To: J3 J3/20-130 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: J3 Fortran interp letter ballot #36 - due 04-July-2020 Date: 2020-June-02 Enclosed in the next letter ballot on Fortran interpretations. This is a formal letter ballot; only one vote per principal member. An alternate member may vote if the principal member does not vote; in any case, comments are welcome from non-voting alternates and from members of WG5 that are not J3 members, and will be taken into consideration by J3/interp. The rules for interpretation handling by which we operate say: o J3 votes on the answer at a J3 meeting; a simple majority vote marks the answer as "passed by J3 meeting". o Between J3 meetings the chair of /interp sends a J3 letter ballot to J3 to approve interp answers that have been "passed by J3 meeting". The letter ballot runs for 30 days. An interp answer passes by a 2/3rds vote; a no vote must be accompanied by an explanation of the changes necessary to change the member's vote to yes. J3/interp reserves the right to recall an interp answer for more study even if the answer passes. 4 Fortran interpretations are currently "Passed by J3 meeting" after J3 meeting #221. This is the letter ballot phase to go from "Passed by J3 meeting" to "Passed by J3 letter ballot". The following Fortran interpretations are being balloted: Yes No Number Title --- --- F18/015 Example in C.6.8 is wrong --- --- F18/016 Host association changes in Fortran 2018 --- --- F18/017 Final subroutine invocation order --- --- F18/018 Public namelist and private variable The text of these interpretations is attached. Each interpretation starts with a row of "-"s. Please mark the above -Y- in the Yes column for "yes", -C- in the Yes column for "yes with comment", or -N- in the No column for a "no" answer {be sure to include your reasons with "no"} and send only the above text {not this entire mail message} with any comments to by 11:59:59PM, PDT, Saturday, 04-July-2020, in order to be counted. Thanks /Malcolm ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/015 TITLE: Example in C.6.8 is wrong KEYWORDS: failed images DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting The example code for failed images in C.6.8 raises several issues about its correctness. QUESTION: Q1. A: In the example in C.6.8, the assignments me[k] = failures(i) id[k] = 1 are made by image 1 and the assignments me = THIS_IMAGE () id = MERGE (1, 2, me<=images_used) are made by image k in unordered segments. Was this intended? B: In the example in C.6.8, the assignment me[k] = failures(i) is made by image 1 and me[k] is referenced on other images in the FORM TEAM statement in unordered segments. Was this intended? Q2. Suppose the program in C.6.8 is executed by 11 images, so 1 is intended to be a spare. If image 9 in the initial team fails immediately before it executes the first FORM TEAM statement, then image 10 in the initial team, which executes FORM TEAM with a team-number == 1 and NEW_INDEX == 10 (== me), will have specified a NEW_INDEX= value greater than the number of images in the new team. Should there be a test for this in the code? Q3. A: If a replacement image has failed, its image index will be the value of an element of the array failures, a replacement for it will be found, and the replacement will be placed in team 1. Was this intended? B: The value of images_used increases each time the setup loop is executed. However, the array failures will contain the image indices of all the failed images and allocate all of them fresh replacements. Was this intended? ANSWER: 1-A: No. An image control statement that provides segment ordering is needed. 1-B: No. 2: This is quite a low-probability event, so exiting with the error condition seems appropriate. 3-A: No. 3_B: No. It was intended to allocate replacements only for the newly failed images. Furthermore, the example contains more errors than in the list above. Therefore an edit is provided that replaces the entire example with a complete rewrite, involving correction of additional errors, a better choice of names, and more comments. Some of the noteworthy additional changes are: - declarations separated out and many comments added or changed; - logical variable START added to distinguish the first execution of the outer do loop when READ_CHECKPOINT should be false; - rename ME to LOCAL_INDEX and ID to TEAM_NUMBER; - code added to calculate the local indices of team 2; - THEN keyword added to ELSE IF (done) statement. EDITS to 18-007r1: [543:42-545:17] C.6.8 Example involving failed images, Replace the entire example with the code below. Note that many lines and comments are broken to keep them within 70 columns, these should be joined up or reformatted in the actual standard. " PROGRAM possibly_recoverable_simulation USE, INTRINSIC :: ISO_FORTRAN_ENV, ONLY:TEAM_TYPE, STAT_FAILED_IMAGE IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: failures (:) ! Indices of the failed images. INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: old_failures(:) ! Previous failures. INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: map(:) ! For each spare image k in use, ! map(k) holds the index of the failed image it replaces. INTEGER :: images_spare ! No. spare images. ! Not altered in main loop. INTEGER :: images_used ! Max index of image in use. INTEGER :: failed ! Index of a failed image. INTEGER :: i, j, k ! Temporaries INTEGER :: status ! stat= value INTEGER :: team_number [*] ! 