To: J3 J3/21-107r2 From: R. Bader Subject: C interop module procedure examples Date: 2021-June-26 Reference: 21-007r1,21-100 1. Introduction This paper is triggered by the Editor's comment in 21-100 on a lack of examples in section 18.2.3 of 21-007r1. In the course of setting these up, a minor issue was observed, for which a fix is also suggested. Specifically, * For C_ASSOCIATED it is suggested to replace NOTE 1 by an example that illustrates both usage cases. * For C_F_POINTER a spurious "Case (iv)" is referenced in the example section for which there is no counterpart in the FPTR arguments' description (the "Case" designators refer to the semantic variants of the procedure). * For C_F_PROCPOINTER an example is added. * For C_F_STRPOINTER examples for use of both specifics are added. * For C_FUNLOC an example is added. * For C_LOC an example is added, as well as a reference to an earlier example. * For C_SIZEOF an example is added. * For F_C_STRING an example is added. The capitalization style used is that of the existing examples in C_F_POINTER. 2. Edits against 21-007r1: In C_ASSOCIATED [496:12+] replace NOTE 1 by a new para 6 "Examples. Case (i): extern double c_x; void *address_of_x (void) { return &c_x; } TYPE(C_ptr) :: p = C_null_ptr ... ! Assume interface to "address_of_x" is available. ! The following IF construct's block will be executed: If ( .Not. C_Associated(p) ) Then p = address_of_x() End If Case (ii): Assume that the C variable c_x from the Case (i) example is bound to Fortran by a module variable declaration Real(C_double), Target, Bind(C, Name='c_x') :: x Then, the following IF construct's block If ( C_Associated(p, C_loc(x)) ) Then ... End If will be executed if the construct is placed after the statements of the Case (i) example." In C_F_POINTER [498:7] delete "Case (iv)" and unindent [498:7-14] by one level. In C_F_PROCPOINTER after [498:26] add a new para 4 "Example. #include typedef double (*simplefun)(double); // use above typedef to create a C function that returns a C // function pointer to the cube root C library function: simplefun dispatch() { return cbrt; } Assuming that the intrinsic module Iso_C_Binding is accessed, the following Fortran interface interoperates with dispatch(): Interface Type(C_funptr) Function dispatch() Bind(C) Import, Only : C_funptr End Function dispatch End Interface Abstract Interface Real(C_double) Function simple_function(x) Bind(C) Import, Only : C_double Real(C_double), Value :: x End Function simple_function End Interface Procedure(simple_function), Pointer :: psimp Call C_F_Procpointer(dispatch(), psimp) ! Invoke cbrt via associated function pointer psimp Write(*,*) psimp(4.5_C_double)" In C_F_STRPOINTER after [499:12] add a new para 5 "Example. Assume that interfaces to the C library routines "free" and "get_current_dir_name" are available. Furthermore, a constant Integer, Parameter :: maxlen = 1000 is taken to be the maximum expected length of the strings involved. The following fragment indicates how a Fortran implementation of a procedure with C prototype void process_handle(..., char[], ...); can process a character array that is argument associated with a C string as a Fortran string: Subroutine process_string(..., str, ...) Bind(C) Character(Kind=C_char), Dimension(*), Target :: str ... Character(Kind=C_char, Len=:), Pointer :: f_str => Null() Call C_F_Strpointer(str, f_str, maxlen) ! f_str is now pointing at storage associated with the ! C string actual parameter ... End Subroutine process_string The following statements indicate how to process a C character pointer as a Fortran string: Character(kind=C_char, Len=:), Pointer :: f_str => Null() Call C_F_Strpointer(get_current_dir_name(), f_str, maxlen) ! f_str is now pointing at storage associated with the string ! returned by the C library call ... ! clean up allocation done by the C library call Call free(C_Loc(f_str)) f_str => Null() For both scenarios, the value of the length of f_str will be that of the strlen() C library call for the corresponding C string, unless that value exceeds maxlen." (Thanks to Steve Lionel for suggesting significant improvements). In C_FUNLOC after [499:24] add a new para 7 "Example. The C library function "qsort" allows to perform sorting of arrays of any type. Assuming that the intrinsic module Iso_C_Binding is accessed, an interoperable Fortran interface for it is provided by Interface Subroutine qsort(base, nmemb, size, compar) Bind(C) Import, Only : C_ptr, C_size_t, C_funptr Type(*), Dimension(*) :: base Integer(C_size_t), Value :: nmemb, size Type(C_funptr), Value :: compar End Subroutine qsort End Interface The programmer is obliged to supply a C function pointer to a comparison routine in a call to "qsort". For example, to perform reverse sorting of an integer array, an interoperable procedure like Integer(C_Int) Function reverse_compare(a, b) Bind(C) Type(*) :: a, b ... ! cast a, b to C_int (cf. example in and calculate ... ! reverse-compared function value End Function might be used. The "qsort" routine can then be invoked as follows: Integer(C_size_t), Parameter :: nmemb = 10 Integer(C_int) :: iarr(nmemb) = [ 1, 4, 7, 3, 8, 10, 2, 5, 9, 6 ] Call qsort(iarr, nmemb, C_Sizeof(iarr(1)), C_Funloc(reverse_compare)) ! iarr now contains the reverse-sorted permutation of its input value" In C_LOC after [500:3] add a new para 10 "Example. Type(*), Intent(in), Target :: x Real(C_float), Pointer :: pr => null() If "x" is argument associated with an object of type Real(C_float), execution of the following statements is permissible: Call C_F_Pointer(C_Loc(x), pr) ! effectively, a type cast Write(*, '("x is a real scalar with value: ",F8.1)') pr An example of how to use C_Loc on an array object of non- interoperable type is supplied in, for Case (ii) of that section." In C_SIZEOF after [500:15] add a new para 7 "Example. Consider the following equivalent C and Fortran programs: Use, Intrinsic :: Iso_C_Binding, Only : C_sizeof, C_int Integer(Kind=C_int) :: ia(3) Write(*,*) C_Sizeof(ia) End #include int ia[3]; int main() { printf("%li\n", sizeof(ia)); } If the representation of a C int uses four bytes, the value printed by both programs will be 12. NOTE 1: The sizeof operator in C can also produce the size of a type specifier. This functionality is not available in the Fortran procedure C_SIZEOF. NOTE 2: Due to padding imposed by the companion processor, the value returned for derived type objects might be larger than the sum of C_SIZEOF values calculated for each type component individually." In F_C_STRING after [500:29] add a new para "Example. CHARACTER(LEN=9,KIND=c_char) :: str = 'abcdef ' CHARACTER(LEN=:,KIND=c_char), ALLOCATABLE :: res res = F_C_STRING(str, .TRUE.) ! res is allocated to length 10, with '\0' as last character res = F_C_STRING(str) ! res is allocated to length 7, with '\0' as last character"