To: J3 J3/22-113 From: John Reid & Reinhold Bader Subject: Interp - corresponding coarrays in recursive procedure Date: 2022-February-02 Reference: 18-007r1 QUESTIONS: Consider the following program program recu_caf_1 call csub( 1 ) contains recursive subroutine csub ( depth ) integer :: depth real, allocatable :: x[:] integer :: k if (this_image() == depth) then allocate(x[*], source=real(depth)) else if (depth < num_images()) then call csub ( depth + 1 ) end if if (allocated(x)) then write(*, *) "image: ", this_image(), "depth: ", depth, & "x: ", (x[k],k = 1, num_images()) else write(*, *) "image: ", this_image(), "depth: ", depth, & "x not allocated" end if end subroutine end program Question 1: Is it intended that program recu_caf_1 conform to the standard? It creates a single coarray that is accessible on image i only at recursion depth i. Question 2: Assume that the SAVE attribute is added to the declaration of coarray "x" above. Does the modified program conform to the standard? ANSWERS: Q1: No, it was not intended to permit unsaved procedure-local coarrays allocated at different recursion levels on different images to correspond. An edit is provided to prohibit this. Q2: Yes, this program is conforming. Due to the SAVE attribute, only one instance of the coarray exists, and it is immaterial on which level of recursion the allocation on any particular image is performed. EDIT to 18-007r1: [134:17] In Execution of an ALLOCATE statement, at the end of para 3, add "If the coarray is an unsaved local variable in a recursive procedure, the execution of the ALLOCATE statement shall be at the same depth of recursion on every active image in the current team."