To: J3 J3/20-106 From: Balint Aradi Subject: Protected attribute for derived type components Date: 2020-February-23 Proposal for Fortran Standard: 202y (NOT 202x) 1. Introduction The proposal is to allow specify the protected attribute for components in derived types. Example: type :: prot_t integer, allocatable, protected :: array(:) end type prot_t 2. Motivation Data hiding using derived types with private components allows programmer to provide robust types, where internals can only be changed in controlled fashion. The usual implementation is to provide setter and getter routines for writing and reading components. Both operations involve copying the passed data, which can be inefficient when storing large arrays in the derived type instance. While in the setter routine the copying serves robustness by "disentangling" the data stored in the derived type from the original data, the getter routine and the connected copy operation might be superfluous, when the consumer only wants to read but not modify the data stored in the derived type intance. By allowing for a direct read-only access, one could enhance efficiency in those cases without sacrificing the consistency of the encapsulated data. Direct access is possible with current Fortran already, but only if the respective derived type component is public. This would jeopardize data consistency, though, as a consumer could change the respective component arbitrarily, without using the provided setter routine. This proposal suggests to allow the "protected" attribute already used for module variables being used for derived type components as well. It would also remedy the asymmetry between the attributes "private"/"public" and the attribute "protected", as the former two can be applied to both, module variables and derived type components, while the latter only for module variables so far. 3. Use Cases Derived types storing large amount of data could enable read-only access to components without the necessity of a getter routine and the connected copy operation: module data_m implicit none type :: prot_t ! Large array component integer, allocatable, protected :: array(:) contains procedure :: set end type prot_t contains subroutine set(this, array) type(prot_t), intent(out) :: this this%array = array end subroutine set end module data_m program use_data use data_m implicit none type(prot_t) :: storage integer, allocatable :: large_array(:) ! Filling up and allocating the large array ! ... ! Storing the large array in the derived type instance call storage%set(large_array) ! Accessing large array stored in the derived type directly ! No getter routine and no copy necessary ! Dummy argument of the called routine must be intent(in) call some_routine_processing_but_not_changing_the_array(storage%array) ! Inconsistent change, consumer is supposed to call set() to change ! encapsulated data. ! Uncommenting the next line should trigger a compiler error. !storage%array(1) = -1 end program use_data 4. Online discussion This proposal derived from the discussion on the j3-fortran github page: