = y ! On image 10 NOTIFY WAIT (nx, UNTIL_COUNT=size(x)) z(:) = x(:) III Edits [xiii] Introduction Add the sentence "The put with notify feature adds a NOTIFY_TYPE to ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, a NOTIFY specifier to an image selector, and adds the NOTIFY WAIT execution control statement." {Define notify variable} [22:44+] add 3.154.3+ notify variable scalar variable of type NOTIFY_TYPE ( from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV {Add NOTIFY WAIT statement to the list of action statements} [33:49+] add or {Add notify-variable to 5.3.6 Image execution states} [37:33] after "lock variable" add ", notify variable, " {Add notify types to constraint C737} [66:9] after "EVENT_TYPE" add ", NOTIFY_TYPE, " [66:10-11] after "EVENT_TYPE" add ", NOTIFY_TYPE, " twice {Add notify types to constraint C847} [102:12-13] after "EVENT_TYPE (" add ", NOTIFY_TYPE (, " {Add NOTIFY= spec to image selectors} [131:7+] add the following to R926 image-selector-spec or NOTIFY = R926+ is [131:10+] add the following constraints C931+ (R926+) A shall be of type NOTIFY_TYPE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV (16.10.2) C931++ (R926+) shall not be coindexed. C931+++ An image selector with a NOTIFY= shall only appear in a designator for the variable of an assignment statement. [131:24+] add a new paragraph "Successful execution of a statement containing an image-selector with a NOTIFY=specifier atomically increments the count of the notify variable on the image specified by the image selector. The completion of an assignment statement with NOTIFY= specifier does not depend on the execution of a corresponding NOTIFY WAIT statement." {Disallow NOTIFY_TYPE variables as SOURCE= variables in ALLOCATE statements} [133:17-19] after "EVENT_TYPE" add ", NOTIFY_TYPE, " twice [133:30-31] after "EVENT_TYPE," add " NOTIFY_TYPE, " twice {Add a new section NOTIFY WAIT statement after 11.5 FAIL IMAGE statement. We use the syntax rule here, which is a forward reference. This could be cast as a and EVENT WAIT could then use this rule, if forward references are not desired.} [198:4+] 11.5+ NOTIFY WAIT statement The NOTIFY WAIT statement waits until the value of the is greater than or equal to the threshold value of the NOTIFY WAIT statement. R1163+ is NOTIFY WAIT ( [ , ] ) The shall not depend on the value of or . Execution of a NOTIFY WAIT statement consists of the following sequence of actions: 1. if the UNTIL_COUNT= specifier does not appear, the threshold value is set to one; otherwise, the threshold value is set to the maximum of the value of the scalar-int-expr and one; 2. the executing image waits until the count of the notify variable is greater than or equal to the threshold value or an error condition occurs; 3. if no error condition occurs, the count of the notify variable is atomically decremented by the threshold value. If an error condition occurs during execution of an NOTIFY WAIT statement, the value of the count of its notify variable is processor dependent. A NOTIFY WAIT statement execution is initially unsatisfied. Successful execution of a NOTIFY WAIT statement with a threshold value of satisfies the first unsatisfied executions of assignment statements with a NOTIFY= specifier that specifies the same notify variable specified in the NOTIFY WAIT statement. The in a shall not depend on the value of or an in . The in shall not depend on the value of or a in a , the is assigned the value zero if execution of the NOTIFY WAIT statement is successful. If a STAT= specifier appears in and an error condition occurs, is assigned a processor-dependent positive value that is different from the value of STAT_FAILED_IMAGE ( and STAT_STOPPED_IMAGE ( from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV (16.10.2). If an error condition occurs during execution of a NOTIFY WAIT statement that does not contain the STAT= specifier in , error termination is initiated. If an ERRMSG= specifier appears in and an error condition occurs, is assigns an explanatory message, as if by intrinsic assignment. If no such condition occurs, the definition status and the value of are unchanged. The set of error conditions that can occur during execution of a NOTIFY WAIT statement is processor-dependent. {Modify 11.6.2 Segments to account for notify variables} [199:15] after "event variable" add " or notify variable" 199:16] after "event variable" add " or notify variable" [199:16] before "Otherwise" add " A coarray defined by an assignment statement with a NOTIFY=specifier cannot be referenced until after the successful execution of a cor- responding NOTIFY WAIT statement whose is the same as the specified in the NOTIFY= specifier, unless the coarray definition and the coarray reference are in ordered segments." [430:22+] NOTIFY_TYPE NOTIFY_TYPE is a derived type with private components. It is an extensible type with no type parameters. Each nonallocatable component is fully default-initialized. A scalar variable of type NOTIFY_TYPE is a notify variable. The value of a notify variable includes its notify count, which is updated by execution of a sequence of assignment statements with an image selector that specifies a NOTIFY= specifier or NOTIFY WAIT statements. The effect of each change is as if the intrinsic subroutine ATOMIC_ADD were executed with a variable that stores the notify count as its ATOM argument. A coarray that is of type NOTIFY_TYPE may be referenced or defined during execution of a segment that is unordered relative to the execution of another segment in which that coarray is defined. The NOTIFY count is of type integer with kind ATOMIC_INT_KIND from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV. The initial value of the notify count of a notify variable is zero. C1610+ A named entity with declared type NOTIFY_TYPE, or which has a noncoarray potential subobject component with declared type NOTIFY_TYPE, shall be a variable. A component that is of such a type shall be a data component. C1610++ A named variable with declared type NOTIFY_TYPE shall be a coarray. A named variable with a noncoarray potential subobject component of type NOTIFY_TYPE shall be a coarray. C1610+++ A notify variable shall not appear in a variable definition context except as the in an assignment statement with an image selector that specifies a NOTIFY= specifier or NOTIFY WAIT statement, as an allocate-object, or as an actual argument in a reference to a procedure with an explicit interface if the corresponding dummy argument has INTENT (INOUT). C1610++++ A variable with a nonpointer subobject of type NOTIFY_TYPE shall not appear in a variable definition context except as an allocate-object in an ALLOCATE statement without a SOURCE= specifier, as an allocate-object in a DEALLOCATE statement, or as an actual argument in a reference to a procedure with an explicit interface if the corresponding dummy argument has INTENT (INOUT). NOTE 1 The restrictions against changing a notify variable except via assignment statements with an image selector that specifies a NOTIFY= specifier and NOTIFY WAIT statements ensure the integrity of its value and facilitate efficient implementation, particularly when special synchronization is needed for correct notify handling. NOTE 2 Updates to variables via atomic subroutines are coherent but not necessarily consistent, so a processor might have to use extra synchronization to obtain the consistency required for the segments ordered by assignment statements with an image selector that specifies a NOTIFY= specifier and NOTIFY WAIT statements. {Add events that modify notify variable definition status} [513:42+] Add (35+) Successful execution of an assignment statement with an image selector that specifies a NOTIFY= specifier or NOTIFY WAIT statement causes the notify variable to become defined. [516:29+] Add (14+) a notify-variable in an assignment statement with an image selector that specifies a NOTIFY= specifier or NOTIFY WAIT statement; [520:2+] Add a new bullet item o the value of the count of the notify variable in a NOTIFY WAIT statement if an error condition occurs (11.5+);