To: J3 J3/20-150 Subject: Conditional expressions and arguments - edits From: Malcolm Cohen Date: 2020-October-10 Reference: 18-274, 20-142, 20-143. 1. Introduction This paper contains the edits for the conditional expressions feature. For background, please see 18-274. For formal specifications, please see 20-142. For syntax, please see 20-143. Note that edits for two syntax forms are provided. 2. Edits to 20-007 for conditional expressions (only) 2.1 Basic edits [xiii] Introduction, Data usage and computation bullet, append "Conditional expressions provide selective evaluation of part of an expression without evaluating other parts." [144:24+] Primary, R1001 primary, add new production "<> " [145:1-] Before Level-1 expressions, insert new subclause (note: angle brackets omitted in the BNF as all lowercase is either bold (is/or) or italic (BNF terms). " Conditional expressions A conditional expression is a primary that selectively evaluates a chosen sub-expression. R1001a conditional-expr is IF ( scalar-logical-expr ) THEN ( expr ) [ ELSE IF ( scalar-logical-expr ) THEN ( expr ) ]... ELSE ( expr ) END IF C1003a Each of a shall have the same declared type, kind type parameters, and rank. NOTE 1 Examples of a conditional expression are: IF( ABS(RESIDUAL)<=TOL )THEN( 'ok' )ELSE( 'did not converge' )ENDIF IF( I>0 .AND. I<=SIZE(A) )THEN( A(I) )ELSE IF( PRESENT(VAL) )& THEN( VAL )ELSE( 0.0 )ENDIF" {The opening paragraph is mere witter to introduce the syntax.} {This version of R1001a is for the keyword form; versions for other forms appear in the next section.} {Note the constraint says " of" not " in", so we know which expressions it applies to. If that's too subtle we could introduce a new syntax term, but I think it is reasonably understandable as is.} {I think the last example will fit on one line in the standard.} [149:2-] 10.1.4 Evaluation of operations, after p1 and NOTE 1, insert new paragraphs "Evaluation of a evaluates each in order, until the value of a is true, or there are no more s. If the value of a is true, its subsequent is chosen; otherwise, the last of the is chosen. The chosen is evaluated, and its value is the value of the conditional expression. The declared type, kind type parameters, and rank of a are the same as those of its s. The dynamic type, length type parameters, and shape are those of the chosen . A is polymorphic if and only if one or more of its s is polymorphic. NOTE 1b Only one of a conditional expression is evaluated, and any of its s subsequent to one that evaluates to true are not evaluated." 2.2 Edit modifications for concise syntax [47:10] 6.2.1 Tokens, p1, after "..," insert "|, :?," making that whole sentence read "A lexical token is a keyword, name, literal constant other than a complex literal constant, operator, statement label, delimiter, comma, =, =>, :, ::, ;, .., |, :?, or %." [49:29] 6.2.6 Delimiters, p1, change "or /)" to "/), (?, or ?)", making the whole paragraph read "A lexical token that is a delimiter is a (, ), /, [, ], (/, /), (?, or ?)." For concise syntax instead of keyword syntax, replace the BNF rule only (the rest of the edit remaining as is) in the edit for [145:1-]: "R1001a conditional-expr is (? scalar-logical-expr | expr [ :? scalar-logical-expr | expr ]... : expr ?)" For both forms (not that I expect the committee to choose this), instead replace the BNF with R1001a conditional-expr is <<>> or <<>> In the edit for [145:1-], change the examples to "(? ABS(RESIDUAL)<=TOL | 'ok' : 'did not converge' ?) (? I>0 .AND. I<=SIZE(A) | A(I) :? PRESENT(VAL) | VAL : 0.0 ?)" 3. Additional edits to 20-007 for conditional arguments 3.1 Basic edits [xiii] Introduction, Program units and procedures bullet, append "Conditional arguments provide inline selection of an actual argument in a procedure reference." [310:26+] 15.5.1 Syntax of a procedure reference, R1524 actual-arg, after "<> proc-component-ref" insert new production "<> " [311:4] C1535 replace "(R1524) shall not be a variable" entirely: "C1535 An that is an shall not be a variable or a ." {NOTE: This is a disambiguating constraint, not a "the processor must check this" constraint.} [311:7+] After the last constraint in this subclause (C1537), insert new BNF and constraints. "R1525a conditional-arg is IF ( scalar-logical-expr ) THEN ( consequent-arg ) [ ELSE IF ( scalar-logical-expr ) THEN ( consequent-arg ) ]... [ ELSE ( else-consequent-arg ) ] END IF R1525b consequent-arg is expr or variable R1535c else-consequent-arg is consequent-arg C1537a Each in a shall have the same declared type, and kind type parameters. C1537b Either all s in a shall have the same rank, or be assumed-rank. C1537c If its corresponding dummy argument is not optional, shall have an . C1537d If its corresponding dummy argument is INTENT (OUT) or INTENT (INOUT), each in a shall be a variable. C1537e If its corresponding dummy argument is allocatable, a pointer, or a coarray, the attributes of each in a shall satisfy the requirements of that dummy argument. C1537f A shall not be assumed-rank unless its corresponding dummy argument is assumed-rank. C1537g A that is an shall not be a variable. C1537h In a reference to a generic procedure, each in a shall have the same corank, and if any in a has the allocatable or pointer attribute, each shall have that attribute." {C1537f might be inferred from C838, so could be unnecessary.} {NOTE: C1537g is another disambiguating constraint.} [313:1-] Immediately before Argument association, insert subclause " Conditional argument correspondence If an is a , each is evaluated in order, until the value of a is true, or there are no more s. If the value of a is true, its subsequent is chosen; otherwise, if appears, its is chosen. If a is chosen, its or is the actual argument for the corresponding dummy argument, and if it is an , it is evaluated. If no is chosen, there is no actual argument for that dummy argument. Each in a shall satisfy any requirements of the dummy argument on declared type, kind type parameters, attributes, and properties that do not depend on evaluation of the or any contained expressions. The declared type, kind type parameters, rank, and corank of a are those of its s. It has the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute if and only if all of its s have that attribute. It is polymorphic if and only if one or more of its s is polymorphic. NOTE 1 An example of a conditional argument in a procedure reference is: CALL sub( IF( x>0 )THEN( x )ELSE IF( y>0 )THEN( y )ELSE( z )ENDIF, & IF( edge>0 )THEN( edge )ELSEIF( mode==3 )THEN( 1.0 )ENDIF, & some, other, arguments)" {I omitted the stuff about not evaluating non-chosen things, as that would just complicate the description without saying anything new. A note could be added if thought useful.} {We could add these paragraphs to Argument correspondence instead. That subclause is one giant indigestible paragraph though, which would warrant serious wordsmithing if we're going to add anything more.} {The penultimate paragraph is to enforce things like "allocatable dummies require allocatable actuals" without listing them all.} {The last paragraph is there for generic resolution, which needs to know these things. It's not necessary for a specific procedure reference as the actual argument is the chosen consequent-arg, not the conditional-arg itself.} 3.2 Edit modifications for concise syntax Instead of the R1525a shown above, use this one: "R1525a conditional-arg is (? scalar-logical-expr | consequent-arg [ :? scalar-logical-expr | consequent-arg ]... [ : else-consequent-arg ] ?)" In the unlikely event of wanting both forms, use "or" to include both. In the edit for [313:1-], change the example to "CALL sub( (? x>0 | x :? y>0 | y : z ?), & (? edge>0 | edge :? mode==3 | 1.0 ?), & some, other, arguments)" ===END===