1 if in working team; 2 otherwise. INTEGER :: local_index [*] ! Index of the image in the team. TYPE (TEAM_TYPE) :: simulation_team LOGICAL :: read_checkpoint ! If read_checkpoint true on ! entering simulation_procedure, go back to previous check point. LOGICAL :: done [*] ! True if computation finished on the image. LOGICAL :: start ! True initially. ! Keep 1% spare images if we have a lot, just 1 if 10-199 images, ! 0 if <10. images_spare = MAX(INT(0.01*NUM_IMAGES()),0,MIN(NUM_IMAGES()-10,1)) images_used = NUM_IMAGES () - images_spare ALLOCATE ( old_failures(0), map(images_used+1:NUM_IMAGES()) ) start = .true. outer : DO local_index = THIS_IMAGE () team_number = MERGE (1, 2, local_index<=images_used) SYNC ALL (STAT = status) IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT outer IF (IMAGE_STATUS (1) == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) & ERROR STOP "cannot recover" IF (THIS_IMAGE () == 1) THEN ! For each newly failed image in team 1, move into team 1 a ! non-failed image of team 2. failures = FAILED_IMAGES () ! Note that the values ! returned by FAILED_IMAGES increase monotonically. k = images_used j = 1 DO i = 1, SIZE (failures) IF (failures(i) > images_used) EXIT ! This failed image and ! all further failed images are in team 2 and do not matter. failed = failures(i) ! Check whether this is an old failed image. IF (j <= SIZE (old_failures)) THEN IF (failed == old_failures(j)) THEN j = j+1 CYCLE ! No action needed for old failed image. END IF END IF ! Allow for the failed image being a replacement image. IF (failed > NUM_IMAGES()-images_spare) failed = map(failed) ! Seek a non-failed image DO k = k+1, NUM_IMAGES () IF (IMAGE_STATUS (k) == 0) EXIT END DO IF (k > NUM_IMAGES ()) ERROR STOP "cannot recover" local_index [k] = failed team_number [k] = 1 map(k) = failed END DO old_failures = failures images_used = k ! Find the local indices of team 2 j = 0 DO k = k+1, NUM_IMAGES () IF (IMAGE_STATUS (k) == 0) THEN j = j+1 local_index[k] = j END IF END DO END IF SYNC ALL (STAT = status) IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT outer ! ! Set up a simulation team of constant size. ! Team 2 is the set of spares, so does not participate. FORM TEAM (team_number, simulation_team, NEW_INDEX=local_index, & STAT=status) IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT outer simulation : CHANGE TEAM (simulation_team, STAT=status) IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) EXIT simulation IF (start) read_checkpoint = .FALSE. start = .FALSE. IF (team_number == 1) THEN iter : DO CALL simulation_procedure (read_checkpoint, status, done) ! The simulation_procedure: ! - sets up and performs some part of the simulation; ! - resets to the last checkpoint if requested; ! - sets status from its internal synchronizations; ! - sets done to .TRUE. when the simulation has completed. IF (status == STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) THEN read_checkpoint = .TRUE. EXIT simulation ELSE IF (done) THEN EXIT iter END IF read_checkpoint = .FALSE. END DO iter END IF END TEAM (STAT=status) simulation SYNC ALL (STAT=status) IF (THIS_IMAGE () > images_used) done = done[1] IF (done) EXIT outer END DO outer IF (status/=0 .AND. status/=STAT_FAILED_IMAGE) & PRINT *,'Unexpected failure',status END PROGRAM possibly_recoverable_simulation " SUBMITTED BY: John Reid HISTORY: 19-182 m219 Submitted 19-182r3 m219 Revised draft - Passed by J3 meeting 19-228 m220 Failed J3 letter ballot #35 20-105 m221 Revised answer - Passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/016 TITLE: Host association changes in Fortran 2018 KEYWORDS: Host association DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTION: The default semantics for accessing entities by host association from an interface body appear to be different in Fortran 2018 than in Fortran 2008. Problem 1: In Fortran 2008, an interface body that is not a module procedure interface body cannot access entities in its host by host association unless an IMPORT statement is present in the interface body. The same rule applies by default in Fortran 2018 if the interface body is for an external or dummy procedure, but not if the interface body is for an abstract interface or a procedure pointer that is not a dummy procedure pointer (see 8.8 "IMPORT statement" [117:17-19]). For example, in