To: J3 J3/22-199 From: John Reid Subject: DIS edits re "ultimate component" Date: 2022-October-18 References: N2203 (Corrigendum 2), N2205 (Defect Report), N2209 (DIS) Discussion ---------- In the changes imported from Corrigendum 2, there are five places (see edits below) where what was "ultimate component" in coarray contexts in Fortran 2018 needs to be "potential subobject component" in Fortran 2023. Edits to the DIS ---------------- In Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, para 1, item (3) (e), change "ultimate component" to "potential subobject component" so that the item becomes "Action that affects the value of the entity or any subobject of it shall be taken only through the dummy argument unless ..., or the dummy argument has a coarray potential subobject component and the action is a coindexed definition of the corresponding coarray by a different image." In Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, para 1, item (4) (e), change "ultimate component" to "potential subobject component" so that the item becomes "If the value of the entity or any subobject of it is affected through the dummy argument, then at any time during the invocation and execution of the procedure, either before or after the definition, it shall be referenced only through that dummy argument unless ..., or the dummy argument has a coarray potential subobject component and the reference is a coindexed reference of the corresponding coarray by a different image." In Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments, final note (NOTE 5), first sentence, change "ultimate component" to "potential subobject component" so that the sentence becomes "The exceptions to the aliasing restrictions for dummy arguments that are coarrays or have coarray potential subobject components enable cross-image access while the procedure is executing." In 16.9.54 CO_BROADCAST, argument A, final sentence change "ultimate component" to "potential subobject component" twice so that the sentence becomes "If no error condition occurs, A becomes defined, as if by intrinsic assignment, on all images in the current team with the value of A on image SOURCE_IMAGE, including (re)allocation of any allocatable potential subobject component, and setting the dynamic type of any polymorphic allocatable potential subobject component."