To: J3 J3/21-183 From: John Reid Subject: US 21 Enum type name. Date: 2021-October-16 Reference: 21-007r2 Discussion ---------- The meaning of "enum type" is defined by 7.6.1 Interoperable enumerations and enum types, para 3 [88:28-89:1]: "If enum-type-name appears in an enum-def, the enum-def defines the enum type with that name. An enum type is an interoperable type." and the name "enum type" is emphasized by the subclause title. While 21-007r2 mostly uses "enum type", it occasionally uses "interoperable enum type". This is not incorrect, but it gives the impression that there are some enum types that are not interoperable. The editor tells me that he choose to use that term in places to draw the distinction between interoperable enum types and (noninteroperable) enumeration types, but would be agreeable to any of these choices a Drop "interoperable" and just call them "enum types", b Keep "interoperable", omitting it when confusion seems less likely (the status quo), or c Keep "interoperable", and insert it nearly everywhere except if it makes the sentence unreadable. He would like the committee to straw vote these alternatives. I am strongly in favour of option a. When trying to fully understand US 21 as it is now in 007, I soon got used to the difference between enum and enumerator types. enum types are based on what is in the present standard and enumerator types are the new noninteroperable type. I did not find the adjective "interoperable" helpful. Edits for option a are included here. Edits to 21-007r2 ----------------- Delete "interoperable" from "interoperable enum type" in the following places: [58:16] 7.3.3 Type compatibility, para 1. [88:9,11] 7.6.1 Interoperable enumerations and enum types, para 1, sentences 1 and 3. [90:NOTE 6] 7.6.1 Interoperable enumerations and enum types, NOTE 6. [244:3] 12.6.3 Data transfer input/output list, para 6. [276:4] General rules, para 1. [290:1] List-directed input forms, para 3. [295:2] Namelist input values, para 6.