DOUBLE PRECISION X ABSTRACT INTERFACE SUBROUTINE SUB(A) REAL(KIND(X)) A END SUBROUTINE END INTERFACE Fortran 2008 specifies that X is default REAL, and that therefore so is argument A, but Fortran 2018 specifies that X is accessed by host association and so argument A is double precision. Problem 2: The Fortran 2008 standard specified that a submodule has access to host entities, but the Fortran 2018 standard does not specify any default host association semantics for a submodule (it specifies IMPORT semantics only for nested scoping units (see 8.8 "IMPORT statement" [117:23-26]). That makes submodules using host association not conforming. For example, in MODULE mod INTERFACE MODULE SUBROUTINE S END SUBROUTINE END INTERFACE INTEGER,PARAMETER :: WP = KIND(0.0) END MODULE SUBMODULE (mod) submod REAL(WP) X END SUBMODULE the submodule references WP by host association in Fortran 2008, but Fortran 2018 does not specify any semantics and so the whole thing is not conforming. Problem 3: The Fortran 2008 standard specified that generic identifiers were accessible by host association, but the Fortran 2018 standard specifies that host association is for named entities. For example, in INTERFACE OPERATOR(.plus.) PROCEDURE plusfun END INTERFACE ... CONTAINS SUBROUTINE SUB(a,b,c) ... c = Fortran 2018 would not permit access to the user-defined operator. Problem 4: The Fortran 2018 standard specifies that BLOCK constructs access named entities in their hosts by host association. This makes no sense because BLOCK constructs already have access to entities in their hosts through inclusive scoping. Were these changes intended? ANSWER: No, none of these changes were intended. Edits are provided to restore the semantics specified in the Fortran 2008 standard. EDITS to 18-007r1: [117:18-19] 8.8 IMPORT statement, p2, second sentence, Replace "interface body for an ... procedure." with "interface body that is not a module procedure interface body." making the sentence read "This is the default for an interface body that is not a module procedure interface body." [117:25-26] 8.8 IMPORT statement, p4, second sentence, Change "for a nested scoping unit ... procedure" to "for a derived-type definition, internal subprogram, module procedure interface body, module subprogram, or submodule" making the sentence read "This is the default for a derived-type definition, internal subprogram, module procedure interface body, module subprogram, or submodule." [502:7] "Host association", p1, first sentence Change "nested scoping unit" to "derived-type definition, interface body, internal subprogram, module subprogram, or submodule", Delete "named", Making the sentence read "A derived-type definition, interface body, internal subprogram, module subprogram, or submodule has access to entities from its host as specified in 8.8." SUBMITTED BY: Robert Corbett HISTORY: 19-257 m220 F18/016 Submitted 19-257r1 m220 Revised draft - Passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/017 TITLE: Final subroutine invocation order KEYWORDS: FINAL ALLOCATABLE DEFECT TYPE: Erratum STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTION: Consider Module m Type base Contains Final basef End Type Type other Contains Final otherf End Type Type,Extends(base) :: t Type(other),Allocatable :: comp Contains Final tf End Type Contains Subroutine basef(a) Type(base),Intent(InOut) :: a Print *,'basef' End Subroutine Subroutine otherf(b) Type(other),Intent(InOut) :: b Print *,'otherf' End Subroutine Subroutine tf(c) Type(t),Intent(InOut) :: c Print *,'tf' End Subroutine End Module Program test Use m Call sub Contains Subroutine sub Type(t) x Allocate(x%comp) End Subroutine End Program When the subroutine is executed, it will finalize X on exit, so what is the expected output? Finalization of X occurs before auto-deallocation of X%COMP; this follows from paragraph 9. According to, in sequence (1) the object's final procedure is invoked, i.e. TF is called, (2) finalizable components are finalized, i.e. OTHERF is called, (3) the parent is finalized, i.e. BASEF is called. And according to, deallocating X%COMP finalizes it, and so (4) OTHERF is called. I.e. the output is TF OTHERF BASEF OTHERF However, this violates the principle that you only finalize something once. Q1. Is X%COMP actually finalized twice? It could be argued that "finalizing X before deallocating X%COMP" only puts an order on invocation of TF, and in particular, finalizing the parent pseudo-component need not precede the deallocation. But this would still invoke OTHERF twice. Q3. Is the auto-deallocation of an allocatable component required to follow the finalization of other components and the parent pseudo-component? Now consider the case where X%COMP is not allocated (i.e. delete the ALLOCATE statement). According to, it should invoke (1) TF on X (2) OTHERF on X%COMP (3) BASEF on X%BASE however, as X%COMP is