To: J3 J3/22-112 From: John Reid Subject: US 22, conditional expressions and arguments Date: 2022-January-29 Reference: 22-007 Discussion ---------- I think I have found a glitch associated with conditional arguments. In 15.5.1 Syntax of a procedure reference, C1539 states "Either all s in a shall have the same rank, or be assumed-rank." and C1545 states "In a reference to a generic procedure, each in a shall have the same corank, ..." It is therefore wrong to say in Conditional argument correspondence, para 4, that the corank of a is that of its s. This should be the case only if all the s have the same corank. Edits are suggested. Edits to 22-007 --------------- [320:16] In Conditional argument correspondence, para 4, sentence 1, change "rank, and corank" to "and rank", so that the sentence reads "The , , and rank of a are those of its s." [320:18] In Conditional argument correspondence, at the end of para 4, add sentence "If and only if all of its s have the same corank, it has this corank." ===END===