To: J3 J3/21-135r1 From: Van Snyder & Malcolm Cohen Subject: Improving security of type-bound elemental functions Date: 2021-June-22 Reference: 19-186, 21-007 This paper contains several proposals for a new feature, and as such, these need to be considered for Fortran 202y (or later). We have not yet started accepting features for F202y, and so discussion of the technical merits at this time would be premature. Therefore, there will be no action on this paper at this meeting. (It is noted that it is possible to do some of this already, by using embedding. That may be less convenient or less efficient.) (It is further noted that the generic programming feature for Fortran 202y might include capabilities addressing some of these issues/functionality.) Original text of the r0 follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussion ---------- The passed-object dummy argument of a function bound to an extensible type is required to be polymorphic. A generic operator binding is required to have a passed-object dummy argument. If an operation is expected to have a result that is of the same dynamic type as its arguments, this can only be accomplished in one of two ways: (1) The result is polymorphic, which requires it to be allocatable or a pointer, or (2) the function is overridden in every extension. If the function is elemental, the result cannot be allocatable or a pointer, and therefore cannot be polymorphic. There is no way that the author of a class can require functions to be overridden. Therefore, if one develops a class to solve a particular problem, and it is later extended, perhaps by a different author, to solve a related problem, elemental functions and generic elemental operator bindings that are not overridden necessarily return nonpolymorphic results of the base type. This is dangerous. Proposal 1 ---------- In addition to allowing a CLASSOF declaration for an allocatable or pointer function result, allow it for a function result that is neither allocatable nor a pointer, provided the in the CLASSOF declaration specifies a nonoptional nonallocatable nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument of that function. Where the function is type bound, if the result is not allocatable or a pointer, require the in the CLASSOF declaration to refer to the passed-object dummy argument. Prohibiting the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute for the allows the dynamic type of the result to be determined at the moment function execution commences. This also limits the to dummy arguments, but allowing a host-associated dummy argument in this role is probably unwise. Specify that if the result is neither allocatable nor a pointer, the dynamic type of the result is the same as the dynamic type of the in the CLASSOF declaration (which can be determined when function execution commences because the is neither allocatable nor a pointer, and not optional). This allows the result of an elemental function to be polymorphic with the same declared and dynamic type as the passed-object dummy argument. In an elemental reference, the result is an array with elements of homogeneous dynamic type because the actual argument associated with the passed-object dummy argument is an array with elements of homogeneous dynamic type. Proposal 2 ---------- Allow a , say SHALL_OVERRIDE, that specifies a type-bound procedure or generic binding must be overridden in extensions. Thereby, in case the result of a type-bound elemental function is not CLASSOF, the author of a base type can require that the author of an extension type is required to override the binding, and hopefully will have the sense to provide one with a result type that is the same as the extension type. Proposal 1 is a better solution to the type-bound elemental function problem, but Proposal 2 has merit on its own. Proposal 3 ---------- As Vipul Parekh advocated in 19-186, provide a , say NON_EXTENSIBLE, that prohibits a type from being extended. Thereby, one need not worry that a type-bound elemental function will be invoked with arguments of an extended type, but return a result of the base type. One can still "extend" such a type by including a component of its type in an "extension" type. This is the old way, but it still works. It is already specified (C765) that the passed-object dummy argument of a procedure bound to a nonextensible type cannot be polymorphic. Presently, the only nonextensible types are BIND and SEQUENCE types (and C_PTR and C_FUNPTR, which might be BIND, but this appears not to be specified anywhere). SEQUENCE types are undesirable because objects of SEQUENCE types have equivalent type according to their types' structures (which it is the author's responsibility to ensure), not their declarations (which the processor can enforce). Proposal 1 is a better solution to the type-bound elemental function problem, but Proposal 3 has merit on its own. Edits 1 (to guage the scope) ---------------------------- [56:28 Type Specifier Syntax C708] Remove "or CLASSOF". [56:29+ Type Specifier Syntax] Insert a new constraint: "C708a An entity declared with the CLASSOF keyword shall be a dummy argument or function result, or have the ALLOCATABLE or POINTER attribute. If it is a function result that is neither allocatable nor a pointer, the shall specify a nonoptional nonallocatable nonpointer polymorphic dummy argument of the same function." [79:36+ 7.5.5 Type-bound procedures] Insert a new constraint: "C786a If NOPASS does not appear, the type-bound procedure is a function, the result is declared using the CLASSOF keyword, and the result is neither allocatable nor a pointer, the in the CLASSOF declaration shall specify the passed-object dummy argument." [329:31+ Function subprogram] Insert a paragraph: "If the function result is declared using the CLASSOF keyword and is neither allocatable nor a pointer, the dynamic type of the result is the same as the dynamic type of the dummy argument specified by the in the CLASSOF declaration." Edits 2 (to guage the scope) ---------------------------- [79:30+ 7.5.5 Type-bound procedures] Add an alternative to R752 : " <> SHALL_OVERRIDE" [80:2+ 7.5.5 Type-bound procedures] Insert a new constraint: "C790a In an extention type, every procedure binding in the parent type that has the SHALL_OVERRIDE attribute shall be overridden, and the binding in the extension type shall have the SHALL_OVERRIDE attribute." Edits 3 (to guage the scope) ---------------------------- [67:14+ Syntax of a derived-type definition] Add an alternative to R728 : " <> NON_EXTENSIBLE" [82:29-29 Extensible, extended, and abstract types] Replace the paragraph: "A derived type that does not have the NON_EXTENSIBLE, BIND, or SEQUENCE attribute is an extensible type." Insert a note "The types C_PTR and C_FUNPTR from the intrinsic module ISO_C_BINDING are not extensible." [494:2 18.3.2p1 Interoperability with C pointer types] After "with" insert "the NON_EXTENSIBLE attribute and". Alternative: After "with" insert "the BIND attribute and".