To: J3 J3/23-217 From: Brad Richardson Subject: Usable Polymorphism in Coarrays Date: 2023-September-27 1. Introduction =============== At present there constraints preventing the (effective) use of polymorphic entities within a coarray. This eliminates the possibility of using patterns or techniques involving polymorphism in many areas of parallel or distributed computing. This paper suggests adding this as a work item for F202Y, along with a possible avenue to enabling it. 2. A Possible Relaxation to Allow Polymorphic Entities in Coarrays ================================================================== Currently the following constraints prevent the use of polymorphism in coarrays. > C917 (R911) Except as an actual argument to an intrinsic inquiry function or as the designator in a type parameter inquiry, a data-ref shall not be a coindexed object that has a polymorphic allocatable potential subobject component. > C918 Except as an actual argument to an intrinsic inquiry function or as the designator in a type parameter inquiry, if the rightmost part-ref is polymorphic, no other part-ref shall be coindexed. > C1528 (R1522) A data-ref shall not be a polymorphic subobject of a coindexed object. > Note 1: When resolving type-bound procedure references, constraints on the use of coindexed objects ensure that the coindexed object (on the remote image) has the same dynamic type as the corresponding object on the local image. Thus a processor can resolve the type-bound procedure using the coarray variable on its own image and pass the coindexed object as the actual argument. It has also been suggested that defining an entity that has polymorphic components on a remote image may require (re)allocation of those components. Since all known technologies used to implement the parallel features do not allow allocation of memory on a remote image, the constraints are intended to prevent such use. It may be possible and desirable to reference polymorphic entities on a remote image. The following modifications to the above constraints may be sufficient to achieve this. > C917 (R911) If data-ref is a coindexed object that has a polymorphic allocatable potential subobject component it shall not appear in a variable definition context. > C918 If the rightmost part-ref is polymorphic and any other part-ref is coindexed, the data-ref shall not appear in a variable definition context. Delete C1528 and Note 1. 3. A Real World Use Case ======================== In designing an extensible framework for asynchronous task execution, a need for a payload type to communicate inputs and outputs to tasks becomes apparent. An example of such a framework can be found in the following GitHub repository. At present, the payload consists of an array of integers as its component. Thus a user of the framework must devise a way to serialize and deserialize any data they wish to communicate between tasks into such a representation. If the payload component could be unlimited polymorphic, the serialization would just require appropriate allocation of the payload component, and deserialization would require only a SELECT TYPE construct. A simpler example that illustrates the desired capability is shown below. program main implicit none type, abstract :: parent end type type, extends(parent) :: child character(len=:), allocatable :: message end type type :: wrapper class(parent), allocatable :: item end type type(wrapper) :: coarray[*] if (this_image() == 1) then coarray%item = child("Hello, World!") end if sync all if (this_image() /= 1) then coarray%item = coarray[1]%item end if select type (the_item => coarray%item) type is (child) print *, the_item%message end select end program