To: J3 J3/20-102r1 From: John Reid & Jon Steidel Subject: FORM TEAM and failed images Date: 2020-February-25 References: 18-007r1, 19-181, 19-240, 19-241 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Introduction Paper 19-181 is a request for interpretation regarding the execution of a FORM TEAM statement by a team containing failed images. Papers 19-240 and 19-241 are responses from the interp subcommittee that reject the need for interpretation at this time, but ask HPC to look at 11.6.9 FORM TEAM to ensure that it describes the desired semantics in the presence of failed images, and welcomes suggestions for wording improvements for consideration in the next revision. 2. Discussion Clause 11.6.9 describes the cases that cause the team variable specified in a FORM TEAM statement to become defined. Successful execution of a FORM TEAM statement causes the team variable to become defined. If becomes defined with the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, the team variables also become defined. Active images are assigned to teams; inactive images are not. In all other cases, some other error condition occurs and the team variable becomes undefined. HPC does believe the wording of 11.6.9 could be improved. We also noticed that some cases are missing from clauses 19.6.5 and 19.6.6 (Events that cause variables to become (un)defined) were missing for variables of type TEAM_TYPE. Edits are provided to these sections. 3. Edits to 18-007r1 11.6.9 FORM TEAM statement [205:7] Change "Successful execution of a FORM TEAM statement" to "Execution of a FORM TEAM statement that is successful, or that assigns the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE (11.6.11) to ," so that the first sentence reads: "Execution of a FORM TEAM statement that is successful, or that assigns the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE (11.6.11) to , creates a new team for each unique value specified by the active images of the current team." 19.6.5 Events that cause variables to become defined [513:42] Change "Successful execution of a FORM TEAM statement" to "Execution of a FORM TEAM statement that is successful, or execu- tion of a FORM TEAM statement with a STAT= specifier that causes the variable specified by the STAT= specifier to become defined with the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, " resulting in the entire list item to read: "(35) Execution of a FORM TEAM statement that is successful, or execution of a FORM TEAM statement with a STAT= specifier that causes the variable specified by the STAT= specifier to become defined with the value STAT_FAILED_IMAGE, causes the team variable to become defined." 19.6.6 Events that cause variables to become undefined [517:7+] insert a new list item "(28+) Execution of a FORM TEAM statement with a STAT= specifier that causes the variable specified by the STAT= specifier with a value other than zero or STAT_FAILED_IMAGE from the intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, causes the team variable to become undefined." --END--