To: J3 J3/22-152r1 From: Malcolm Cohen Subject: Editor's report for 22-007r1 Date: 2022-April-22 1. Papers with edits passed at meeting 226 (numerical order) 22-102r1 22-112 22-140 22-106 22-117r2 22-142 22-108r1 22-119 22-143r1 22-111 22-139r2 22-144 2. Application of the paper in the order of their passing. 22-111. DIFFERENT [93:35] "as scalar-expr" -> "as the scalar-expr". Indexed the use of enum constructor. Done. 22-117r2. Unluckily, the text for HUGE is now two lines in the table. Done. 22-112. [320:16] Hyperlinked/indexed "rank". DIFFERENT: "If all of its consequent-args have the same corank, it has that corank; otherwise it has corank zero." {All data objects have corank, just mostly zero.} Done. 22-106. WRONG PLACE [503:11] Did the edit to [503:7]. COMMENT [505:14] I wasn't going to do this, as being inline in a sentence, extra punctuation does not make it more readable; but I did it to improve the line breaking. Done. 22-119. EXTRA: Also corrected one place where the wrong year was applied to the 60559 standard. Done. 22-140. DIFFERENT [251:35-37] "at the point where the child data transfer statement was invoked" ->"at the moment when the defined input/output procedure was invoked", as it is a point in time, and procedures are invoked but statements are executed. I chose the word "moment", as that means a specific point in time, whereas "time" can mean a period of time. Done. 22-102r1. DIFFERENT: Changed second "with" to "and with". Done. 22-108r1. DIFFERENT [142:6+] We do not mix up type-spec and source-expr; the source-expr version of C941 for example is C951. So I made this two constraints. Done. 22-139r2. DIFFERENT [xii:2] Applied the latest official boilerplate. We're strongly encouraged to have a brief list of "main changes" in the Foreword. I do not think that this serves any real purpose, but as someone in ISO Secretariat added it, I thought we should attempt to comply. So I added such a list. Perhaps it should be shorter. Please don't suggest making it longer. Done. 22-143r1. Done. 22-142. EXTRA: Hyperlinked, and in some cases indexed, the use of "named constant" consistently throughout the document. EXTRA: [89:10,12,14] "scalar-int-constant-expr is specified" -> "scalar-int-constant-expr appears", "is not specified" -> "does not appear", twice. {This avoids the awkward wording in case (1) with "is specified... has the value specified by". We do quite often use "appears" for syntactic existence, so this is in accordance with our style.} EXTRA [165:18-19] After "If it is an enum constructor, it is scalar and" "its type are" -> "its type is" {Fix another mistake in number.} Done. 22-144. Done. ===END===