To: J3 J3/23-173 From: Jeff Hammond Subject: MPI Liason Report Date: 2023-June-11 Two tickets related to Fortran that have passed their second and final vote, and therefore will be part of the next release of MPI (4.1) are: 1. MPI will refer to Fortran 2018 instead of Fortran 2008 + TS 29113 where appropriate, which reflects the current state of Fortran. 2. The mpif.h interface will be deprecated. This interace has many flaws (listed in the MPI document). The API will still be available from mpi.mod, which we cannot deprecate even though mpi_f08.mod is unconditionally better. The ABI standardization effort is going well. The current goal is an ABI-only release as MPI 4.2 in 2024. The latest draft of the text addresses C and Fortran, and will have zero overhead in Fortran for all common use cases, which is currently true in MPICH but not Open MPI. A paper on ABI standardization efforts has been submitted to EuroMPI 2023, and is available to WG5/J3 members upon request. Implementing the full feature set required by MPI 3.0 for Fortran subarrays has proved more difficult than expected and may be the subject of clarifications in future releases of MPI. In particular, the combination of non-contiguous subarray buffers and user-defined datatypes - an unlikely use case - appears to require an inefficient implementation, or at least extensive metadata processing.