unallocated, the invocation in step (2) does not conform to the procedure reference requirements, i.e. the program is not conforming. Q2. Is X%COMP required to be allocated when X is finalized? DISCUSSION: An object is only finalized in situations listed in Every such situation would also unconditionally deallocate any allocatable component, and if that component were finalizable, such deallocation would also unconditionally finalize the component (* except for intrinsic assignment, where a previous interpretation added an exclusion). Therefore it seems to be broken to finalize any allocatable component during finalization of the object it is contained in, as either it will be non-conforming, or will be finalized twice (* except for the previously-added exception). The design where allocatable entities are finalized at the time of deallocation would seem to be simpler, easier to understand, and less buggy. Perhaps the finalization of allocatable components in step (2) should be removed, and the exclusion for intrinsic assignment for deallocation-finalization should also be removed? ANSWER: A1. No object should be finalized twice. A2. No, a finalizable allocatable component should not be required to be allocated when its containing object is finalized. The inclusion of allocatable components in step (2) is an error in the standard, and the intrinsic assignment exception for finalization on deallocation is likewise an error. Edits are provided to correct these errors. A3. An allocatable component should be able to be finalized as soon as the object's final subroutine returns, i.e. there should be no requirement on the processor to produce a particular invocation order here. The ambiguity in whether component deallocation and component finalization should be ordered is inadvertent. An edit is provided to remove any implication that these need to have a specific order. EDITS to 18-007r1: [80:9] The finalization process, p1, item (2), "All finalizable" -> "All nonallocatable finalizable". {Remove redundant finalization.} [80:22] When finalization occurs, p2, After "unless it is the variable in an intrinsic assignment statement" Delete "or a subobject thereof". {Remove allocatable component exclusion in intrinsic assignment.} [137:28] Deallocation of allocatable variables, p9, Change "that object is finalized" To "any final subroutine for that object is executed", Making the whole paragraph read "If an allocatable component is a subobject of a finalizable object, any final subroutine for that object is executed before the component is automatically deallocated." SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 20-117 m221 F18/017 Submitted - Passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER: F18/018 TITLE: Public namelist and private variable KEYWORDS: NAMELIST PUBLIC PRIVATE DEFECT TYPE: Clarification STATUS: Passed by J3 meeting QUESTION: Consider Module m1 Real,Public :: x End Module Module m2 Use m1 Private x Namelist/nml/x End Module On the face of it, module M2 appears to violate C8105 (R868) A namelist-group-object shall not have the PRIVATE attribute if the namelist-group-name has the PUBLIC attribute. as the local X indeed has the PRIVATE attribute. On the other hand, it is just a local name for the remote X which is PUBLIC, which raises doubts. Comment: This seems to be a very old constraint dating back to when the standard was much more restrictive about such things. It is not clear why this should be disallowed. Even if X were a local variable of M2, it is not clear what purpose this constraint serves. A quick compiler survey revealed that most but not all compilers think that it is where the variable is defined that matters, i.e. many accept the example code. Q1. Should PRIVATE local variables really be prohibited from a PUBLIC namelist? If the answer to Q1 is yes, Q2. Is it PRIVATE on the local name that matters, or PRIVATE on the variable where it is defined? COMMENT: A NAMELIST statement can contain several namelist-group-names, so it is also somewhat ambiguous as to which namelist-group-objects this constraint applies to. ANSWER: A1. Yes. Although this restriction appears to serve little purpose, it is a deliberate restriction (which could be lifted in a future standard). A2. It is whether the local name has the PRIVATE attribute that matters, not where the variable is declared. An edit is provided. EDIT to 18-007r1: [119:8-9] 8.9 NAMELIST statement, C8105, After "PRIVATE attribute" insert "in the local scope", and change "the namelist-group-name" to "its namelist-group-name", making the whole constraint read "C8105 (R868) A namelist-group-object shall not have the PRIVATE attribute in the local scope if its namelist-group-name has the PUBLIC attribute." SUBMITTED BY: Malcolm Cohen HISTORY: 20-127 m221 F18/018 Submitted 20-127r1 m221 Passed by J3 meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ===END===