To: J3 J3/21-107r1 From: R. Bader Subject: C interop module procedure examples Date: 2021-February-19 Reference: 21-007,21-100 1. Introduction This paper is triggered by the Editor's comment in 21-100 on a lack of examples in section 18.2.3 of 21-007. In the course of setting these up, a minor issue was observed, for which a fix is also suggested. Specifically, * For C_ASSOCIATED it is suggested to replace NOTE 1 by an example that illustrates both usage cases. * For C_F_POINTER a spurious "Case (iv)" is referenced in the example section for which there is no counterpart in the FPTR arguments' description. * For C_F_PROCPOINTER an example is added. * For C_F_STRPOINTER examples for use of both specifics are added. * For C_FUNLOC an example is added. * For C_LOC an example is added, as well as a reference to an earlier example. * For C_SIZEOF an example is added. * For F_C_STRING an example is added. 2. Edits against 21-007 In C_ASSOCIATED [488:12+] replace NOTE 1 by a new para 6 "Examples. Case (i): extern double c_x; void *address_of_x (void) { return &c_x; } TYPE(c_ptr) :: p = c_null_ptr ... ! Assume interface to "address_of_x" is available. ! The following IF block will be executed: IF ( .NOT. C_Associated(p) ) THEN p = address_of_x() END IF Case (ii): Assume that the C variable c_x from the previous example is bound to Fortran by a module variable declaration Real(C_double), Target, BIND(C, Name='c_x') :: x Then, the IF block of If ( C_Associated(p, C_loc(x)) ) Then ... End If will be executed if the executable statements are placed after those from the Case(i) example." In C_F_POINTER [490:7] delete "Case (iv)" and unindent [490:7-14] by one level. In C_F_PROCPOINTER after [490:26] add a new para 4 "Example. #include typedef double (*simplefun)(double); simplefun dispatch() { return erfc; } ! Assume interface to "dispatch" is available. Abstract Interface Real(C_double) Function simple_function(x) Bind(C) Import :: C_Double Real(C_Double), Value :: x End Function simple_function End Interface Procedure(simple_function), Pointer :: psimp Call C_F_Procpointer(dispatch(), psimp) ! Invoke erfc via psimp Write(*,*) psimp(4.5_C_Double)" In C_F_STRPOINTER after [491:12] add a new para 5 "Example. Assume that interfaces to the C library routines "free" and "get_current_dir_name" are available. Furthermore, a constant Integer, Parameter :: maxlen = 1000 is taken to be the maximum expected length of the strings involved. The following procedure fragment indicates how a Fortran implementation of a call with C prototype void process_handle(..., char[], ...); can process the passed C string: Subroutine process_string(..., str, ...) Bind(C) Character(Kind=C_char), Dimension(*), Target :: str ... Character(Kind=C_char, Len=:), Pointer :: f_str Call C_F_strpointer(str, f_str, maxlen) ! f_str is now pointing at storage associated with the ! C string actual parameter ... End Subroutine process_string The following statements indicate how to process the string returned by a C library routine: Character(kind=C_Char, Len=:), Pointer :: f_str => Null() Call C_F_Strpointer(get_current_dir_name(), f_str, maxlen) ! f_str is now pointing at storage associated with the string ! returned by the C library call ... ! clean up allocation done by the C library call Call free(C_Loc(f_str)) f_str => Null() For both scenarios, the value of the length of f_str will be that of the strlen() C library call for the corresponding C string, unless that value exceeds maxlen." (Thanks to Steve Lionel for suggesting significant improvements). In C_FUNLOC after [491:24] add a new para 7 "Example. Interface Subroutine qsort(base, nmemb, size, compar) Bind(C) Import :: c_ptr, c_size_t, c_funptr Type(*), Dimension(*) :: base Integer(C_Size_T), Value :: nmemb, size Type(C_Funptr), Value :: compar End Subroutine qsort Integer(C_Int) Function reverse_compare(a, b) Bind(C) Import :: C_Int Type(*) :: a, b End Function End Interface Using either a Fortran or a C implementation of "reverse_compare", the C library function "qsort" can be called as follows. Integer(C_Size_T), Parameter :: nmemb = 10 Integer(C_Int) :: iarr(nmemb) = [ 1, 4, 7, 3, 8, 10, 2, 5, 9, 6 ] Call qsort(iarr, nmemb, C_Sizeof(iarr(1)), C_Funloc(reverse_compare)) ! iarr now contains the reverse-sorted permutation of its input value" In C_LOC after [492:3] add a new para 10 "Example. Type(*), Intent(in), Target :: x Real(C_Float), Pointer :: pr => null() If "x" is argument associated with an object of type REAL(C_FLOAT), execution of the following statements, with the effect of effectively processing "x", is permissible: Call C_F_Pointer(C_Loc(x), pr) Write(*, '("x is a real scalar with value: ",F8.1)') pr An example of how to use C_LOC on an array object of non- interoperable type is supplied in, for Case (ii) of that section." In C_SIZEOF after [492:15] add a new para 7 "Example. Type, Bind(C) :: struct Character(Len=1,Kind=C_Char) :: s(3) Real(C_Double) :: d End Type struct Type(struct) :: obj(4) Execution of the statement Write(*,*) C_Sizeof(obj(1)) will produce the same value in the output as Write(*,*) Storage_Size(obj) / Storage_Size(obj(1)%s) NOTE 1: Due to padding imposed by the companion processor, the value returned for derived type objects might be larger than the sum of C_SIZEOF values calculated for each type component individually." In F_C_STRING after [492:34] add a new para "Example. CHARACTER(LEN=9,KIND=c_char) :: str = 'abcdef ' CHARACTER(LEN=:,KIND=c_char), ALLOCATABLE :: res res = F_C_STRING(str, .TRUE.) ! res is allocated to length 10, with '\0' as last character res = F_C_STRING(str) ! res is allocated to length 7, with '\0' as last character"