To: J3 J3/23-194 From: Steve Lionel Subject: F202Y Add maximum rank/corank constants to ISO_FORTRAN_ENV Date: 2023-June-14 With the advent of assumed-rank, along with templates and generic programming, it can be useful for a program to know what the maximum possible rank and corank is for the current processor. The standard requires specifies 15 (rank and corank together may not exceed 15), but we deliberately changed SELECT RANK to allow higher values in a select-rank-case-stmt in a standard-conforming program; if a processor does not support a higher rank that case is never executed. Some algorithms may want to allocate structures based on the maximum possible rank or corank, but there is no way to determine this value programmatically. The proposed feature is "Add named constants for a processor's maximum rank and corank to intrinsic module ISO_FORTRAN_ENV." to satisfy this need.